Judge Joseph Carey and son, of Cheyenne Wyoming, R. Davis Carey, and nephew, of Philadelphia, and the Misses Carey, sisters of the above named gentlemen, are visiting the parental homestead in Milton.
Children’s Day will be observed at the M. P. Church on next Sunday.
Young men playing ball on the streets is a spectacular sight in town these days.
The farm of Joseph Holland, situated near the Drawbridge and known as the Abe Holland farm, was sold on Saturday in front of the Ponder House under execution process and purchased by Wm. G. Dodd for a consideration of $2,320. The farm contains 330 acres.
The Milton steamer arrived at the dock Saturday morning with a cargo of fertilizer and other merchandise. The steamer left Philadelphia on Thursday evening on scheduled time, but on account of the storm anchored until Friday evening late when she left. She will make one trip a week during the month of June, leaving Milton on Tuesdays, and returning leave Philadelphia on Thursdays.
George […] Porter, aged 61 years, 6 months and 17 days, died suddenly on Friday. Mr. Porter was a clerk at the C. H. Atkins store and went home that evening in apparent good health as usual, was taken with sudden […] an died before medical aid arrived. The funeral services were held at his late residence on Monday by the Rev. G. H. Hines and the remains inhumed in Odd Fellows Cemetery. A eulogy was also given over the remains of Mr. Porter by G. J. B. Welch, superintendent of the M. E. Sunday School.
Henry Roach has the lumber on the ground to build a new dwelling for Wm. Richards on the corner of Magnolia and Mulberry Streets.
We are requested to announce a festival to be held at the M. E. Church at New Markey on the evenings of Thursday and Saturday, the 17th and 18th instant.
We will state for the information of those who wish to know, the reason why we say “Mulberry St. north” or “Union Street south,” etc. is because the river cuts these streets, making part of them north of the stream and part of them south of the stream: and part north is North and the part south is South.
The steamer Mary M. Vinyard is using the bituminous coal from the mines of the McGee Coal Mining Co., of Philadelphia of which Capt. G. E. McGee is president, and W. H. Conwell secretary.
Children’s day was celebrated at Zion M. P. Church on Sunday evening; an as the Rec. L. P. Corkran was in attendance at that service there was no preaching in the M. E. Church in Milton.
The old academy is being painted.
New potatoes are in market, and dealers are asking 30 cents a gallon for them. We do not like young potatoes for they are not [….].
Under our new advantages Milton is putting on city airs. On Saturday along Union Street, in the nooks between the states, peanut stands and tables on which […] drinks were offered for sale were visible, and although presided over by amateurs, met with some success.
Richard A. Giersh, formerly of Philadelphia, but now a farmer near Harbeson, [mistook] Saturday last for Sunday. He […], read his paper, and performed the usual Sunday devotional exercises. On Sunday he geared his team and started for Harbeson with a load of wood. Being informed by a neighbor whose house he passed that it was Sunday, he loosened his team and left loaded wagon on the wayside. On Monday he returned and carried the wood to Harbeson. This is an authenticated fact.
Dr. Chas. Marvel’s son, of Richmond, Indiana, has been visiting Mr. Thos. Wilson and family near town.
Annie Elizabeth Polk, relict of the late John Polk, died at her residence in South Milton on Tuesday morning, aged 59 years. Funeral services will be held from her late residence today Friday at 2:30 p. m. and the remains will be inhumed in the M. E. Cemetery. Rev. Corkran will officiate at the services. Mrs. Polk leaves two daughters, Mrs. Chas. Davidson and Miss Sallie Polk, and one brother, Ex-Sheriff Martin.
An agent from Michell & Michell, Ridgely, Md., came to Milton Monday to demonstrate the thoroughness of their corn thinning carriages, to show the people how to use them. He experimented on Thursday afternoon on a field near town. Some who witnessed the experiment were enthusiastic and others were skeptical concerning its work.