The question has been asked, “Why is Crime on the Increase?” The fact is unquestioned. We have noticed that some of the journals in upper Delaware attribute the fact to the indiscriminate practice of breaking the law, by buying of votes. That crime increase is the result of unpunished law-breaking, goes without saying. Vote-buying or selling may have something to do with the case, but we believe that the most potent factor is the manner in which the newspapers publish the most heinous crimes. Crimes are generally revolting enough to be published in simple language; but when they are emblazoned and illustrated with every detail of horror magnified to the uttermost and intensified by the remarks of correspondents and their imagination, they become an infatuation for certain minds, and tend to lead to similar results in certain persons. A familiarity with danger begets carelessness. A familiarity with crime, or the reading of the history of crime, is like to beget an infatuation for crime.
Most readers of to-day, especially in the half illiterate and ignorant classes take delight in reading these accounts of crime, and the more horrifying they are, the better they like the story. While accounts of crime are legitimate news, it would be better to boil the accounts down, giving the simple facts and letting the sensational go.
Milton has three beef wagons making daily calls at private houses seeking customers and this has become such a nuisance that there are now many small signs posted on the back doors of the residences which state, “No Beef Wanted Today.” It is hoped that this will give the good housewives some relief from answering so many calls daily.
Captain S. R. Bennett, who was attacked with sciatica in the woods last week, is now much better.
Last Saturday afternoon we counted 64 carriages and other vehicles on Front Street, and 14 on the other parts of Milton, which shows a pretty fair turnout of country shoppers.
Jacob Coffin, the sexton of the M. E. Church, is recovering from a recent illness.
Ex-State Treasurer Charles Atkins has put up a private telephone, on line between his store and residence.
Miss Fannie Leonard is quite ill with pneumonia at her home in Milton. Mrs. Fannie Dickerson is also very ill at her home here, and N. W White is suffering from a severe attack of neuralgia. Our physicians say there is considerable sickness prevailing at present.
The anniversary of the M. E. Sunday Missionary Society will be held next Sunday evening, and a fine program will be rendered.
It is said that while the Rev. L. P. Cockran was delivering a splendid discourse last Sunday evening, an active lady worker of the church sat and nodded, and some thought she was expressing approval of what the minister was saying; while others thought she was asleep. If the lady should borrow a paper and see this item, she must not be offended, for this is the work of a “crusader.”
There was no rural mail delivery route opened from Milton last Tuesday, and the people do not appear to be worrying over it.
The Epworth League held a social at the home of the secretary, Miss Mayme Conner, on Monday evening. About 100 young people of both sexes partook of freshments from the brilliantly lighted and beautifully decorated dining room, singing music, declamations and tableaux enlivened an occasion made grand by the beauty and wit for which it was intended.
George B. Atkins is building a naphtha launch, 26 feet keel, and 7 feet beam, for the following owners, viz: Charles H. Atkins, Capt. George E. Megee, W. W. Conwell, Dr. R. B. Hopkins and Charles Waples.
While the family of E. W. Warren was away from home on Sunday evening last, his son entered the house, lighted a lamp and threw the lighted match under a couch and then went to bed. When the parents arrived home they found a blaze burning merrily, and fortunately soon extinguished the flames.
Rufus W. Warrington was badly cut on Saturday night by a Negro near Harbeson. No arrest was made.