June 3, 1904

And this is Decoration Day! Thirty-none years ago the Civil War ended! How swift the years have flown! The little child, who in that time stood by his father, not knowing what it all meant, has become a man; the wife who girded on her husband’s sword and kissed him good-bye for the battleground, has long since become decrepit, and bent with age, are passed broken-hearted to join the one she loved so well. Thirty-nine years have passed; years of summer heat, and winter’s snow. The little mounds remain undisturbed within which loving hands have lain their friends. How is it with the “boys in blue” who have passed over to the other side? We cannot answer, but we believe. Perhaps hovering around us as we write—”Are they not all ministering spirits sent to us, who shall be heirs of salvation?”[i] And we believe how it is with them, although we admit we cannot demonstrate our belief nor prove our theorem.

“Let us cross over on the other side, and rest beneath the shade of the trees,” meant more to “Stonewall Jackson” in the last throes of dissolution, than did all the battles he had fought during his generalship. “Are they not all ministering spirits sent to minister unto us, who shall be heirs of salvation?” Did we say above that the years had flown? Experience tells “me” they have. In February of 1865 I married my wife and lived with her for thirty-seven years before she went over; and when I retrospect these years, I am led to ask myself the query: “Can it be?” And when I look around me there is so much evidence to prove the fact that skepticism cannot exist. And this is Decoration Day! Not much observed around Milton; the grave s of our soldier dead are flagged, and loving women have flowered the mounds of their departed. Edgar Lank, Esq., attorney-at-law of Philadelphia, made a thrilling speech, which was only characteristic of his eloquence; and the rest was performed by Milton talent.

Sand and sugar, though often found together[ii], are not considered inseparable. If the reader wishes to know what this enigma means, we say ask Mr. David Wiltbank, and he will tell you all about it. While Mr. Wiltbank is not a dealer in sand, he is a speculator in fertilizer.[iii]

The scarlet clover of this season is pretty, and is now being cut. The old style clover never was better, and wheat is promising.

Mrs. Sallie Ponder has had considerable shooting in her back orchard of late. The caterpillars are the cause. These pests are a nuisance, and any one is perfectly justifiable to use all precautions, and every means to protect their property. The sound of a gun does not necessarily scare any one, and only a few “sticklers” themselves, are ever heard to make objection to firing guns within the town limits. Mad dogs, caterpillars, English sparrows and all other pests should be exterminated. “Self-preservation is the first law of nature.”[iv]

Mr. Peter Parker of Delmar, but later of Millsboro, removed from the latter place to Milton on Wednesday. He occupies the property of the Lacey Brothers, on Federal Street, recently vacated by Mr. Lemuel Hartman, of the “Big Store.”

The Queen Anne’s R. R. is having the trestle near town, west, repaired the present week. When this work shall have been completed, the trestles both east and west of Milton will be in a good and safe condition.

The caterpillars, which now abound, appear to have an affinity for wild cherry trees. A particular one in town, is covered with their cocoons, or webs, and many others on the suburbs are completely defoliated and barren.

Children’s Day will be observed at the M. E. Church in Milton, on June 5th, and at Zion M. E. Church on June 12th. It is not yet announced when the M. P. Church will hold theirs.

Someone has said, “If you want to raise a crowd in Milton, halloo ‘fire,’ or call a political meeting. This was demonstrated in part on Thursday afternoon, when the cry of fire was heard. Almost everyone was excited when the church bells pealed the alarm. All classes appeared on the scene. The misses near the conflagration came from their work within doors, en dishabille[v], with bare arms and determined features. Certainly never looking prettier. The shirt factory closed, as did also most of the business places of the town and there was certainly a crowd collected. The fire was the dwelling of David T. Atkins, on Union Street, North, and was set on fire from the sparks of a saw mill in the rear of his house. By the herculean efforts of the Milton fire company, the flames were soon gotten under control, and the damage is slight. This shows what a conflagration, has this mad beginning not been timely discovered. This building adjoins the M. P. Church, and many private residences of note. We have heard tell of a “blacksmith shop” in the house, but we never before heard tell of a sawmill in church; and it appears that the town authorities should look into this matter.

It is said by some, and believed by the many, that the Milton fire engine under the management of the “boys” paid for itself on Thursday afternoon. Had it not been for it, the efforts of the boys and the brave women could not have extinguished the flames.

Fred Welch has completed his ice cream pavilion. It is water-tight, mosquito proof, and for the enhoument of a pleasnt evening attractive.

Miss Florence Campbell, the beautiful daughter of Mr. Elisha Campbell, ex-collector of the Tenth Representative district, was united in matrimony with Mr. Fred Stevenson, son of Joseph Stevenson, a former resident of Milton. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. Henderson at the Presbyterian Church, at Coolspring on Thursday afternoon. The happy couple left on a bridal tour, and on their return will reside in Lewes.

Mary M. Vinyard, The pride of Milton—the steamer we mean—will leave Milton dock, pier 1 at 1 o’clock a. m., on Wednesday, June 1st. for Philadelphia, and returning leave Philadelphia for Milton on Friday evening flowing. One trip a week will be made by the boat until July, when a change of schedule may be expected.

The dwelling of William Abbott on Wharton Street is rapidly approaching enclosement. Isaac W. Nailor is the contractor and builder.

S. J. Wilson has had considerable improvements made to his beautiful residence on Mill Street. All of the modern conveniences have been attached, and the building may now be considered complete in every detail and design.

N. J. Messick, of near Waples, who was recently hurt by falling from a load of hay, was in town on Saturday, much improved, through still suffering from the effects of his fall.

Prof. William Welch brought his yacht, lately built at Ellendale, to Milton on Saturday. She came all the way by land, without sail, and will soon be introduced into the Broadkiln.

Mrs. Joseph Fields has had tombs put to the graves of her father and mother in the M. E. Cemetery. They are the work of Mr. Supple, of Milford, and were erected by S. J. Wilson on Saturday.

Palmer has removed the baking department of his bakery to the original bakery on Union Street, North. The last named being more advantageous during the hot season. He continues the sub-bakery on Federal Street.

Anson Wraught and lady, nee Miss Nettie Jones, the latter formerly of Milton, but now of New York City, are the guests of Mrs. Ida Fox, on Chestnut Street.


[i] From New Testament, Hebrews 1:14

[ii] The actual phrase is “Sand and sugar, though often found together, have little in common.” It is probably taken from John Jacob Anderson’s A Manual of General History, and refers to the use of hogsheads of sugar by the British as a defensive measure in the Battle of New Orleans.

[iii] This is probably Conner’s not so oblique way of categorizing David Wiltbank as a purveyor of bulls..t.

[iv] Quotation from English poet Samuel Butler (1835 – 1902)

[v] Mangled French; the intended phrase was en déshabillé, or in a state of undress