The Queen Anne’s Railroad Company have a gang of men at work on the trestles near Milton. They are taking out the tree-like legs that were first put under the track, and which are beginning to decay, and putting in their places squared stanchions.
J. A. Betts is making some alterations on Mr. “Will” Hearn’s naphtha launch.
Mr. William H. Warren has removed with his bride into the John C. Wilson property on Chestnut Street.
Andrew Davidson, Captain of the steamer Mary M. Vinyard, has removed with his family from Philadelphia to Milton, and occupies the property of Mrs. James Conwell on Union St., north.
Billy Robinson has abandoned his plan of stopping up the road around Lavinia’s Wood, as mentioned in our last communication. The gate now open; the snare lenders are loosed, and the rubbish and brush cleaned out of the road making it passable. What caused this resolution of feeling we are unable to explain.
Some persons who are out of a job are cutting the trees on the road leading to Lavinia’s Wood with axes; there ls a cedar and several young wild cherry trees rained; and a nice little maple on the causeway is cut nearly off, and will die. This tree would, in a short time, have made an elegant shade along the road, and its roots with many others would have been valuable in preventing the washing away of the road. Some people have natural formed deviltry in them that must vent itself on something, even to the little trees alongside. Can this vandalism be stopped?
John Conoway lost his driving horse on Friday. It is supposed to have been paralyzed; as, before dying, it had lost the use of its legs.
S. J. Wilson has put a-slate curbing to that part of his business property fronting on Federal Street.
Captain George Hunter, of Philadelphia, was the guest of Milton friends last Week.
Mrs. Callie Buckley died in Camden, N. J., on Tuesday of last week, aged 35 years. The remains were shipped to Nassau on Friday and from thence carried to White’s Chapel and inhumed. The deceased was known in Milton some years ago as Callie Lynch, youngest daughter of David Lynch. She had been twice married. Her first husband was John Lank, of near Nassau. Mrs. Lina West and Mrs. Mary Pettijohn, of Camden, sisters of the deceased, attended the funeral, and stopped with friends in Milton for a few days before returning to their home.
Mrs. Elizabeth Fitzgerald died at the home of her son, Ezekiel Fitzgerald, in Cedar Neck, on Tuesday, aged 91 years. Funeral at Cedar Neck Church on Thursday, Rev. J. S. Gray officiating, and interment made ln cemetery nearby. S. J. Wilson & Son undertakers.
We have interviewed some of our fruit growers near town, who say peaches are but little hurt; strawberries slightly, but will recover; plums badly damaged, and pears all right. A plentiful fruit crop is anticipated if the weather will moderate.
Rev. G. W. Hines, the newly-appointed minister for the M: P. Church, arrived on Thursday evening with his wife and four-month-old son. He was met at the station by a committee of the church, and escorted to the parsonage where a beautiful collation was spread, of which he with his family and a portion of his future congregation partook.
J. M. Lank has repaired his yacht and named her “Cephus,” which means “a water foul” [sic]. Joe is engaged in the raising of bantam chickens; and proposes to excursion them up and down the Broadkiln during the summer months.
Mr. Alfred White, of Camden, N. J., is visiting his mother.
Captain Frank Lacey is at home with his family.
Prof. P. Page Atkins is confined within doors with the infirmities of age.
The first quarterly conference of the M. P. Church will be held at the parsonage on Saturday evening, May 7.
The annual meeting of the State Council, O. U. A. M., will be held in the lodge of Milton Council, No. 14, on Thursday.
Isaac W. Nailor has contracted to build a dwelling for William H. Abbott on Wharton Street. Mr. Nailor is also making some alterations in the pulpit at the M. E. Church, and notably removing the choir therefrom, and will locate that musical body in one corner of the building.
William W. Jones died on Tuesday morning of paralysis, age 77 years. The funeral services were held on Wednesday afternoon at the M. P. Church and interment made in the Odd Fellows Cemetery. Rev. J. W. Hines conducted the funeral, and J. B. Atkins, undertaker, did the rest.
For furious driving on the streets William W. Warren and D. C. Armstrong were arraigned before Mayor Fosque on Monday evening. The fiasco cost the former $6.50 and the latter $8.50. They won’t do it anymore.
Raymond E., the three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Steelman died on Monday after a lingering illness of four months. Funeral services were held at the M. P. Church on Wednesday by J. W. Hines, and interment made in Reynold’s cemetery. S. J. Wilson & Son, funeral directors.