On a pleasant afternoon last week the writer, in company with J. B. Welch, went out for a stroll. We made our way to the Ponder Cemetery, situated at the southern portion of Mrs. John Ponder’s farm, and along the upper part of the lake. The cemetery is perhaps sixty feet square and enclosed by a brick wall about three and a half feet high. There are several large trees within the enclosure, among them one white pine. Here lie buried the father and grandfather, and the mother and grandmother of ex-Governor James Ponder, with several of their children; also the first wife of Mr. John Ponder and two of his children. The oldest interment was made in 1825. Leaving the cemetery we continued our course farther on until we came to the “overgoing.” By fording this we would reach Lavina’s woods, and make a nearer route to town. This we assayed to do—or Mr. Welch did; the writer waited to see the result of his effort. Now the old logs that formed the half-crazy footway were in a bad condition, but John having armed himself with a pole proceeded a little way, and seeing a log in the stream, which he thought would be a valued acquisition to the footway, he reached out in an attempt to get it,. In doing so he got a careen, and throwing his pole forward to sustain his equilibrium, the pose broke, and John—well, John said he did not know how deep it was but he knew that water is water and he was wet. I suggested at this stage that we take off our shoes and stockings and wade the stream; but John’s mishap seemed to have opened his eyes, not only to the wisdom of depending on a rotten pole, but as to the depth of the stream. He declared it as to deep to wade, and I, seeing how melancholy he was, and wet besides, gave in, and we retraced our steps to Milton by a little different route that which we came. Arriving at Mr. Welch’s home, I went in by his solicitation and explained to Mrs. Welch the nature of her husband’s “faux pas” and the reason why he came home in this unhappy plight “exeunt.”
N. J. Messick, of near Waples, informs us he has raised from one Irish potato plant 16 potatoes; two of the largest ones weighing seven pounds and the remaining six weighing one pound, making eight pounds in weight, and about a gallon in measure.
The Queen Anne’s Railroad bed is in splendid condition from the Milton station westward. The rotted ties have been removed and new ones put in their places, and the road guttered on each side of the track. It is evident that this company has in mind the retrenchment of expense, as it has discharged a part of the section gang at this point. And this may be one cause why it has reduced its passenger traffic to one train daily each way; as the less number of trains the less chances of killing men, and this it cannot afford to do, even at the small price of $5000 apiece.
William Mears, the barber, returned on Tuesday from a lengthy visit South.
Mrs. Thomas Ingram left on Saturday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Maggie McIllvane, at Camden, N. J.
Mr. Markel, of Shrewsbury, Pa., senior partner at the “Big Store,” accompanied by his wife and Mrs. Lowe, mother of Mrs. Hartman, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hartman.
Isaac W. Nailor has an excrescence, or as he no doubt considers it, a troublesome superfluity, on the back of his right hand. He has been carrying it around very tenderly for the past few weeks in a sling.
The front of the “Big Store” has been repainted during the past week by Coverdale & Smith; D.T Atkins has repainted the roof of Prof. John A. Collins’ dwelling.
R. B. Walls & Brother are enlarging their store at Stevensonville–to the north of town—and will reopen with a new stock of goods about the 25th. John H. Bell, of the same suburb, is also enlarging his dwelling.
L. B. Chandler has trimmed the shade trees around his lawn during the past week.
Rev. Giles B. Cooke, of North East, Md., preached at the P. E. Church on Sunday, both morning and evening.
Johnson & White have about 100 of the 500 hens they want as layers, in their new business of raising eggs.
Schooner Rambo, Captain Rogers, has arrived at Milton dock with a cargo of lime.
Captain “Jack” Vent says he is conjured. He says there are two women in this town who are furnishing the “stuff’’ to do it with. He gave the writer their names, but as we are not a convert to conjuration we refrain from publishing them.
A meeting of the citizens will be held in Fireman’s Hall this evening to consider our present mail arrangements and to formulate a plan for betterment.
John R. Lank and Frank Black spent Sunday in Milton as the guests of J. C. Lank. The former is Mr. Lank’s brother and general manager of the National Electric Appliance Company of New York; and the latter is a milk inspector of Philadelphia, and said to have been here to investigate the meat situation.
There was a mistake made somehow in regard to the quarterly conference and quarterly conference and quarterly meeting that was advertised to be held on last Saturday and Sunday. We published the article given to us. It appears that the presiding elder came to hold the quarterly conference on Friday […] lighted the church and no one came; and we understand, the meetings have been postponed indefinitely. Perhaps the third quarterly conference and quarterly meeting will not be held at all at the M. E. Church.
An act of unaccountable vandalism was perpetrated on Saturday evening. The front of the “Big Store,” which had been repainted the day previous, was scarred and the new paint sand and mud. What the men or boys, whichever they may be, who do such work, think of themselves is hard to conjecture.
Beardsley & Lofland have just completed burning a kiln of 120,000 bricks and are ready to fire another 180,000. Mr. Beardsley informs us that the firm has contracted with the Scott Patent Car Co., of Knoxville, Tenn., to put in their works, a steam dryer, and also that the firm has now contracts to fill for 2,000,050 bricks.
On Saturday many familiar faces appeared in Milton, and there were accompanied by many strangers. Monday morning showed what the event of these persons. Their cusses as gunners has not been great, and the game is becoming wilder. The feud existing in this locality between the farmers and the so-called “Delaware Game Protective Association” is becoming cumulative, and broader developments are looked for before the game season is over.
Louis Fox, of Philadelphia, is visiting friends in Milton.
Frank Truitt, of Milford, was in town last week.