June 24, 1904

Enthusiasm obtains to Milton, and the principal topic is the steamboat. The dream of years is realized and all are glad to know that Milton has arose “Phoenix-like from its ashes,” and will take her place among the progressive towns of the western shore. There is, and has been, plenty of capital in Milton, plenty of intellect to make up a first-class business town; but the paraphernalia has lain dormant dreaming of the future. At last these desirable elements of brains and finances have been focused and a culminating point has been reached. It centered on a steamboat, and she is here and here to stay—engaged in making regular trips between here and Philadelphia. Freights are not heavy yet, but it will come. Though the beginning may be small, “nil desperandum”[i] is the motto of the company, and they will carry the new enterprise through.

Farmers should attend to the shipment of their produce: remember that potatoes at $5 co per barrel are far more profitable than in even a week later, at $2.00 per barrel, or still later, at 40 cents per bushel.

The causeway at the east end of Front Street, connecting this place with “Sculltown,” is being widened six feet, and half of the work has been completed. It will be of great advantage to teams coming into town.

The “Y’s” held a social on the lawn of the M. E. Church last Saturday evening, and the melody of a choir composed of small girls sitting on the grassy bank near the church was greatly admired.

The privileges for Lavinas Camp Meeting will be sold in front of the M. P. Church on Saturday, June 25th.

Milton school elections will be held tomorrow the 25th.

Two new beef shambles[ii] have been recently started in Milton. The town of Milton is looked upon as a great beef-place, and the fact that there is only one dentist in the place, would show that the beef is of a good order.

Charles Waples has his saw mill located at the depot about ready to commence work. All the machinery is in place.

Thomas R. Wilson, one of the officers of the S> S. T. T. & D. Co., has been appointed a delegate in a delegation that is to go to St. Louis to advocate the nomination of Judge Gray for President.

Joseph Reed, son of May E. Reed, died on Tuesday evening of last week of brain fever. He was 15 years old. Funeral services were held in the M. P. Church on Thursday, and the remains were interred at Beaver Dam cemetery.

Vashti T. Dawson, aged 73 years, died near Oakley last Thursday, and the funeral was held at St. Johnstown Church on Saturday. Burial near Greenwood by S. J. Wilson & Son.

Bertha M. Veasey died at her home at Harbeson, of consumption, on Thursday last, aged 21 years, 9 months and 6 days. Funeral at Beaver Dam M. P. Church, and interment in that cemetery. She was a member of Virtue Council, No. 2, Daughters of America, of Milton, which body attended the funeral with Joseph M. Lank, of the Jr. O. U. A. M. acting as Marshal. Miss Hettie J. Conner was chaplain and read the burial services of the order at the grave.

Wm. W. Smithers, of Philadelphia, has purchased of S. J. Martin, on half interest in a lot at the railroad station.

Children’s Day was observed last Sunday at the M. P. Church when an interesting program was given.

Elmer Dickerson has removed with his family to Camden, N. J. They went via the steamboat Mary M. Vinyard.

Emaline Vaughn, aged 89 years, relict of Charles Vaughn, died at her home in Broadkiln Neck on Monday. The funeral was held at her late residence on Wednesday afternoon, and the remains were interred in Zion cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.

Wm. H. Welch is fitting the sails to his new yacht and otherwise preparing her for the summer cruising this week.


[i] “Never despair”

[ii] Archaic name for a beef slaughterhouse