Milton is now overrun with worthless dogs, and there are so many now on the streets that it has become a great nuisance. lt is hoped that the Town Council will take some action in this matter, and if they do not, the residents have threatened to use shot guns.
A committee has been appointed by the Board of Trade of this town to prepare an amendment to the Town Charter which will be presented to the Legislature in the near future. The amendment proposes to reduce the number of commissioners from nine to five, and to allow the people of the town to vote for or against bonding the town for funds to be used in the erection of an electric light plant and the installation of water works. Milton should keep up with the times, and the need of these two new improvements have long been felt by the progressive element of the town. The people are especially urging the laying of a water system, as no town of any size should be without it.
Oysters have been scarce in the Milton market, and are in great demand. Broadkiln oysters were in the local market on Wednesday of last week for the first time in nearly a month.
The hours in which the postal office of this town will be open in the future are as follows: From 6 a. m. to 9 p. m. Postmaster Manship has so signified by having a notice posted in the building.
Rev. C. S. Baker, Presiding Elder of the Dover District, preached a very interesting sermon in the M. E. Church on Sunday. The revival services of the church have now closed, and the preacher is now making preparation for the annual conference.
The Christian Endeavor Society of the M. P. Church held a very “interesting “meeting on Sunday evening last. The topic: “Bible Lessons From Some Failures,” was thoroughly discussed, and much interest was manifested.
The Sr. O. U. A. M. gave a banquet at their Hall on Monday evening. Refreshments were served at Fireman’s Hall. About one hundred people were present. Speeches were made by Rev. H. S. Johnson, Rev. Frank Holland, I. W. Nailor. J. M. Lank, Wm. Maull, Wm. W. Conwell, S. J. Wilson, and John H. Davidson. The tables were beautifully filled with the season’s luxuries, and all expressed themselves as having a good time.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fox gave a party Saturday evening, in honor of their daughter Lydia, it being her tenth birthday. There were several of the little folks of-town present.
The Fourth Quarterly _Conference of the M. E. Church met Friday evening. All reports were good and the pastor, L. P. Corkran, was unanimously invited to return.
Mrs. Culver and Mrs. Corkran visited the schools last week for the purpose of requesting the teachers to teach “Scientific Temperance” in the schools. They consented.
The Epworth League Cabinet meeting of the M. E. Church was held at the home of Miss Sallie Polk on Tuesday evening.
The Epworth League reading course will meet at the home of Miss Lillian Cade Saturday evening[i].
About two hundred of the citizens of Milton attended a horse race Saturday afternoon between Dr. Wilson’s and –Wm. Robinson’s horses. The latter won the race.
Granvil T. Lawson, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Lawson, died at their home near-Millsboro, Friday, Feb. 6, 1903, aged 2 years, .11 months and 26 days. Funeral at Millsboro M. E. Church at two o’clock Saturday, February 8th, and interment at Brotherhood Cemetery. Rev. Artemus Betts,of Dagsboro, officiating. Samuel J. Wilson & Son, Funeral directors.
Isaac Bailey, a notorious-character of this town, was arrested by Constable Warrington, of Georgetown, on Saturday, for stabbing Louis Ellingsworth, a well-known young man, of Milton. Bailey was captured at the home of his brother Polk Bailey, one mile east of town, and brought to Milton and committed to the county jail at Georgetown by Magistrate Collins. Young EIlingsworth was watching a game of pool in the rooms of W. H. Warren, when Bailey, who was intoxicated, entered; Bailey got into a game with John Argo and Harry Smith, and lost. Someone in the room remarked that Bailey was “stuck.” Bailey staggered over to Ellingsworth and plunged a long-bladed pocket knife into the latter’s side and said, “I’ll stick you, damn you.” Ellingsworth went to Starkey’s drug store and had the wound dressed. Dr. Wilson stated that the knife struck the fifth rib over the heart and but for this the young man would have been instantly killed.
Wm. H. Workman has been in Baltimore on business.
Louis Darby, of Camden, has been the guest of his father.
John Ponder has been a Georgetown visitor.
Miss Virginia Burton and her guest, Miss Ida Prettyman, of Stockley, have been visiting in Baltimore.
Wm. Crouch, of Milford, was the guest of Milton friends on Monday last.
J. R. Seligman has been in Milton looking after the interests of his store.
Mrs. Edward .Mears, of Rehoboth, has been spending some time with Milton friends.
Mr. Chas. Virden, of Philadelphia, spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives in town.
Prof. C. B. Morris has been visiting Lansdown friends.
Wm. Conner spent Sunday evening in Ellendale.
Horace Wiltbank, who has been spending several days with his parents, has returned to Parksley. Va.
Frederick Stephens, of Lewes, is visiting Robert Collins.
Joseph M. Lank is visiting relatives and friends in Philadelphia.
Mr. Thos. Hudson was a Milton visitor on Tuesday.
Mr. W. S. Still, of Youngstown, Ohio, was a visitor of Mr. T. H. Douglass, this week.
Mr. Edward Teas visited Milton last week.
Mrs Jas. C. Conwell left for Philadelphia on Tuesday.
Messrs. Robert Houston and Frank: Gray left last Wednesday for the West to buy cattle.
Mr. Samuel Gordon, of Philadelphia, is the guest of Harry Lekites.
Mrs. John Morris, of Dover, is visiting J. J. Morris.
Note: This column is signed E. N. D.
[i] Lillian Cade is more known for her work with the W. C. T. U., but she was active in several other religious and social causes.