James A. Betts, who has been building a boat house for Dr. Hearn’s naphtha launch, has completed the building.
Quite a large quantity of cedar posts have been shipped from Milton during this year. One of the principal men in this business is J. Carey Palmer.
A few improvements have been made to the Ponder House during the past week.
Miss Virgie Pettyjohn entertained a number of her friends on Thursday evening in celebration of her fifteenth birthday.
The Queen Anne’s Railroad ran a low rate excursion to Baltimore on Thursday last. Quite a few people took advantage of the reduced rates.
A new millinery store will soon be opened in Milton. Mrs. Carrie Johnson will be the proprietress, and the parlor will be at her residence on Federal Street.
The 75th anniversary of the founding of the Methodist Protestant Church will be observed on Sunday, March 15th, as follows: 10.30 a. m., Love Feast. 7 p.m., Christian Endeavor Prayer Meeting and Sermon on Polity and History of the Methodist Protestant Church.
Mrs. Emmaline B. Morris, wife of James Morris, died at her home in this town on Thursday of pneumonia. Aged 62 years and 22 days. Funeral held on Sunday at the M. P. Church at 2 o’clock. Interment in the M. E. Cemetery, Sunday afternoon, Rev. H. S. Johnson officiating. Samuel J. Wilson & Son funeral directors.
David P. Warrington died at his home on Sunday. Aged 66 years, 11 months and 6 days. Funeral services at Beaver Dam Church on Wednesday. Interment was made at the Silas Warrington family cemetery. He leaves a wife and seven children to mourn their loss. Rev. Frank Holland officiating ministering. J. R.’ Atkins, funeral director.
John Simpler, colored, was taken to Georgetown jail Monday, failing to give bail. He had stolen some harness from E. W. Warren, and he was also arrested Saturday night for reckless driving. He was fined five dollars.
The Ladies’ Aid Society had a measuring party Tuesday evening at Mrs. L. B. Chandler’s home in North Milton, and quite a large number attended. The admittance fee was three cents per foot, and one cent per inch over 5 foot for your height.
The M. E. Sunday School Missionary Anniversary was held in the M. E. Church on Sunday evening, March 1. The recitations, quartettes, dialogue and solos, were rendered with much success. The collection for the year amounted to $140.47.
Miss Clara Mears entertained a number of her young friends at her home on Tuesday evening, March 3rd. It was the thirteenth anniversary of her birthday.
Cards are out announcing the wedding of Miss Carrie White, of Milton, and Mr. Winfield Wright, of Denton, next Tuesday evening.[i]
Mr. Henry Morris, Mrs. Mame Vent, and Mrs. Viva Leonard, of Philadelphia, attended the funeral of their mother, Mrs. Emmeline Morris, on Sunday.
Louis Darby has returned to Philadelphia, after spending a few weeks home.
James Betts has about completed the boat house for Dr. Hearn’s naphtha launch.
Mr. Thomas H. Arterbridge, a highly respected farmer, died at his home on the Capt. Geo. Megee’s farm, near Harbeson, Saturday, February 28th, of lockjaw, aged 70 years. 6 months-and 16 days. Funeral at Wegand’s Chapel Tuesday, at 2 ‘o‘clock. Interment in the cemetery adjoining the church. Rev. Frank Holland officiating. Samuel J. Wilson & Son, funeral director.
Mrs. Rhoda A. McColley, wife of Mr. Edward McColley, died at their home in Angola, on Tuesday, March 3rd, of pneumonia, aged 65 years, 19 days. Funeral at Conelly’s[ii] Chapel Thursday at 2 o’clock. Interment in cemetery adjoining the church. Rev. C. W. Strickland officiating. Samuel J. Wilson & Son, funeral director.
O. S. Betts has been visiting in Philadelphia.
William Morris, who has been quite ill, is now convalescing.
Rev. H. S. Johnson was in Lewes last week.
Miss Elizabeth Dunn of Camden, Del. was the guest of her sister, Mrs. H. L. Robinson.
Addison Chandler, who has-been suffering with typhoid fever, has now nearly recovered.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. G. Cannon, of Camden, N. J., have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Sharp this week.
Harry Johnson returned to Wilmington last week.
Virden Morris, of Frederica, is visiting in town.
Note: The byline on this column is “E. N. D.”
[i] Carrie White was the daughter of N. Wallace White, co-owner of the Douglass & White Shirt Factory and a trustee of the M. P. Church. The wedding was announced in the Philadelphia Inquirer as well. Winfield Wright was originally from Milton but had moved to Denton the year before to establish a business there.
[ii] This is probably a misspelling of “Conley’s Chapel.”