April 1, 1904

The return of the Rev. L. P. Corkran as pastor of the M. E. Church for another year is welcomed with delight, not only by his immediate friends but by Miltonians in general. Mr. Cockran, during his recent pastorate has endeared himself to Milton, and the many encomiums that are heaped upon him by those who have no affiliation with churches, together with those of the brotherhood of his own communion, are but a part of the admiration in which he is held, and the unwritten, expressionless, and deep undertone of public thought will, if occasion should ever require, manifest itself, in deeds more heroic than language, and in realities more commendable than the effusions of a poetic writer.

Rev. Frank Cain, of Alliance, Va., was in town last week. Mr. Cain was here in attendance on the funeral of Mrs. Cain’s sister, Mrs. Ollva Draper, which was held at Slaughter Neck Church on Wednesday. Mr. Cain is one of those genial whole-souled men, that makes one’s existence tolerable, even though the meetings are long protracted. Mrs. Cain accompanied her husband.

The many parties who have been suffering with “liver disease in the legs,” are recovering.

A house on Mulberry Street was entirely consumed by fire about two O’clock Friday morning. The family escaped, and a few of the goods on the lower floor were saved. The property belonged to Curtis Reed, of near Reynold’s Church and was in tenure of Walter Fisher.

I have been informed by the agent of the Kent County Mutual Insurance Company that no more policies will be issued to Milton parties unless the property is on the suburbs, and stands isolated.

When on Wednesday the 23rd inst, it was announced that Mayor Walter Crouch had resigned his office the previous evening. Milton was thrown into a state of consternation and trepidation. The hurrying of citizens to and fro and the oft-repeated query: “Have you heard the news?” together with its accompaniment—“Whom can we now get to fill this important office?” It is said some shed tears, and one man who had been an applicant for the office left his hat on the lamp post of a street corner. To try to remedy the defect of Milton being without a mayor, the bailiff was instructed to wait on Professor Fearing, and to enquire if he would accept the position. But the professor thinks much of his dignity together with his reputation as one of Uncle Sam’s boys, replied “No empty honors for me. No, thank you! Look elsewhere!

The marriage of Miss Zadie Bearsdley at the Protestant Episcopal Church of Milford, on Thursday, was represented by Milton in the persons of Prof. W. G. Fearing and niece, Miss Lydia May Welch, Miss Letitia Black and Miss Lucy Bearsdsley. What lends favor to this item is the fact of Miss Beardsley having been a former teacher in the public schools of Milton. During the day Professor Fearing, who is an acute observer, visited and inspected the M. E. Church under its new repairs, and also the site for the new school building. Prof. Fearing is loud in his acclamation for the Milford system of works, as are also his enthusiastic, though polite companions.

Some parties were nearly caught in the act of stealing “Billy” Robinson’s boat house one night last week. “Billy” takes an especial pride in this building, made doubly dear to him since the flood of last September. It will be remembered, at that time when other boat houses were swaying and careening, “Billy” stood unscathed and unarmed, like virtue in the midst of a drowning world. Hence Mr. Robinson thinks as much of this maritime building as he does of his little baby. Any attempt to purloin this institution so dear to “Billy” must be considered as a Casus Belli[i], not only to Mr. Robinson, but to all others who are acquainted with its history. The twenty-five dollars reward may not amount to anything, but the spontaneous reactionary gun that “Billy” has in position, may tell a tale of the blockade.

Mr. Bosley, general freight and passenger agent of the Queen Anne’s Railroad, spent a day and night in Milton last week.

Dr. and Mrs. R. T. Wilson gave a party last week in honor of their daughter, Miss Grace’s s sixteenth birthday. Nearly all of the young misses of Milton were present.

Next Sunday the annual missionary of the M. E. Sunday School will be held and officers elected for the ensuing year.

Shad were caught in the Broadkiln last week.

The barber shop of Wm. Mears caught fire a little after noon on Tuesday. The fire company was soon on the ground, but the flames were under control. The fire was between the walls of the building and is supposed to have caught from a coal oil stove. The damage is inconsiderable.


[i] Latin phrase meaning “justification for going to war.”