How soon we forget persons and things? How short a time elapses before memory fails to recall the small things of life. Notable events, or some grand occurrence, or the things that have transpired long ago, in our boyhood days, are apt to be remembered, while the trivial matters of yesterday are forgotten. This is often the case with individuals, or persons who leave their homes to settle in other parts of the country. We may have had business with them and been on very familiar terms, but only a short time passes before they are almost forgotten’ their names are seldom mentioned, and they are to us as parties who are dead. We have in our mind’s eye, at this moment, a man who once flourished in the business world of Milton. He was probably the alpha of that world, he has been gone from this place but a short time; yet his name is scarcely even recalled, and his business ventures and other deeds are almost forgotten, except by those who have come to remember them. We can call up the gist of history, biography and other readings of years ago, and yet some little paragraph we read yesterday in the morning paper we have forgotten. We have often heard aged people make complaint about the caprices of memory, and the above was suggested by such a complaint. We must, however, believe there is much in the manner we cultivate our memories; and the receptivity of the mind is in a great measure the parent of the retentiveness of the memory. We are all constituted differently in mind, as well as in physique, and the giants of mind and memory are often pigmies in avoirdupois, and vice versa. We wish we had room to enlarge upon this subject, but our comments have already consumed our space, and we desist.
A heavy rain commenced falling on Thursday about midnight, and continued until morning. Union Street north was cut by the running water for the first time since it has been stoned; and in the country roads adjacent to town the ruts are obliterated and traveling impeded to some extent.
“Big Thursday” on Broadkiln Beach was a gala day. There were more persons present that on any former Thursday for years. The time-honored violins—three of them—were busy, and Josh Bailey was in his glory. The usual program for that day was carried out in full, and all were happy and delighted—and most of them sober.
Conwell & Co. have received a vessel load of nut coal, which they are retailing at $6.50 per ton.
On Wednesday, as Miss Virginia Brockington[i] of this town, and Miss Clara Gray, of Dagsboro, were driving down Federal Street, the horse became unmanageable and ran away with them. Before reaching the turn into Front Street the animal was caught by James Jester, and perhaps the ladies saved from a serious accident.
At the drawing for E. N. Lofland’s yacht, which took place on Wednesday, J. M. Lank, first officer of the S. S. T. T. and D. Co., held the successful number—fifty. Mr. Lank says he already has had applicants to charter the boat, but he declines to do so. He thinks he will put her on the lake and go to catching “mud turtles”.
Col. Wainwright, pension agent of Wilmington, will be at the Trust Company’s Bank on the 26th, for the purpose of consulting with old soldiers regarding their pension claims.
The Broadkiln Canning Company at Harbeson commenced canning tomatoes last week, and the Milton canneries began on Tuesday of this week.
Conwell & Co. have commenced to but tomatoes at the station. They made their first shipment of 172 baskets to Baltimore on Thursday of last week.
A large wash at the waste-gates of Wagamon Brothers’ mill dam needs attending to. The firm expects to make some repairs other than this soon.
James A. Betts, carpenter and joiner, has about completed the improvements on Dr. W. J. Hearn’s naphtha launch for this season. The boat is finished in oak, with sash and glass all around the house; and nicely laid off in rooms. Truly a nice and modern craft for pleasure around the bay. She will be taken to the beach this week.
Mr. Alfred Q. Littleton and Miss Jennie R. Tomlinson, daughter of Captain Tomlinson, of Drawbridge, were joined in matrimony at Nassau, on Wednesday evening, by the Rev. C. W. Strickland.
A colored camp meeting commenced at Hazzard’s Woods near the end of Milton Lane, on Saturday.
On Sunday morning a dog invaded the yard of Fred Welch. And attacked his chickens. His pet crow, seeing the situation of the chickens, took a hand, and the dog turned on him. The crow became entangled in a wire fence, and the dog caught and killed him. The same dog on the evening of the same day, slightly chewed J. B. Welch’s youngest son. His injuries are but slight. Let the good work go on; and if we can gather anything from the storm clouds that are gathering, the Milton Town Council will hear something drop about October.
Henry Wilkinson, editor of the “Carolina Sun,” published at Ridgely, Md., was a Milton visitor on Sunday.
But few people attended the camp meeting at Zoar from this town on Sunday.
Beardsley & Lofland have just burnt another kiln of 143,000 bricks.
On Thursday evening Endeavor Lodge No. 17, A. F. and A. M., installed the following officers: Thomas B. Wilson, W. M.; J. C. Lank, S. W.; W. H. Fox, Jr. W.; I. C. King, Sr. D.; D. H. Reed, Jr. D.; I. W. Nailor, Sr. Steward; and J. L. Black, Jr. Steward.[ii]
A movement is now in progress to organize another cornet band in town.
S. J. Wilson has as fine a crop of millet on his lot in North Milton, as can be found anywhere in the county.
Mr. J. C. Hazzard returned to town on Monday, after having spent a month in Wilmington, visiting his daughter and son-in-law, Dr. P. W. and Mrs. Tomlinson.
Prof. Fearing has this week been doing some paper hanging for Alfred Megee on the David Eunis farm near Harbeson.
Isaac W. Nailor has commenced to raise the frame work of the new building on Federal Street.
Miss Fannie Welch, with her aged mother, of Passaic, N. J., is visiting her brother, Mr. Peter Welch.
Wm. F. Lank, of Philadelphia, is the guest of his mother, brother, grandmother, and a host of friends.
The Georgetown and Milton baseball clubs played in Milton on Monday afternoon. Score, Milton 6, Georgetown 1.
A car loaded with tomatoes, belonging to Conwell & CO., being improperly managed backed into another car and upset things generally. The car had to be unloaded and a new shipment made. The write was a witness to the occurrence.
Edward Bryan, one of Milton’s adept carpenters who is rusticating on Broadkiln Beach, was in town on Tuesday. He returned to the beach on Wednesday.
[i] Virginia’s last name is actually Brockinton, daughter of Mary Louise Wolfe Brockinton, widow of Dr. Brockinton. This is one of the more persistent name misspellings.
[ii] W. M. = Worshipful Master; S. W. = Senior Warden; Jr. W. = Junior Warden, Sr. D. = Senior Deacon; Jr. D. = Junior Deacon