Some people are altogether too sensitive. While this feeling may show a suspicious disposition, it is by no means favorable to the person possessed of the quality. These people are generally a misery to themselves and try to make all miserable around them. If anything appears in print, in an innuendo form, they take it to themselves, and the innocent writer is subject to their most venomous maledictions, when he, perhaps, had no more thought of them when writing, than he had of “The Story of Hannah.” There are others who, when they hear something out of which they thing they can make capital, having been published in a paper, will borrow a paper—these sort of people seldom or never take a paper—and hie themselves to the person or persons whom, they think, are as ignorant as themselves, and in as much of a melodramatic manner as they can assume, read the item: “O, he means you, and I’d go for him!” exclaims this world-be exciter of malice; and nothing better can be expected of the illiterate person, who does not read for himself than to believe all that is told him. As a general thing, newspaper writers do not try to offend anyone; but if there is something said at times, that appears to be personal, the better way is to keep in good humor—“Grin and bear it,”—you will certainly gain nothing by ill will and retaliation. A fakir is hard to beat at his own game. All persons who are prone to take everything that is said in a community, as directed to themselves, have a hard time of it. Better take the world easy and not accredit yourselves with more than you are guilty. Remember this and be wise.
Our little item of last week in regard to church slumber has made a decided hit; we were not aware there were so many guilty ones. We are informed there were six ladies who are high in church affairs, congregated together discussing the item of last week; and they almost simultaneously exclaimed, “It wasn’t me!” It was not me, etc!” when one of them quietly remarked: “It certainly was not I, because I was not present.”
If the ladies who are given somnolence will take a little cayenne pepper, and when they feel their drowsiness coming on apply a little to the vitreous human, they may find it efficacious in keeping them awake. This is merely a suggestion.
At the town election held on Saturday there were 98 votes polled, and the following commissioners were elected: John H. Davidson, J. J. B. Atkins and G. W. Sharp. Mr. Davidson received 97 of the 98 votes.
C. H. Atkins’ hen coop was robbed on Wednesday night of last week of 45 chickens. These fowls were of a fancy variety, and Mr. Atkins estimates his loss at one hundred dollars. The thieves carried their game away in a wagon.
The school at Harbeson was closed again last week on account of diphtheria.
The dwelling house of John Taylor in Cave Neck caught fire early on Saturday morning and was burned to the ground. But little furniture saved.
C. C. Armstrong is suffering with a sprained ankle.
If the first days of March rules the spring month—well, the ground hog knew his business.
Henry P. Webb, infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Webb, died at the home of its parents near Ellendale on Wednesday, aged 1 month and 4 days. Funeral services on Thursday, and interment in the Isaac Webb burial ground, S. J. Wilson & Son, undertakers.
John Sherman, who formerly resided near Harbeson, died at the house of his daughter, Mrs. George Rust in Lewes and Rehoboth Hundred on Thursday, of generally debility. Aged 80 years old. Funeral at Beaver Dam on Sunday afternoon, the Rev. Mr. Stevens officiating, and interment made in the cemetery adjoining. S. J. Wilson & Son conducted the funeral.
The school at Beaver Dam reopened on Monday.
William Banning died on Sunday at the home of his brother, John Banning, near Oakley, of dropsy, aged 66 years. Funeral was held at Oakley M. P. Church oi Wednesday afternoon and the first interment made in the new cemetery adjoining the church. S. J. Wilson & Son, undertakers.
At the annual meeting of the Missionary Society of the M. E. Church held on Sunday evening a nice program was rendered. Besides the singing there were pieces read by Miss Rena Steelman, Miss Virginia Brockington, Miss Lizzie Bryan, Miss Stella Virden, and Miss Elizabeth Conner. $132.69 was raised during the year for missionary purposes.
Harry Redden is yet very sick with typhoid pneumonia, and the rest of our sick people are better.
The W. C. T. U. held a session on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. L. M. Fearing.
The M. P. Church has asked for the return of the Rev. H. S. Johnson for another year. At a late meeting John Conaway was elected delegate to attend the annual conference, and B. B. Johnson alternate. Mrs. Florence Johnson was elected visitor to the Home of the Aged at Westminster, Md. The old board of stewards and trustees were re-elected.
The disgraceful conduct that occurred at a house on Mulberry Street on Saturday evening is to be deplored by a decent community. And upon this fiasco is directly the fault of the drunkenness of a young man who had recently married an estimable young girl, the matter is doubly bad.
The parties guilty—mostly of them—left Milton at about 12 o’clock on Sunday night, and when the officers went to look for them on Monday, they were non est.
At a meeting of the Town Council on Saturday evening William Stevens was re-elected president, as was also Charles Davidson re-elected secretary. John Lewis was elected treasurer in the place of R. W. Warren, time expired.