On a Sunday afternoon during the days of the Civil War, after a portion of the army had been on dress parade, I was standing on Pennsylvania Avenue in the city of Washington, when General Heintzleman’s[i] Band—a magnificent orchestra of over thirty pieces—gaily dressed in blue and red, came marching along, and as the drum major suddenly raised his baton, they struck up “My Mother’s Bible.” I through then, and think yet, I never heard anything so pretty in music. Now the above circumlocution is made to introduce an item, the reality of which occurred on Saturday afternoon. I, with others, sat along Union Street and watched the many gaily attired young ladies going northward. There was no band; no martial music; yet the scene reminded me of the one played 40 years ago on Pennsylvania Avenue, in the city of Washington. Whither was this throng going? Where was it wending its way? To the baseball ground, where a game was to be played between the Milford and Milton teams. Now I am not acquainted with the nomenclature of the ball ground, and the game possesses no attraction for me; yet it does for others, and they certainly enjoy it. There were many people on the ground, but being—as I said—unacquainted with the phraseology used, I am unable to give an account of it that a scientific player would understand. Yet the game was played, and Milton scored 3 and Milford 2.
The successors of J. R. Seligman, at the “big store,” Messrs. Markel & Hart, have entered into business in earnest. Mr. Hartman is here in person, and gives his supervision to the business. He will in short time remove his family to town, and become a full-fledged citizen of Milton.
In ruminating the attic last week, the children found a cowbell—a relic of over thirty years old—that had adorned the neck of many a half-starved quadruped when it was compelled to forage the woods and swamps in search of its sustenance, years ago. Our little grandson got hold of that bell, and he made things lively around the yard the rest of that day. It was a new instrument of music to him.
Mr. John T. Torbert, who recently removed here from Lewes, and opened a ladies’ furnishing store, has become dissatisfied and returned.
W. W. Conwell, of the Milton National Bank, and Edward Reynolds, have purchased of the Carey Brothers the schooner Stetson and Ellison, and will engage in freighting hay, piling and wood.
“John Wesley[ii] Day” will be observed at the M. P. Church on next Sabbath the 28th.
C. C. Davidson is repairing the yacht Fannie, at Scull’s shipyard; and the schooner Ella Call awaits her turn to be overhauled.
Fred Pepper, mason and plasterer, has completed the tedious work of re-seaming the walls of the S. S. T. T. & D. Co., with an improved material of stucco.
Postmaster A. H. Manship is in Philadelphia.
G. W. Atkins left on Monday for a trip to Chincoteague.
Conwell & Co. are engaging to deliver coal on Milton dock for $6.40 per ton. They expect a cargo of 100 tons in about ten days.
Yacht Helen, Captain Lofland, made her first voyage last week. Her arrival on Saturday at Milton dock was watched by a crowd of people from Milton Bridge, and many plaudits were given and encomiums made at the splendid management of the craft, and the efficiency of its officers.
William Morris is quite sick.
Captain Henry Johnson, who was recently hurt wile loading piling, is recovering.
Wesley Coverdale has completed the painting of Mr. Thomas Douglass’ new improvements. Mr. Douglass has now a fine looking residence.
Some improvements have been made of late on Lavinia Street.
Mary E. Carpenter died at her home in Cedar Neck on Friday, of gastritis, aged 50 years, 3 months and 2 days. The funeral services were held on Sunday afternoon at Slaughter Neck Church, by the Rev. Joshua Gray, and interment made in the adjoining cemetery under the management of S. J. Wilson & Son, undertakers.
Of the four fire-stands that were left on Lavinia’s campground, there are two that have grasses of some kind growing in them to some height. This proves a theory, or rather demonstrates the fact, that there are some seeds that are very tenacious of life. On these fire stands, there were burned pine knots which must have produced much heat, and yet, as we see, it failed to destroy the germs of those seeds, nor the productive powers of the earth in which they were embedded.
David Dickerson, the Town Bailiff, lost his horse on Monday. He is now compelled to trudge around on foot to light the lamps.
Mrs. Deborah Parker, relict of the late Theodore Parker, of Philadelphia, died in that city, and the remains were brought to Milton on Monday and inhumed in the M. E. Cemetery.
Thomas R. Wilson, assistant trust officer of the Milton branch of the S. S. T. T. & D. Co., is in Wilmington, in attendance as juror at the present session of the United States Court.
During the present season when people are loath to build fires, Benjamin Palmer, the baker, pats in his licks. He is serving bread every day, to almost every family in town.
Children’s Day services were celebrated at Weygand’s Chapel on Sunday evening.
On Sunday the A. M. E. Church of South Milton observed Children’s Day, There was quite a large crowd in attendance, and the town was much enlivened by the dusky swains, as they drove to and fro and around the streets.
The person who planted gardens and have attended to them, are now reaping the reward of their labor, by dining on string beans and young potatoes.
“An Evening With Longfellow” will be the subject of a social to be held on the lawn adjoining the M. E. Church on Saturday evening. It will be conducted by the Epworth League, and of course will be an appreciable affair.
Wheat cutting is on. And up to the present writing, much has been cut in Broadkiln. The rain of Tuesday interfered with the work for the time.
There are several sidewalks in town that are in a miserable condition, and on rainy weather the walking in the street is preferable. Tuesday was one of these days on which the people to avoid getting their feet wet were obliged to shun those sidewalks and take to the street.
[i] Gen. Samuel P. Heintzelman (1805 –1880) served in the Seminole War, the Mexican-American War, and the Civil War.
[ii] John Wesley (1703 –1791) was an Anglican minister and theologian who, with his brother Charles Wesley and fellow cleric George Whitefield, founded Methodism.