Last week our August Town Council resolved to remove Federal Street, or that portion of it which is superfluous and since being placed thereon has become a nuisance. The reason for this wise resolve follows: Two or three years ago, a part of the streets of Milton were macadamized—among these were Federal Street, the principal thoroughfare of the town—it was then the boast of Milton, and the remark of visitors, that we had the finest streets of any town on the Peninsula. Town Council, however, not being satisfied with the condition of things, or having more money in the exchequer than it knew what to do with, or to give the supervisor of streets employment—“supervisor is a big name, isn’t it?”—ordered a lot of clayey earth hauled upon Federal, Wharton and Mulberry Streets. During the winter this superogatory matter has been bearing its legitimate fruits of mud and mire, much to the disgust of pedestrians and travelers. Hence, the resolve to remove the super-incumbent earth. Therefore, on Thursday morning, the supervisor with hoe, mattock and shovel, appeared upon the scene of so much comment, and commenced to delve in the hard frozen earth. The “stuff” came up in chunks, and he was advised to desist for the time. The day previous the earth was soft, and might have been removed with little trouble, but “backward, turn backward” appears to be the motto of Town Council. The work will doubtless be resumed at a future day.
On Sunday morning the Rev. L. P. Corkran read from the pulpit a leaflet from the State Temperance Alliance, urging the voters to sign the petition to the legislature, now in circulation, asking that body to grant to the people the right to vote upon the question of Local Option, and to make such laws as will place the temperance people on an equality with the saloon keepers before the courts of the State. Mr. Corkran’s exegesis followed the reading of each article, and his remarks on the whole were fair and conservative, poignant and true.
Rev. W. W. W. Wilson, formerly of this town, but now pastor of a church at Danbury, Conn., came to Milton on Thursday to visit friends. Mr. Wilson has recently succeeded in liquidating a debt of over $22,000, which has long been standing against his church at Danbury; and his officials have granted him a deserved and needed vacation. Mr. Wilson laments the ignorance of the employees of the Delaware railroad. He wished in coming down, to stop off the noon train at Dover, and continue his journey on the evening train. “There was not an employee on the train,” he remarked, “that could tell me whether the Delaware train made connection with the Queen Anne’s in the evening or not, at Greenwood, and “I was compelled for want of information, on that point, to forego he visit to Dover, and come through to Greenwood on the noon train.” Mr. Wilson left Milton the early part of this week, to visit friends elsewhere.
There certainly can be no greater humbug the Government at Washington maintains than the distribution of seeds. Its annual send-out has already commenced, and the post office is becoming crowded. Milton averages about 500 packages annually. These packages contain five papers of seeds each, and are sent to parties whose names have possibly been filed in the offices of the Senators and Representatives from Delaware for years back. Many of the parties to whom the packages are sent have moved away long ago, and others are dead; of the latter distribution can be made according to the law of primogeniture. But you may ask where the humbug comes in? We answer: That people have become convinced than many of the seeds are worthless, and when they get them throw them away. The seeds sent out last year were an exception. Many of them turned out well.
Undertakers S. J. Wilson & Son have purchased a “dead wagon” from an Ohio firm. Most people know what this is without telling them. The dead must be attended to and sepulture must be made; yet,, when one sees an undertaker’s outfit approaching his door, a feeling of melancholy and heartache takes possession of his being., Mr. Wilson & Son are prepared with all of the modern paraphernalia for the burial of the dead, and as undertakers and embalmers, they are unsurpassed in their business; yet, Mr. Wilson truly remarks: “People wouldn’t patronize me if they could help it.” And that is true.
Three young men with a double team and falling top carriage passed through Milton last week going in the direction of Harbeson. As they passed the home of Nathaniel Hood, near town, one of the party shot Mr. Hood’s dog. A few days after they returned through Milton, Mr. Hood is endeavoring to find out who the parties were, and thinks he has a clue to their identity.
A horse attached to a carriage started on a run from Hazzard Street crossed Federal Street, knocked down a fence post at the corner of Marshall Street and thence rand own the latter street to the branch, where he could get no farther, and was caught. No damage was done to horse or carriage.
When the builder of the river cannery threatened to put a lien on the building, a person remarked: “It’s got lean enough now; if you put any more on it, the darned thing’ll fall down.”
At a cake walk held at the A. M. E. Church on Saturday evening, a fracas occurred between come of the colored men, during which Jake Marshall and Rob Cirwithen were shot. The former was slightly wounded, the latter badly; the ball striking the spinal column and glancing inward. It has not yet been located. When an officer went to arrest Clarence Willey on Monday for the offence, he was non est, and has not—at this time—been apprehended.
A deputation from the W. C. T. U. made a friendly call – not a crusade—on William Warren on Saturday evening about 10 o’clock. Mr. Warren is a bachelor and resides alone; he also keeps a pool table. This attractive object for the young me, also attracted the ladies above mentioned. Mr. Warren was in the best of humor. He invited the women into the room, telling them he would explain the game to them, when, after becoming acquainted with its workings, they might be the more competent to judge whether or not there was any harm in it. All this time the players were playing. The women asked the privilege of praying in the house, when Mr. Warren told them he did not think it was an appropriate place, but they might pray out front if they chose. This they declined to do. After about half an hour conversation they departed; Mr. Warren kindly inviting them to call again, telling them his house was always at their disposal;, and if he should be in bed at any time when they called, he would gladly arise and let them in. The women’s visit is said to have been for the purpose of asking Mr. Warren to close his pool room early in the evenings while the extra meetings are in progress. This he agreed to do, provided others would do so, In returning home, one of the dozen ladies were heard to say, “We didn’t find what we expected, did we?” Presumably these ladies have been led to believe that this pool room is a diabolical and devilish affair, and the means of leading young men from the paths of virtue and rectitude. They have been, the have seen, and they can now judge for themselves.
On Wednesday evening, at the residence of the bride’s parents, Miss Carrie A. Johnson and Mr. George W. Johnson were joined in the bonds of matrimony. The wedding was a quiet one; none but the parents and relatives of the bride being present, when the Re. L. P. Corkran tied the nuptial knot.
The extra meetings continue at the M .E. Church.
The expected blizzard struck Milton on Monday morning.