Thomas Brittingham, fireman at the shirt factory here, while shoveling coal into the furnace last Tuesday, stuck the points of a pair of shears that were in his hip pocket into his wrist, and before the physician could dress the wound, he lost a lot of blood. He is getting along very well.
The residence of James H. Warrington has been repainted this week by Wm. Smith and sons.
The Davis Carey place has been put in order for the winter, and the fences and out buildings have been painted.
An accident to the carriage of Dr. Wilson happened last Wednesday, but the doctor was not injured.
Horace Warrington has recently returned from Alaska, and with his wife is visiting his mother, Mrs. W. R. Wilson.
John Lank and Miss Nellie Waples attended the ball given at Milford last Friday.
Edward Bacon has moved from Lincoln to Milton, where Mrs. Bacon is teaching in the public schools.
John Derrickson, colored, has purchased the old building that stood in the rear of L. B. Chandler’s office, from Edward Reynolds. He has moved it to the extreme end of Lavinia Street, near the causeway, and will make a house out of it.
Thanksgiving was a very dull day in Milton. No services were held in the churches; the interest of church members appearing to be centered in the quality of the dinner spread by the Epworth League and Ushers’ Union in the lower room of the Masonic hall. The interest of the sports and sinners was in the races at the track of the Broadkiln Trotting Association; at the latter we understand it was an exhilarating time and one man hurt. The dinner and supper netted the management $35.00
Purnel S. Bennett, age 69 years, 10 months and 24 days, died at his residence near Jefferson’s Cross Roads, on Tuesday last from general debility. The funeral services were held on Friday afternoon and burial was made at Slaughter Neck churchyard. Deceased leaves three sons and two daughters, William Bennett, of near Slaughter Beach, and Frank and Henry Bennett, of Cedar Creek Hundred, and Mrs. Wm. Betts, of Broadkiln, and Mrs. Frank Cain, of Warwick, Md. Wilson & Son conducted the funeral.
One of the granaries of Conwell & Son on the dock was found unlocked last Sunday morning, and tracks of a dearborn indicates the loss of about 20 baskets of corn.
Sunday was temperance day at the M. E. Church. The Presiding Elder preached at night, and the third quarterly conference was held on Monday.
The telephone wire between the depot and the town was taken down last Monday. It belonged to the Queen Anne railroad.
Ida W. Boyce, widow of the late James M. Boyce, of Slaughter Neck, died at her home there age 30 years, five months and 15 days. Funeral on Tuesday at the Slaughter Neck Church. Her husband died about six weeks ago.
The warm weather was broken last Sunday, and the ponds and river were covered with a thin skim of ice.
Mrs. Mamie [Brockinton] and daughter, Miss Virginia, and Mrs. R. T. Wilson and daughter, Miss Grace, are attending the world’s W. C. T. U. Convention in Philadelphia
Captain George Megee is also in the same city.