August 26, 1904

The camp meeting at Lavinia’s of 1904 is among the many bright reminiscences. Bright to some, not so much to others. As a social gathering it was a partial success; as a spiritual blessing it was a lamentable failure. But modern usage in the upper part of the state does not associate spirituality with sociality. The writer however believes there’s no line of demarcation between the two. It appears that spirituality and sociality are twin sisters; to a certain extent–the same as veracity and congeniality. In fact, there must be a consonance of disposition where enjoyment is had. The reader made enquire: Why this circumlocution? It is, dear reader, to have you understand that “birds of a feather flock together,” and that the 1904 camp meeting was an association of congenial spirits that had success of every hand. While to the purchasers of privileges the “dingbats” has not been satisfactory, to the other fellow it has been all smiles. Some of our maidens pronounced the camp at Lavinia’s of 1904 the dullest they ever knew, while many old fellows say they never enjoyed a better. Strings conglomeration of the picnic. But does the reader know that smilingly youth and wintry age cannot see things in the same light. Through the same glasses if you please. We are persuaded they cannot. And yet there are some old fogies who will tell you can Lavinia’s camp was a miserable failure. True the management have a plethora of cash. Prof. Welch, proprietor of the boarding tent, counts his money in $10.00 bills, but the other poor dispensers of confectioneries, ice cream and horse food, carried their pennies to bank in a cigar box. Strange. But we must consider this to be the way of the world. While some are going up others are going down. But as to what the camp of 1904 at Lavinia’s has been, or maybe productive of that, it will be necessary to await developments of the future. “Coming events cast their shadows before us.” It has been said, “A game of cards is never out until it is played out.” This may be the final result of good, bad or indifferent of Lavinia’s camp. Let us wait the developments of a few months and we shall see. We did it last year and saw the results in a shorter time than we had expected. I will tell you there’s nothing that would bring a thing to perfection like a camp meeting, particularly Lavinia’s.

Captain John Fisher, of Philadelphia, paid a short visit to Milton last week. Both the National Bank and the Trust Company bank have been scrubbing up their house the past week.

The swallows seem to be early in their autumnal conference. They may be seen now each morning in […] perched on the church spire, no doubt planning for their migration. They will soon leave.

The water in the upper lake has been very low for a week past, and the skillpot[i] has had the chance to air himself from the top of some long hidden stump or […]. The skillpots are […] this lake.

Large quantities of corn are being hauled through town to Harbeson for canning purposes. We understand $7 per ton is paid for the cereal.

Anson Rought and family have removed into the James’ property on Chestnut Street, recently vacated by D. C. Armstrong. The property belongs to the Jones heirs, of which Mrs. Rought is one.

A part of the logs forming the deck at which the steamer is stops were carried away last week. The logs were with some difficulty gotten out to prevent collision with the steamer’s propeller.

Mr. Culver, station agent at the Queen Anne’s railroad, this town, who recently sent his resignation to the company, informs us that at the earnest solicitation of the company, he will hold over during the present month, or possibly until a fitting man can be found as his successor. Mr. Culver’s other business awaits him.

Dr. Lowe and wife, of Bellaire, Md., Miss May Lowe, and Mrs. Lowe, of Shrewsbury, Pa., have during the past week been guests of L. W. Hartman, junior proprietor of the “big store.” The company left on Saturday after a most pleasant visit for their respective homes.

Mrs. Alena Richardson, of Dover, has been visiting her parents, ex-State Treasurer and Mrs. Atkins.

George H. Dick, candidate for State Auditor, on the regular republican ticket, has been a welcome visitor in town for a week.

Mrs. Mary A. Hendricks and daughter, two nieces and one nephew, are the visitors of Peter R. Stevenson, at Stevensonville.

Mrs. Sallie A. Walls succeeds her son in the business of a general merchandise store at Stevensonville.

But the reader may become more acquainted with Stevensonville, we will, perhaps, after next week give an epitomized situation of this town.

Wm. Carey—familiarly known as “Bill,” is now in Milton. Mr. Carey’s present home is somewhere in New York State. He is supposed to still be running the Prohibition platform, a subject he knows nothing about, and never expects to know anything about.

Dr. Joseph Conwell, mayor of Vineland, N. J., left Milton on Thursday morning at 8:00 AM. The writer met the doctor on Federal Street, Milton, on Friday at about 9:30 PM. “Doctor,” said I; “I thought we bid you ‘good-bye’ for going home.” “Yes,” said this gentleman, but I took an excursion, and I am now here.”

May L. Conner, colored, died last week aged 64 years. J. R. Atkins inhumed the body, after appropriate services by the Rev. Jackson, in the Bethel Cemetery near town.

Fred Welch’s ice cream pavilion is the attraction these hot sultry evenings.

The river cannery opened on Saturday.

At the primary meeting held on Saturday the following delegates were elected to represent 10th representative district: William Wescoat, Horace Brown, Harry V. Lyons, George E. Megee, and Wm. H. Warren. Alternates, Joseph West, F. H. Brown, Joseph Willis, H. L. Ruiz, Silas J. Warrington.

Walter Conwell Thompson, the nine months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Walker Thompson of Harbeson, died at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. David Wiltbank, on Saturday. Funeral services were held by the Rev. L. P. Corkran on Monday afternoon, at the grandparents’ home, and interment made in Zion cemetery by J. R. Atkins & Co.

There were 35 registered at Harbeson on Saturday.

H. C. Conrad, of Wilmington, and Edgar Lank, Esq., of Philadelphia, were passengers on the Milton boat on Saturday. They spent Sunday in Milton.

Miss Gussie Smith, of Philadelphia, has been the guest of Miss Lizzie Black.

Peaches sold on Monday at the steamer’s dock for from 65¢ to $1.01 per basket. Tomatoes on Monday sold at the station for 12¢ per basket; on Tuesday for […] per basket. The factories are paying 10¢ a basket.

Jacob H. Chandler died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. William S. Morgan, South Milford, Tuesday evening, aged 83 years. Funeral in residence at 10 o’clock Thursday morning. Interment at Union Cemetery, Milford. S. J. Wilson & Son funeral directors. Mr. Chandler was formally of Kennett Square, Pa.


[i] The best result of a search for “skillpot” is that it is a regional dialect term for a type of turtle.