The cold weather of the past, with its sleet and ice, has been inconvenient and disagreeable to many; and to others it has been a delightful season for winter pleasure. The skaters have had a merry time and the winter tourist–ourself for instance—has seen much to admire while roaming around with benumbed fingers and stinging ears. In the upper part of Lake Fanganzyki, where the banks are encircled with the pine and the cypress and trees of a deciduous character; the water has been frozen nearly to the bottom—it being unusually low—and the tops of the stumps of trees whose foliage have been broken off during some past […], protruding through the crystal lake, they also covered with ice crowns, produced a scene both picturesque and grand. And then too the solitude of the situation! Almost unconsciously we recall the words of Carlyle’s description of “Solitude in the Arctic:”[i] “Silence as of death—for midnight even in the Arctic latitude has its character nothing but the granite cliff, ruddy-tinged, the peaceful gurgle of the slow heaving polar ocean, over which and the utmost north, the great sun hangs low and lazy, as if he too were slumbering. In such moments solitude is invaluable; for who would speak, or be looked upon, when behind him lies all Europe and Africa fast asleep, except the watchmen and before him the immensity—the palace of all eternal whereof our sun is but a porch lamp!” We do not wish to be understood as meaning that the situation we are describing was as gran as Carlyle’s description of “Solitude in the Arctic,” only in miniature. This condition is changed now; the ice has thawed, and the pleasure of the skaters is over.
Captain Lucion C. Darby, of Camden, N. J., is the guest of many friends.
The wedding bells that were expected to have rung have miscarried.
Charles Waples intends erecting a saw mill and planer at the Milton depot and will keep in stock all kinds of lumber used in country work. This will be a great convenience to our people who are inclined to repair their properties; as a t present when a little lumber is wanted persons are compelled to go elsewhere for it.
Edwin T. Johnson, who has been visiting his parents during the holidays, returned to Ponce, W. Va., on Monday.
Mrs. Susie B. Davidson, after spending several weeks with relatives in town, returned to Philadelphia on Monday.
The Misses May and Lottie Welch attended the funeral of their cousin, Miss Annie Pierce, of Milford, on Thursday last.
- H. Warren has removed a part of his business to near the corner of Front and Federal Street. He still has under his management the pool room in the Curtis Reed property on Front Street, and has put up a telephone between his two places of business, to facilitate communication. The only one I town that makes any business or private connection.
There is generally the rush of a crowd at the post office during mail delivery; and often two or three members of one family are there to receive the same mail. How this is to be remedied or obviated, we have no suggestions to make.
- B. Welch has been suffering for a week with a cold, cough and sneezing. He has many comforters, such as comforted the man of Uz[ii]. Convalescence is now with him.
Josiah Culver, agent at the railroad station, is on a trip to Philadelphia. The business of the office is being transacted by Mr. Morris, of Greenwood, during the absence of Mr. Culver.
On account of the illness of J. B. Welch, superintendent of the M. E. Sunday School,. Isaac W. Nailor, second assistant superintendent, officiated on Sunday afternoon.
The sermon of the Rev. L. P. Corkran on Sunday morning was of Ezekiel’s vision and prophecy of the dry bones. This goes back to the Babylonish captivity of Israel; and the point that Mr. Corkran wished to make was God works through human instrumentalities, and there is a work for everyone to do. The extra meetings at both of the churches are characterized by devotion and fervor, through no penitents have yet been at the altar. The afternoon prayer meetings that are being held by the ladies have become so well attended that private residences are not large enough to accommodate the congregation, and the churches are used this week for the purpose.
An ice boat was on the frozen lake last week under the management of some of Milton’s skillful geniuses. This is by no means a new thing, as Captain James Lank and other Miltonians had a similar craft on the lake about twenty years ago. The wise man has said, “There is nothing new under the sun.”
The eggery of Messrs. White & Johnson is not so prolific as desired. The cold weather is, doubtless, the cause. They have chickens in a good and healthy condition, and when the weather shall have become warmer, the firm’s expectations in the egg line will, no doubt, be realized.
There are three coal dealers in Milton, and it is a comfortable fact that when one is out of coal, the others are sure to be. This is the case with every other commodity that is vended in Milton. Consumers of coal are now hailing that article from Milford, or Georgetown, for their own consumption. The schooner Simpson is said to be at Broadkiln Bar with a load, but under present conditions she had as well be in the Baltic Sear, for any good the coal will do Milton. It would be hard on the captain, though.
[i] The quotation is from a work of fiction – Sartor Resartus: The Life and Opinions of Herr Teufelsdrockh, by Thomas Carlyle (1795 – 1881). Thomas Carlyle was a Scottish philosopher, satirical writer, essayist, historian and teacher. He was considered one of the most important social commentators of his time. The words “Sartor Resartus” mean “the tailor retailored.”
[ii] The man from Uz is Job (see Job 1:1, Old Testament)