When a person sees anything pretty, it is but natural that he should like to talk about it, and this is the case with the “Big Store.” Easter is over, but the display at this emporium continues; new goods have taken the place of hose disposed of during the Eastertide, and the embellishments and attractions at the store are more elaborate than ever before. Especially is this true of the millinery department, and the show windows of an evening when brilliantly lighted are enchanting, resembling, as they do, a night scene on a miniature broadway. The whole of this magnificent store is in charge of Mr. Clarence Welch, assisted by able and efficient help. Both male and female. The assistants are good looking withal, and with their able supervisor, possess an urbanity of manners that is both prepossessing and engaging.
The circus exhibition of Thursday last is pronounced to have been a poor affair, the street parade was enjoyed by the children, but the sideshows were of but little consequence, and the big one a “take in.” There was but little excitement during the afternoon or evening the only incident occurring worthy of note, was the burning of “Bloomer” Walls’ carriage top, which took fire in some miraculous manner, and was consumed. A fact that is noteworthy was the absence of swindlers and confidence men, the circus monopolizing that trade itself.
The absence of fences along the public highways will soon necessitate legislation regarding infringement on the public roads. Near town there is one farmer at least who has plowed farther out in the road than he should have done, and if the encroachment continues, some of our close-fisted land grabbers will be planting corn in the wagon ruts.
W. W. Conwell, of the National Bank, has with the other interior improvements of the building, had a very cozy private office arranged for the accommodation of his friends, where he can hold a “tête-a-tête” with them whenever opportunity affords, or occasion requires.
The 30th anniversary of the Sussex County Bible Society will be held in the M. E. Church at Ellendale, on the 21st of the present month.
Housecleaning is on, and the ladies are as merry as the “wives of Windsor.” They like it. The men don’t, and are moping around as if something is the matter with their lives.
The anniversary of the M. E. Sunday School will be held on the 10th inst. Captain S. R. Bennett who was one of the first members of this school, has prepared a paper bearing on the subject which he well red before the school on Sunday, It is expected to be full of interest to the present generation.
The entablature of the S. S. T. T. & S. D. Co., has received another coat of paint, as has also the other exterior metal work.
William Conwell, first officer of Betts & Collins’ “store on wheels,” reports doing a good business in his line.
Benjamin Palmer has removed from his late residence on Wharton Street to the property lately occupied by John Coverdale, on Federal Street.
Dr. James A. Hopkins is having some improvements made to his property on Chestnut Street.
Milton young men gave a social to the Milton ladies on Friday evening. The party was held in School House Hall, and participated in by the elite of the town. Dancing and games enlivened the evening, Refreshments were served as a later hour, and the party retired to their homes about midnight.
Those “coal scuttle” hats[i], relics of a defunct contract of the Spanish-American War, are again in evidence when the weather is warm.
Nearly all of the country schools near town closed on Friday. The Milton schools closed on Wednesday. The teachers have returned to their homes and, no doubt are glad that the muddle is over. Miss May Raughley returns to Burrsville, Miss Linda Todd to Greenwood, Miss Mollie Hazzard remains with her mother in town, and Miss Marth Calhoun has entered the hymeneal state[ii]. The latter event took place on the evening that the school exercises closed, and was performed by the Rev. H. S. Johnson at the M. P. parsonage. The bridegroom—a very brave man—is Mr. Clarence Clifton.
A small house situated at the southeast limits of the town, took fire on Friday afternoon. The church bell sounded the alarm, and the Volunteer Fire Company responded with alacrity. When the company reached the scene, the whole top of the building was in flames. The fire was soon extinguished, having burned the upper part to the square, with some of the attachments to the building. The property belongs to Dr., James A. Hopkins, and was in tenure of James Leonard, The household goods of the family were about all saved but the wearing apparel was burned, or badly damaged. Mr. Leonard has removed his family and goods into another house belonging to Dr. Hopkins on Chestnut Street.
The shirt factory of Messrs. Douglass & White resumed operation on Monday, after a stoppage of two weeks.
Isaac W. Nailor is building a bath room and doing other carpenter work for Mr. Thos. Douglass.
The following persons from a distance attended the funeral; of Mrs. Lydia Harrington last week: George Harrington and daughter Gertrude; Mrs. Ella Blocksom and daughter Pauline, Mrs. Bessie King, Mrs. Mundolf, Mrs. John Faucett, Mrs. Daniel Stidham and Miss Mabel Leach, of Wilmington; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Davidson, of Philadelphia; Mrs. William Harrington and Mrs. Webb, of Eddy stone, Pa.; and Mrs. And Mrs. Edward See, of Georgetown. The above item was received by us too late for publication in our communication of last week.
John T. Conwell, a well-known farmer of near town, died on Wednesday evening aged 88 years, 6 months and 11 days. The funeral services were held at his late residence on Saturday afternoon and the remains inhumed in the M. E. Cemetery in this town. Rev. L. P. Corkran performed the last sad rites, and J. R. Atkins conducted the funeral. Mr. Conwell was an influential member of Zion M. E. Church, and leaves to survive him two daughter, Mrs. Cornelius Waples, residing at the homestead, and Mrs. R. C. White, of Georgetown; one brother, Mr. Asa Conwell, of Milton; and one sister, Mrs. Susan B. Waples of Waples Mills.
John O. Green died in Long Neck on Friday of paralysis, aged 69 years, 5 months and 7 days. Funeral services at Central M. E. Church on Monday and interment in family burial ground. S. J. Wilson & Son conducted the funeral.
The annual grand rally of the Christian Endeavor Society of the United States, will be held in North Carolina Avenue M. P. Church, Washington, D. C., commencing on Thursday the 7th, and continuing until Monday the 11th. Rev. H. S. Johnson and wife, James Clendaniel and Miss May Atkins[iii], will represent the Milton M. P. Church at the convention.
The president of the M. E. Sunday School Missionary Society went to bed on Saturday night, and slept until 2 o’clock on Sunday afternoon. The society at its session was without its president, and Will said when he got you, “I’m sleepy yet.”
Mr. John Johnson, son of Purnell Johnson, of this worn, and wife, stopped over in Milton on Sunday on their wedding tour.
“The Syrian Lecturer” Madame Lazyah Barakat[iv], lectured in School House Hall on Monday evening to a full house. We were entertained and instructed. We did not know before the “palm tree” had so many qualities.
[i] It is difficult to find a satisfactory explanation of what this headgear was supposed to look like. “Coal scuttle” has been associated with women’s bonnets of the 19th century, women’s cloche hats of the 20th century, as well as German helmets of WWI and later. There are obscure references to “coal scuttle” hats worn by male civilians and military personnel in the 19th century, but no detailed descriptions.
[ii] An archaic term meaning marriage
[iii] Mary E. M. Atkins
[iv] Madame Lazyah Barakat was a well-known Christian lecturer and evangelist, appearing before audiences from the 1890’s through the 1920’s. She was a native of Mt. Lebanon, 15 miles outside of Beirut, in what is now Lebanon but was then called Syria. Born sometime around 1860, she was converted to Christianity by missionaries and educated at the mission school in Beirut, and came to the U. S. in 1882. Her lecture on the “Palm of the Desert” which she gave to the Milton audience was a standard of her repertoire. She was not the only Syrian making the rounds of the Christian and evangelistic lecture circuit in those years; there are many newspaper references to other Syrian lecturers. Charismatic converts were highly sought after for these affairs.