February 6, 1903

Captain J. Carey Palmer, one of Milton’s progressive men, has been busily engaged during the past week in shipping stove wood to Philadelphia. This is giving employment to quite a few people and we hope that the enterprise will continue for some time.

Victor, son of Thomas Spencer, met with a very painful accident on Thursday of last week. He and his little brother were cutting wood with an ax when he incidentally [sic] placed his hand on the block. This was not noticed by his brother who let the ax fall, cutting off one of Victor’s fingers.

The Milton Shirt Factory, Douglass & White proprietors, is badly handicapped on account of not having sufficient amount of help. They could now conveniently use about fifty more operators, and not being able to get the help is a serious drawback to the firm.

Quite a few improvements have been made during the week at Wiltbank’s granary. The building has been raised and a new foundation made.

The Queen Anne’s Railroad ran a special excursion to Baltimore on Thursday, February 5th. These excursions have been quite an advantage to people who wished to make a cheap trip to Baltimore; the one on Thursday was fairly well attended.

The farmers in this vicinity are selling their corn to D. A. Wiltbank.

Della R., daughter of Joseph and Virgie Carey, died on Friday, Jan. 23rd. Age six week and six days.

Mrs. Anna Eliza Burton, aged 76 years, 3 months and 22 days, died at her home in Long Neck on Friday evening, Jan, 23rd. The funeral was held at St. George’s Chapel on Tuesday.

Miss Maggie Ellingsworth has been the guest of Milton friends during the past week.

Luther Pettyjohn, who has been suffering from smallpox in a hospital in Baltimore, has returned home and is now completely well.

Thos. Wilson has been on a business trip during the past week.

Adison Chandler, who has been very sick, is now convalescing.

Virden Morris, of Frederica, was a Milton visitor last week.

Elmer Dickerson, who has been visiting in Philadelphia, has returned home.

Wm. H. Carrol, of Roadsdale, Md., has been the guest of relatives in Milton.

Horace Wiltbank, of Parksley, Va., has been the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Wiltbank.

Edward Bailey has returned to Camden, N. J. on Saturday last.

Henry Messick returned to Camden, N. J., on Saturday last.

Mrs. Virden, of Philadelphia, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. E. J. Sharp.

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Warrington have been visiting in Lewes.

John Downing, of Maryland, has been visiting Thos. Spencer.

A social was held at the home of Mrs. A. L. Culver last Tuesday evening for the members of the Epworth League, the young people’s class, new converts, and those who participated in the lawn social last summer.

At about 3.30 o’clock Friday morning, fire was discovered in the barroom of L. Benero’s hotel, but b quick work the fire was extinguished before much damage was done.

Clara Wilson Starkey, ca. 1890
Clara Wilson Starkey, ca. 1890

The Epworth League topic of Sunday evening is “Truth and Life.” Leader, Mrs. Clara Starkey[i].

Mrs. George Hunter is spending a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. Eliza Black.

Capt. George Megee has returned from a trip to Philadelphia and New York.

Mr. George Fowler, of Camden, N. J., spent a few days with friends in town last week.

Mrs. Maggie Manship left Saturday for a trip to Wilmington.

Misses Elizabeth King, Elizabeth Black and Estella Davidson, spent part of last week in Lewes as guests of Miss Fannie Lank.

Mrs. Clara Rice has returned to her home in Philadelphia, after spending a few days as the guest of her mother, Mrs. E. J. Sharp.

Miss Ida Prettyman, of Stockley, is visiting Miss Virginia Burton.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gray spent Sunday with friends in Dagsboro.

Elizabeth King. ca. 1908
Elizabeth King. ca. 1908

Miss Hattie Conner is on the sick list.

Miss Sallie Polk was confined to her home with tonsillitis last week.

Mrs. Mary Goslee is spending a few weeks in Milford.

Miss Blanche Megee has returned to Philadelphia after spending three weeks with friends in town.

Mrs. Frank R. Carey is in Philadelphia.

Mr. Louis Darby of Camden, N. J. is the guest of his father, Capt. James Darby.



Note: This letter was signed by E. N. D. [ii]


[i] Clara Starkey (nee Wilson) was the wife of druggist Milton druggist William Starkey.

[ii] The prose style of this letter is substantially different from David A. Conner’s usual work, enough to suggest that E. N. D. was a substitute. There is no assurance that these are the actual initials of the author; it was quite common for correspondents to use obscure or cryptic by-lines, and E. N. D. could just as easily be a bit of word-play on the part of the correspondent.