To talk to a person about something he already knows all about, becomes to him as tedious as a many times told tale. To such, this item is not addressed; but to those who in the love of nature hold communion with the […] A man once said to me, “I don’t understand the subject of specific gravity. “ “Well, what is there about it you don’t understand?” “Why this: It is said the specific gravity of gold is 192; now what does that signify?” Simply this: that gold is 192 times heavier than water. The specific gravity of anything is taken from the weight of a cubic foot of water. A cubic foot of water weighs 62.4 pounds; when a cubic foot of any substance weighs more than 62½ pounds its specific gravity is more than one, and it will sink in water; when it weighs less its specific gravity is less than one, and it will float in water. For instance, when we say the specific gravity of gold is 192, we mean that gold is 192 as heavy as water, or that a cubic foot of gold weighs 192 times 62½ pounds, or weighs 1200 pounds. Or platinum, the specific gravity of which is 22, weighs 62½ times 22 pound, or 1375 pounds to the cubic foot, and of course, both of these substances will sink in water. Now take the specific gravity of dry white pine, which is .5. Now a cubic foot of this substance weighs .5 times 62½ bounds, or 31¼ pounds, hence its specific gravity is only one-half of one. There are many people, middle aged and older, who do not know these facts, because this science was not taught in the schools of thirty and forty years ago. The younger pupils of today study these facts, and presumably are well conversant with them or should be.
The present cool weather is attracting more attention than all other items of interest combined. However much may be said about the weather, people like warm weather in its season, and vice versa. We have gad so much to say about temperature that we are rather ashamed to follow it up; but there has been a fine chance for Jeu de mots[i] this season in this line, and in the absence of anything else interesting, we fall back on old opportunities.
There has been a little repairing in both divisions of the town for the past week, but this is about completed; and things are again at a standstill.
Mr. Samuel Wilson has spent a week in and around Richmond, Va. Notably, he has been over a part of the Malvern Hills battlegrounds, and has brought home many souvenirs of remembrance, purchased from the old residents thereabout. We are glad to hear Sam tell of the phraseology of some of the old-time Virginia coons, for he possesses the happy faculty of doing it.
Children’s Day was observed at Zion M. E. Church, with all of the éclat that its many members could give it on Sunday evening.
On Saturday, Mr. Edgar Lank, attorney-at-law of Philadelphia, purchased the real estate of his grandmother, which was offered at public auction on that day.
On Monday evening, in Lewes and Rehoboth Hundred, Miss ____ Carpenter, daughter of Mr. […] Carpenter, and Mrs. Alfred Veasey, were joined in wedlock by the Rev. Mr. Strickland, of Nassau.
Another time schedule is in effect on the Queen Anne’s Railroad. By the new arrangement Milton gets but one mail a day, and this about noon. Passengers coming from Milford or any other point north can make no connection with the Queen Anne trains at any time, and must hire a private conveyance from Ellendale to Milton. This costs $1.50 for a single person, or $1.00 apiece if there are two or more. The only relief is to come via Greenwood. We have been in the habit of getting an evening mail from Lewes, that would go down the road and come back. On Monday we got none; not even a mail sack; and on Tuesday the postmaster was obliged to wrap the mail up in paper and carry it to the station himself. It is understood this arrangement will continue until the latter part of September, or as long as the excursions shall last; and is thought to be made in order to drive the people who are travelling to Philadelphia via Cape May. To be sure, the latter is a cheaper route and more pleasant, but does not relieve the business interest of Milton.
The yacht Helen, Capt. F. N. Lofland, builder and owner, was launched from the boat yard on Tuesday, Captain Lofland expects to make some of those fellows around Cape May, see the “hole where the bees come out at,” before the summer is over.
[i] Literally, wordplay