A meeting of the Milton Steamboat Company was held at the Trust Company Bank on Wednesday morning. Wilmington was represented by five men known to the steamboat world. After the meeting was over, we interviewed Mr. D. M. Conwell, one of the prominent managers of the line, and he assured us that the matter had materialized so far as to assure the boat being here in two weeks–weather conditions considered. A subsequent report, based on the resignation of Thomas Wilson, vice-president of the company, leads to different conclusions. If there is a fight between certain persons of Milton it should be adjudicated, one way or the other. A body politic must be run by the people, and it takes all to run it. It is no use for a man to say, because I cannot be on top, I’ll not be there. lf the report that there are some parties fighting the steamboat line for the interest of the Queen Anne’s Railroad Co., they are certainly fighting not only the town’s best interests, but against themselves. It is useless to make a contrast, and we will not–not now. Give us the steamboat line, let the “Kilkarney Cats”[i] do what they may.
Benjamin Walls has been secured by J. H. Warrington as chief clerk, vice Edward Blizzard, resigned.
Christian Jensen, a Dane, living near town, suffered another stroke of paralysis on Saturday. This is the second attack M r. Jensen has had, and his condition is considered precarious.
Miss Hattie J. Conner has been appointed by the-powers that be, Deputy National Councilor of the Daughters of America, for Council No 2, Milton, Del. This is a re-appointment.
There have been so many cases of theft in town recently, and the fact is so potent that it would seem that “he who runs might read.” Not long since the larder of a prominent citizen was robbed of grub, and following on this is the robbery of his hen coop. These acts are not the acts of strangers.
Herring were caught in the Broadkiln on Wednesday and were sold at 25 cents per dozen.
R. C. Beardsley has sold his interest in the brick machinery to the junior partner of the concern, Mr. A. H. Lofland.
Mr. William Fosque, agent of the Prudential Life Insurance Company, has some peculiarities; the most noticeable one being a mania for dressing up in his best clothes when he goes to the wood pile to saw wood.
William Pierce died at Lincoln on Wednesday aged about 75 years. Funeral at Lincoln Sunday morning, and interment in the cemetery nearby. Rev. Joshua Gray performed the last sad rites and S J. Wilson and son conducted the interment.
May M. Wilson, aged 2S years, 7 months and 14 days, died of consumption near Millsboro on Friday. Funeral on Monday afternoon and interment in Brotherhood Cemetery, 5. J. Wilson and Son funeral directors.
Virtue Council, No. 2, Daughters of America, visited Ellendale and organized Enterprise Council, No 9, on Wednesday evening. This order appears to be growing fast, and numbers among its members the best ladies of the land.
Our much esteemed friend, Wesley Coverdale, espied a fish hawk on Monday, but for fear the old adage that fish hawks do not come until after the 20th of March, he called Mr. Mears, the barber, to “see it.” Mr. Mears “saw it,” and the truth is verified. This is not new, for last March this phenomena occurred, and was witnessed by. J. B. Welch. No one will doubt his veracity.
A Union Republican primary was held in the office of ’Squire Collins on Saturday afternoon. There were 42 votes cast, and the following ticket elected, it being the only one in the field:
First-Election District Delegates—John M. Robbins, George E. Megee. Alternates—C. H. Atkins, Silas J. Warrington.
3rd Election District Delegates—Samuel J. Lank, Horace Brown, James Roland, Jr. Alternates—J. L. Warrington, Harry V. Laws, H. R. Burton.
Harry L. Robinson was elected Hundred Committee for Broadkiln.
Captain G. E. Megee will be a candidate before the Dover Conference as delegate to the General Conference that meets in California. Captain Megee would, undoubtedly, be a nice delegate to represent the Wilmington Conference.
Rev. L. P. and Mrs. Corkran have gone to Conference. S. J. Wilson, delegate, will go on Thursday. Mr. Corkran’s salary has been paid in full; and this is Milton’s time-honored prestige. We expect Mr. Corkran back, and one of our literary men, high in church life, said to me: “Mr. Corkran says he will have an Ushers Union when he returns. What is an Ushers Union?” “Well,” said I, “the only answer I can give you is to refer to the Milford, Lewes or Georgetown papers, they have the Ushers Unions in those towns. As I am not directly interested in that work, l cannot answer you correctly. They will tell you.”
[i] The actual term is “Kilkenny Cats.” Although the origin of the term is lost, it refers to anyone who is a tenacious fighter.