The greatest necessity for more intelligence at the head of Milton’s municipal affairs has been thoroughly demonstrated with the last six months by the awful condition of the streets’ they have been and are now in the most wretched condition imaginable fro0m imbecile management.
On Saturday, March 7th, the annual town election will be held; and the people will show wisdom by discarding the present incompetent board of men now composing her won Council; men who have deliberately hauled clay upon the stone roadway built by the town at an expense of thousands of dollars, are certainly not capable of economically administering the affairs of Milton or any other town.
The “Milton Times” last week very truthfully says, “that the men who believe that the cheapest way is the best way are not always the most desirable men to fill positions of public trust.” It is hoped that the thinking people of Milton will take a hand at this election, and at least put in men of common sense to manage the town for another year.
The sale of Mr. George H. Warren’s personal property took place at his home near Reynolds’s Church yesterday (Thursday).
Alfred Carsons, the new Levy Court Commissioner for this district, has been looking over the territory and conferring with the politicians as to appointments. He has the largest district to care for in the county, and he has the largest contract he ever went up against to distribute satisfactorily the offices to the hunger seekers.
James H. Warrington has connected with his already large store business a department devoted to fresh meats and from now on competition promises to be brisk.
No time this winter has there been a time when any man who desired to work could not be accommodated. Several owners of woodland who desired to have cord-wood cut, have found it necessary to place standing advertisements for choppers, while men to do any kind of work with tools have been an impossibility. The fellow whose stock in trade has heretofore been complaint of “winter weather” is out of business.
For many months past the habit of loafing about Wm. Conner’s store has been a nuisance, and Mr. Conner has determined that the nuisance shall -be abated. The cause of this is not known, but it is a fact, that a gang of boys and young men have blocked the sidewalks until it was an impossibility for pedestrians to pass. The town authorities should put a stop to it.
As yet the canners have not made any effort to make contracts with growers to plant tomatoes. It is generally understood that packers will buy as they need them on the open market. This looks fair to both sides, but the canner would prefer to have a certainty for at least a part of the acreage required to supply his capacity; but the growers have got their ideas away up, as the results of high prices during the past two years, and do not care to contract.
Wood, as a commodity has resumed its old place, and price has fallen to its figures of last fall.
Coal is in full supply at nearly normal price, and there is no fear of any further scarcity.
No anxiety is felt over the fruit buds, because of the recent cold weather, as the thermometer did not register below zero.
Note: This column does not contain David A. Conner’s byline.