Recently that there were parties in this town from the Baltimore Collection Agency, soliciting business for the firm. They visited the merchants and professional men, and let them know they had unheard of facilities for the collection of claims, and if not successful no charge would be made. The general answer they received was substantially as follows: We know the men in and around our town, and can do our own collecting. Our debtors pay when they can; there are times, however, when they cannot pay, and knowing them to be honest, as a body, we don’t propose to give them any trouble, during the dull times. Any one whom we know won’t pay without using drastic measures, we can handle ourselves, and will do so. After receiving the above expression of opinion from creditors towards their debtors, the collection agency men saw no chance for any business in Milton.
The attraction of the week has been the linemen putting up the telephone wires. They have excited the curiosity and drawn the attention of old and young, who have been watching their maneuvers at the top the poles. This work is now about done.
The steamer met with an accident last week, on her trip to Philadelphia, which the delayed her until Saturday. During this enforced detention the boat has been repainted and upholstered, and is now in complete order for the passenger trade. On their return trip on Saturday she was loaded with freight. 43 passengers were taken on board at Philadelphia, and 44 landed in Milton dock. A birth occurred on board on Saturday morning while the steamer was coming down the bay. Dr. W. J. Hearn, fortunately, was on board, and rendered the necessary assistance. The child is a bouncing boy, and as Dr. Hearn remarked when asked if it was alive, “Yes; very much alive!” The mother of the child is a daughter of Mr. Freeland Short, of Broadkiln, and, with her husband, resides in Philadelphia. We suggest the boy be named Vinyard in honor of the steamer on which he was born.
On Saturday, July 16, Edgar W. Lank attorney-at-law of Philadelphia, and Miss Caroline Reine Crockett, were united in the holy bonds of wedlock. The marriage knot was tied at the Church of the Transfiguration, otherwise known as the “Little Church around the Corner,” in New York City. The wedded pair will preside at No. 4912, Washington Avenue, West Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Lank are expected to arrive in Milton on Friday of this week. On September 1st they will make a tour of parts of the west, visiting St. Louis, Niagara Falls, Thousand Isles, and other places of note on the Great Lakes, and among the St. Lawrence. Mr. Lank is another one of the young men who are graduated from Milton, and is writing his name in the world’s animals. We wish him success in this new venture of his life.
E. N. Lofland is rearranging the interior of his yacht, in order to give more room for excursion parties.
Captain Wallace Smith is convalescing from a recent illness.
John O. Clifton, who recently purchased the privileges of the confectionery and food pound at Lavinia’s Camp, has sold the same to Jesse Ed. Joseph.
Magnolia Street is again being repaired.
Miss Eva Coverdale is visiting her father, Mr. Wesley Coverdale.
B. Frank walls, collector of this district, brought to town on Saturday an Irish potato that weighed 28 ounces.
Camp meeting at sand hills closed on Sunday night.
People near town complain of the myriads of mosquitos. Not so many have been known for many years.
Workmen are putting in private phones this week, and Miss Mary Palmer has been appointed “Hello girl!”[i] at the exchange.
The sale of Robert walls, advertised to take place two weeks ago, has been again postponed until the 9th.
Mantrala E. Scott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, of Falmouth, died on Tuesday aged one year, four months and 24 days. Interment at St. George’s Chapel on Thursday. S. J. Wilson & Son, funeral directors.
Rena Ellen Martin, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Martin, of Lewes, died on Wednesday morning age one year, two months and 14 days. Funeral services were held at the home of the parents on Friday afternoon, by the Rev. Mr. Williams, and the remains interred in the Presbyterian cemetery at Lewes, by S. J. Wilson & Son, funeral directors.
William R. Veasey, son of Roland Veasey, died at Harbeson on Saturday, aged four months and five days. Funeral services and interment at Beaver Dam on Sunday afternoon. S. J. Wilson & Son, funeral directors.
Matie J. Johnson died at the home of her parents, near Harbeson, on Sunday, aged seven years, six months, and 11 days. Funeral services at Springfield X-Roads on Tuesday afternoon by the Rev. H. Taylor of Georgetown, and interment in adjacent cemetery by S. J. .Wilson & Son.
Mrs. Mary E. Dodd, wife of Peter Dodd, of near Harbeson, died while sitting in her chair on Saturday morning. Deceased was 81 years, five months and 16 days old. Funeral services were held on Tuesday morning at Springfield X-Roads, and interment made in that cemetery, Rev. H. Taylor performed the last sad rites, and J. H. Atkins directed the funeral.
James T. Carey is putting a story on his dwelling near town.
Lofland Brothers are loading two cars with bricks at their yard near town. These bricks are bought by Conwell & Co., of Lofland Bro. and shipped to various parts.
Joseph Argo died in Prime Hook Neck, age 78 years, 2 months and 16 days. He was a member of the M. E. Church and died in that faith. He was buried by S. J. Wilson & Son.
[i] I believe this is the first time the term “Hello girl!” was used by David A. Conner in print. It is an expressive term for switchboard operator in use during the late 19th and early 20th century, right through to the end of WWI.