Wood seems to be very scarce with a certain class of people in Milton, for nearly every day for the past week someone has announced that their wood pile had a considerable shrinkage during the previous night.
During the past week Captain Henry P. Burton had a considerable amount of fodder stolen, and on the same evening someone stole from William Maull several baskets of corn.
Three new members have been added to the volunteer fire company of Milton, Joseph L. Black, George E. Megee and William Spencer.
The Megee Coal Mining Company, in which a number of Milton people are interested was incorporated at Dover Tuesday with a capital stock on $100,000, which is divided into 100,000 shares of one dollar each, The following officers have been elected: President, George E. Megee; vice-president, W. W. Conwell; general manager, Capt. Wm. H. Megee, of Philadelphia; and secretary, Wm. H. Megee, Jr., of the same city.
Sunday was Missionary Day in the Methodist Protestant Sunday School, and a special program consisting of music and addresses were rendered.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Wiltbank have been visiting in Berlin, Md.
Capt. James Lank and wife have been Milton visitors.
NOTE: This column was not signed