March 20, 1903

Shad have been coming into market; quite a few have been caught this week.

The Town Council have decided to levy an increase tax of three hundred dollars. It was $700, and it will now be increased to $1000.

John R. Workman, infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Workman, died at their home at Wolf’s Station, Monday, March 16, 1903, aged 5 months and 17 days. Funeral at McColley’s Chapel at two o’clock Wednesday, interment in cemetery adjoining the church. Rev. H. S. Johnson, of Milton, officiating. Samuel J. Wilson & Son funeral directors.

Golden Rule Lodge No. 17, I. O. O. F., gave a dinner to the members and friends of the Order on Wednesday evening, March 18th.

Frank Carey has returned to his work in Philadelphia after spending the winter months with his family.

George Collins spent Sunday with his parents.

Mr. Miles and Miss Ella Lacey were Milton visitors Saturday.

Louder Hearn and Ernest Jones spent Sunday evening with friends in town.

Capt. Frank Lacey returned to Philadelphia Monday morning.

Messrs. Al White and John Donohoo, of Camden, N. J., were Milton visitors over Sunday.

Mrs. Aggie Heath is the guest of her mother.

Mr. Wm. McAlrane, of Camden, was the guest of Milton friends this week.

Mr. S. J. Martin has been elected mayor by the Town Council.

Elmer Dickerson has secured work in Philadelphia.

Dr. Burton, of Lewes, was in town on Saturday.

Miss Janie Wilson is visiting her sister in Philadelphia.

Mrs. Susie Davidson Is visiting friends in Wilmington and Philadelphia.

Several of our citizens have been attending the Collins murder trial at Georgetown this week.

Miss Eva Smith is in Philadelphia securing her spring stock.

Samuel Burrows, of Virginia, is a Milton visitor.

Miss Mame Faucett, of Georgetown, was the guest of friends on Saturday last.

Edward and Benjamin Norman, of Lewes, spent Tuesday with friends in town.

Mrs. Elizabeth Fowler is on the sick list,

Charles Conner was in Baltimore on Tuesday.

Rev. L. P. Corkran and wife left on Tuesday to attend Conference.

The National Bank is being repaired.

Miss Elizabeth Conner has accepted a position in Seligman’s store.

Capt. George Megee and wife are attending Conference.

Mrs. Nellie Faucett and children, of Georgetown, spent Sunday with her father Mr. L. J. Coverdale.

P. Frank Atkins, of Philadelphia, spent part of last week with his parents.


Note: This letter ends with the byline “E. N. D.”