The last of a triumvirate, whom, a few years ago, were classed as “the three great men of Europe,” has passed away: Gladstone[i], “the grand old man,” has gone; Bismark[ii], “the man of blood,” has followed, and now Pope Leo XIII, “the head of the Romish Church,” has passed away. We have been intending to write a few thoughts that have presented themselves since the death of the late Pope, but have been awaiting more definite news from the Vatican and more particulars from Rome. And why? We cannot tell. No one, who has any knowledge of civil or ecclesiastical history, will doubt that the late pontiff was a great man, both in church and State; that he did much for the benefit of mankind in general, for the advancement of the papal church in particular, and for the universal renown of the Holy See. But we must remember that Pope Leo lived in an age of greater civilization than did his predecessors, that the temporal power of the Pope has been shown, hat European civic and governmental laws are not now formulated at Rome, and that Protestantism is preached beneath the very walls of the Vatican. The status of the Romish Church today is due only to the enlightenment of the age, and the rights of man. We live far in the advance of the days of the middle ages when Pope Innocent III ruled the Holy See and Count Raymond of Toulouse, the defender of the persecuted Albigenses, suffered his diabolical and damnable revenge[iii]. We live in other das that those in which the Inquisition did its horrid work in the name of the Holy Virgin and of Christianity deeds, the very thoughts of which cause the hearty to sink, and the cheeks to blanch, and at which history blushes and biography turns pale at their recital. Remembering all this, and much more, we can see, in part, why Pope Leo XIII was a better man than any who have filled the papal chair. The atrocities committed by the Romish Church, in the name of religion, in the dark and middle ages, would never be tolerated in this age; and if the natural disposition of the late Pontiff, couple with an innate Christian character, had not led him into the role of a reformer, the requirements of mankind, and the advanced thought of the people would have forced him to have been what he was, the leading light of Europe.
Some years ago we listened to an address by Professor Bab, delivered before the “teachers’ institute,” then held in Georgetown. In this address he related an incident of a very large country youth who wrote a composition consisting of sixteen pages of foolscap[iv] paper, on the interesting subject of “Corncobs.” We presume our readers who have followed is in the past two or three weeks, will thing we are making a hobby of the ever interesting subject of “Dogs.” Well, we have them, and how are we going to get clear of them, unless we drive them off by the force of public opinion> A few evenings since while the family were at supper it came on to rain very hard; after the meal was finished one of the family went into the summer kitchen and there […] a dog, on the floor, by the stove. She simply said “out!” and it got. To the credit of the Milton digs be it said, that when they pay one a personal visit they are generally very polite and if by act, or […], one shows his disapproval of their presence they leave without expostulation.
E. N. Lofland built a yacht the past spring 16 ft. long, 4½ beam, and 30 inches depth of hold. This boat is nicely painted and sparred, has a fine sail and good […]. Mr. Lofland proposes to […] off this boat. He intends to issue sixty tickets at 50 cents each, and as soon as the […] are sold the […] will be made.
L. B. Chandler is having the growth on the meadow on the north side of the river, near the bridge, cut off. This is done yearly, and the growth thus cut help to fill the lagoon, which, in the course of many years, may become desirable land.
The flour mill of Wagamon Brothers has been undergoing some special repairs the past week.
Joseph Fields has had a pavement laid in front of his residence and place of business.
The “Big Store” has again secured a large invoice of goods.
Anderson & Co. shipped, the first of the week, their last lot of canned tomatoes.
Mr. William Chandler, formerly of this town, but now of Scranton, Pa., paid Milton a short visit last week, Mr. Chandler and family arte enjoying the breezes at Rehoboth, stopping at the Douglass House. Mrs. L Chandler, mother of Mr. Chandler, is also stopping with them.
Prof. Willard F. Deputy, the newly elected principal of or public schools, met the Board in conference last week. At the meeting, it was decoded to make the school term eight months, for the present year. The Board, also, reduced the salary of the principal from $65 to $50; and that of the first assistant from $40 to $35. The rest remain the same–$35 per month. A committee, appoint by the Board, at a previous meeting, report that there has been no record kept of the distribution of school books to pupils, not their collection since Prof. John A. Collins was principal of the schools; and that there have been about $400 worth of books bought during the past two years, and about one third of them are missing; as the amount of the bills for the books have not been filled in on the order stubs it is impossible for the committee to make a report, only approximately correct. The above is a report of one of the committee, and speaks for itself.
There are few peaches in the vicinity of Milton, but the railroad connections are such that no perishable articles can be sent north with certainty, and, therefore, no persons who will risk the transportation of peaches by the Queen Anne’s route. We are authorized to state authoritatively by “one who knows,” that there will be a steamboat to ply between and Milton and Philadelphia next season. Same old cry. But it may come some time!
The camp meeting at Lavina’s woods opened on Saturday. There was a good gathering on Sunday, and expectations are high for a grand social time, and a week of financial success. The cheap fare now to Milton via Cape May has brought many visitors from Philadelphia and points in New Jersey, many who are acquainted in town, and who the people are glad to see. Too many for us to attempt to individualize, for should we do so, and unintentionally omit any we should be accused of discrimination.
Robert Morris, who has been quite sick with typhoid fever, is convalescing.
The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Reed, wife of Abraham Reed, of Lewes, held at Zion on Sunday, is said to have been the largest funeral held there for many years. Rev. L. F. Corkran conducted the obsequies and interment was made in the church yard adjoining.
The shirt factory of Douglass & White closed on Saturday to give its employees a chance to attend the camp meeting. The vacation will be for two weeks.
An agent for the Delaware and Maryland Telegraph and Telephone Company came to Milton on Friday and cut the wire of the phone leading into the National Bank, and took the phone from the drug store of W. T. Starkey. He could not take the phone from the bank, as Mr. Conwell owns it. Anyone wishing to know the reason why this was done will inquire further only as the circumstances are too lengthy to relate here. This line was but little account to the people, but of great convenience to the National Bank. Only telephone communications could be sent to Lewes, or along the line of the Queen Anne’s Railroad; whereas the Diamond State Telephone Company has a phone at the store of C. H. Atkins, where you can talk to parties all over the country.
The church at Harbeson has been closed until September, to give the minister an opportunity to visit camp meetings.
The Broadkiln Canning Company will commence to can peas this week.
J. H. Davidson is building the new school house at Beaver Dam. S. A. Jarvis purchased the old one on Saturday evening for $11.50.
On Monday evening the horse attached to the deliver wagon of Betts and Collins ran away, knocking down Willia Nears’ barber pole and breaking the whippletree[v] of the wagon.
[…], who has been consigned to another […], cut the harness of Dr. R. B. Hopkins on Sunday night, in Lavina’s camp ground. Seldom do such actions as this […]; yet it is related that on a certain time “when the sons of God assembled themselves to […] her the devil also appeared among them.” And if this was the case in the days of the […] can we expect any better now?
Stewart Walton and Howard […] of Milford spent Sunday with friends in town.
An examination for appointments of […] was held in the school house on Tuesday morning. There were five candidates present.
[i] William Ewart Gladstone (1809 – 1898) was a British Liberal politician. In a career lasting over sixty years, he served as Prime Minister four separate times, more than any other person, and served as Chancellor of the Exchequer four times
[ii] Otto von Bismarck (1815 – 1898), was a conservative Prussian statesman who dominated German and European affairs from the 1860s until 1890. He was one of the principal actors in the unification of the German states.
[iii] Pope Innocent III (1160 – 1216) was a vigorous opponent of heresy, and undertook campaigns against it. At the beginning of his pontificate, he focused on the Albigenses, also known as the Cathars, a sect that had become widespread in southwestern France, then under the control of local princes, such as the Counts of Toulouse. The Cathars rejected the authority and the teachings of the Catholic Church, and what they viewed in it as corrupt.
In 1199, Pope Innocent III condemned the public preaching of heretical teachers. Two Cistercian monks were sent to dispute the teachings of the Cathars and to reassert papal authority. The murder of Pierre de Castelnau — Innocent’s legate — in 1208, by unknown assailants commonly believed to be friends of Count Raymond of Toulouse (who was not a Cathar), caused Innocent to change his methods from words to weapons. Innocent called upon King Philip II Augustus of France to suppress the Albigenses. Under the leadership of Simon de Montfort, 5th Earl of Leicester, a campaign was launched, the Albigensian Crusade, which led to the slaughter of approximately 20,000 men, women and children, Cathar and Catholic alike and brought the region firmly under the control of the king of France. It was directed not only against heretical Christians, but also the nobility of Toulouse and vassals of the Crown of Aragon.
[iv] paper cut to the size of 8 1⁄2 × 13 1⁄2 inches, a traditional size used in Europe and the British Commonwealth before the adoption of the standard A4 paper size.
[v] a mechanism to distribute force evenly through linkages. The mechanism may also be referred to as an equalizer, leader bar or double tree.