February 19, 1904

W.H. Warren has moved part of his business to the Palmer Block, corner of Front and Federal Streets. He still continues the old stand, and the two are connected by telephone.

Rev. M.P. Jackson, pastor of the A. M. E. Church, of Milton, requests that the following statement be made public through the CHRONICLE, viz: “Joseph Heavalow, Mary Jane Edward, Gertrude Heavalow, and W. J. Hazzard, have withdrawn from the church of which I am pastor. One of these hold credentials of an official nature which are now of no account. The public is forewarned.”

The Rev. Jackson is assuredly an improvement over many of his predecessors in the ministerial line. He combines the superior quality of his race, and in conversation makes his congeniality felt, in regard to their church muddle, the Rev. Jackson has done only his duty.

Crushing her way through the ice, with battered foresail set, and a light breeze drawing from the north, the schooner W. I. Simpson made her way slowly to the Milton docks on Friday last, coal laden, for Conwell & Company. The schooner left Philadelphia on December 20th wither her load of coal for Milton, and since then she has been frozen in the Delaware River ice at Delaware City for part of the time, and getting clear from there she was forced aground off Polk’s Bar in the bay, and still later off Broadkiln Bar. It required fifty-four days to make the trip, and her tattered sales show something of what the schooner has gone through. The coal famine has been relieved for a time, and owners are selling it at $6.75 per ton from the vessel’s deck.

R. C. Beardsley is convalescent from a severe illness.

The assistant postmistress gave a social to her many friends on Friday evening last. It was an enjoyable affair.

Edgar Lank, Esq., and Mr. John Lank, both of Philadelphia were guests of their brother, J. M. Lank, of the Milton Trust Company on Sunday last. The first named gentleman made a very interesting address to the Sunday School, in which he portrayed scenes and told of his impressions of a recent trip to Europe.

A Francis Willard[i] Memorial service was held at the church on Tuesday.

The public school at the Beaver Dam has been closed during the past week because of diphtheria prevailing in that district. It reopened on Monday. During the vacation, Mr. Warren, the teacher, has been visiting the Milton public schools. He is also a commissioner in the Milton schools. The lady teachers played a trick on him, while making these visits, by asking him to assume charge for a time and leaving him to teach their departments for a goodly part of each day.

A band of gypsies in encamped near Beaver Dam, and are plying their arts in Milton.

From what we are able to learn about the Hart Hotel sale, it is somewhat of a myth; as the present occupant knows nothing of it.

Dogs have become a real nuisance in Milton. If a door is left open, they enter, lie down by the stove or appropriate anything eatable they can get at. A lady was cleaning a chicken last week and turned away for a minute, and in the interim a dog had stolen the fowl.

Presiding Elder Baker preached at the M. E. Church last Sunday evening. The quarterly conference was held on Monday morning when routine business was transacted. Rev. L. P. Cochran was asked to return by a unanimous vote, and J. B. Welch was confirmed as superintendent of the Sunday School.

Conwell & Company, whose advertisement appears in the Chronicle, are doing an extensive business in the brick line. We attribute their success not merely to their having a superior quality of bricks, but in their methods of selling them.

Captain Bloombaugh was in town last week in the interest of the proposed steamboat company. It is thought that the line is assured.

Mrs. Scott, of Georgetown, was in town last Friday evening.


[i] Frances Elizabeth Caroline Willard (1839 –1898) was an American educator, temperance reformer, and women’s suffragist. Her influence was instrumental in the passage of the Eighteenth (Prohibition) and Nineteenth (Women Suffrage) Amendments to the United States Constitution. She became the national president of Woman’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) in 1879, and remained president for 19 years.