The 4th of July, 1903 is numbered among the days of history. Nothing transpired on that day in Milton that will cause a future generation to look back to as an epoch. The stores were closed after noon with a few exceptions, a few flags were thrown to the breeze, and this is all the demonstration there was made to commemorate the event that severed our connection with that nation that broke the power of the mighty Napoleon upon the plains of Belgium. Many of our citizens went to Lewes, Rehoboth and Greenwood. Some purchased tickets for Cape May, but the train that connects with the boat going there did not stop at Milton, and they were disappointed. In the afternoon our town might have neem called a “deserted village,” and to add to the ennui of the situation, the mal did not arrive until 3 o’clock. The want of public display on holidays, and particularly on the 4th of July, by the people of Milton, must not be attributed to a lack of patriotism. Such is not the case. Our people are a “free and easy” and a happy people, there is little that occurs to disturb their equanimity, and they do not wish it disturbed. Hence, they do not prepare to put themselves to any trouble tom commemorate events, preferring to let other towns do the celebrating, and they furnish their quota of spectators, and spread their share of money. It was not always thus in this town. A past generation, with all its faults, was equal to the occasions in many things. The people then, though not so given to enterprise as their more modern successors, were bound to have their fun, and they had it with greased pigs, greased poles, bag races and swimming matches, and anything else that their ingenuity and invention could devise. Alas! Alas! Those happy days are fled. In the early evening a small pyrotechnic display was made by the boys near the bridge, and later on another at the southern limits of Federal Street. A social was held by the ladies of the W. C. T. U. on the lawn at the M. E. Church, who attracted much attention by the pretty illumination when viewed from the opposite side of the street. It was also well attended. There was a notable absence of drunkenness, even those coming back from the excursions, appearing to be in a comparatively sober mood. This fact was very noticeable, and much comment was made thereon, by those who never go anywhere themselves and expect to see those who do come home in a worse state from that in who9ch they went away. It is the lot of some to be disappointed, and fortunate it is, that the ones who are looking for carion [sic], are often among that number. So endeth the 4th of July, 1903.
Captain G. E. Megee is agitating the question of a Sunday School excursion to Broadkiln Beach. It is likely the Sabbath School Board will consider the matter soon.
A short time after the eruption of Mont Pelée, a friend of William Mears, one of our Milton barbers, sent him some flower seed from Martinique. Mr. Mears planted a few of these seed in his front yard. They have been in the ground for a long time, and have at last germinated, and the plants are about three inches high. Others of the seed that Mr. Mears distributed to persons have not yet made their appearance.
The Misses Mayme and Laura Conner went to Greenwood on the Fourth and stayed over until Monday afternoon, the guests of Miss Nellie Cahall.
On Sunday evening at the M. P. parsonage, by the Rev. H. S. Johnson, Mr. Donavan Porter, of this town, and Miss Hulda Lynch, of Bridgeville, were united in wedlock.
Miss Mabel Messick was united in matrimony with Mr. Harry M. Horner of Philadelphia on Wednesday morning. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. L. P. Corkran, at the residence of Dr. and Mrs. R. T. Wilson, sister and brother-in-law of the bride. The wedded couple left on the noon train for Philadelphia via Cape May.
Marvil Clifford Davidson died in Nanticoke hundred on Friday, aged 22 years, 9 months and 26 days. The death of this young man was the result of an accident that occurred one week prior to his demise. He was harrowing in a field with a mule, when the animal became frightened at a little girl and ran away, sticking one of the harrow handles that had been broken off into his right breast. Funeral services were held on Monday morning, at Springfield Cross Roads, and the body inhumed in the adjoining cemetery. The Revs. Williams, of Georgetown, and Stevens, of Harbeson, conducted the obsequies, and S. J. Wilson & Son managed the funeral.
Eliza E. Fowler, relict of the late William Fowler, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Fields, on Tuesday night of last week, aged 77 years. The funeral was held at the M. P. Church on Thursday afternoon by the Rev, H. S. Johnson, and interment made in the M. E. Cemetery, S. J. Wilson & Son officiating.
Mr. C. V. Williams, assistant superintendent of the New Jersey Branch of the National Children’s Home Society, addressed those who attended the Thursday evening prayer meeting at the M. E. Church, on the subject of his mission.
Schooner James M. Carey is overhauling and repainting at Milton dock.
At the sale of the privileges of Lavinia’s Camp Meeting the boarding tent was stuck off to Clarence Johnson for $1, and the food pound to the same person for $4. 25. The confectionery stand was brought by Frank Walls for $12. The privileges do not sell high at Lavinia’s. This camp is held so near town that there is nothing made in selling conveniences to the public. Those who attend the camp from the country, eat their dinners at home, drive out in the afternoon and take a lunch with them; those who attend from a distance, will come into town before meal time to get a drink, and will take their meals at the hotel, or with some friend., Under these conditions no one can afford to pay much for the privilege of selling anything on the ground. The people have found this out; some of them by bitter experience.
Mr. John M. Vincent, of Wilmington, is visiting his family in Milton.
Capt. Wm. Lank, of Philadelphia, has had his Milton property enlarged and repaired. The painting was completed last week by Mr. Wesley Coverdale.
Miss Lizzie M. Conner, the saleslady at the “big store,” has again rearranged and re-trimmed the show windows.
Miers Reynolds, of Washington, D. C., is visiting friends and relatives in town.
The ladies of Zion M. E. Church held a picnic on Saturday evening which was well patronized by country swains and Milton ladies.
James P. Davidson, engaged at ship carpentry at Cooper’s Point, N. J., is now resting at home, on account of the strike that is on at that place.
John and William Lank, of Philadelphia, are the guests of their mother and brother.
Grant Collins, wife and little one, also George Collins and lady, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Collins, parents of the gentlemen named.
A great deal of sickness prevails in the country nearby. The physicians are all busy.
George Atkins, the painter, is confined to his home and under the care of a physician; from the effect of having stuck a nail into his big toe recently. The wound has become very painful.
One notable fact about the 4th of July is, there are no blown off fingers to report, nor any obituary to write on drunkenness.
“Twilight services” began at the M. E. Church on Sunday evening.
At the home of Mr. James Wilson, a very pleasant company gathered on the 4th to celebrate the day, including the families of J. K. P. Jefferson, Morris Dodd, John Purnell, and Dr. Shenkle. All joined with the Wilson’s in having a good time. Baseball and other games were indulged in, after which refreshments were served, consisting of ice cream, cake, etc., and wound upon with a grand display of fireworks.
The roof of a cook house in tenure of a Mr. Steelman, in North Milton, caught fire on Tuesday afternoon. The church bell rang the alarm, and the volunteer fire company responded. The fire, however, was extinguished before its arrival.
In trying to back a cartridge from a piston with a nail on the 4th, Harry Rezman came near shooting Ralph Warren. The cartridge exploded, and a ball passed through a portion of Warren’s clothing, doing no injury to his body.