The present season of trout fish and fish wagons remind us of the days of our boyhood, when it was no uncommon sight to see a string of wagons passing through Frederica enroute to Bowers Beach. As I stood on Federal Street in Milton last week the scenes of my early days were in part reenacted. At this time of the year in Frederica thirty years ago, it was not unusual for the hotel to employ an extra bartender during the trout season, for it was then that the long train of wagons wended their way from the border of Maryland to the shores of the Delaware to get their winter supply of fish. But the large catches of those days are unknown to the folks of today, and the glories of the fish caravan in the spring have dwindled.
Wm. A. Johnson who had his leg broken a few weeks ago, is now able to be out on crutches.
The steamer is reported as scheduled to make her first trip from Philadelphia about the first of June. The time cards have not been issued yet.
The residence of Captain Frank Carey on Federal Street is now one of the most attractive in the town, and many more could be entered in the class by attractive painting.
The caterpillars are so numerous and rapidly becoming a nuisance, and many plans to exterminate them have been tried, but they are still doing business.
In the gardens of Prof. John A. Collins the saying is aptly exemplified, “that a thing of beauty is a joy forever,” for the flowers speak for themselves.
Mr. Harry Grubb, of Wilmington, was the guest of Miss Fannie Workman last week.
John C. Hazzard has returned from Wilmington, where he has been spending the winter.
James H. Jones, who lives on the John J. Morris farm near Milton, was arrested last year for shooting a duck out of season and fined $5 and costs; now there are two pheasants that were recently turned out by the Game Protective Association on his property. He wants them to come forward and prove property when the shooting season comes around.
Willis Barrell died at his home in Prime Hook Neck last Friday, aged 62 years. The immediate cause of death was dropsy. Funeral services were held at Slaughter Neck Church on Sunday last by Rev. J. Joshua Gray.
Mrs. Laura Donovan died at her home in Camden, N. J. on Friday last, and her remains were sent to Redden on Monday. Funeral services were held at Reynolds M. P. Church. She was a daughter of Jerry Walls.
At the closing of the public schools last Friday for the summer holidays, a treat was given the pupils by the teachers.
Peter B. Lynch died at his residence in Long Neck last Monday from Brights’s disease. He was 80 years, 4 months and 11 days old. The funeral was held at Trinity on Wednesday afternoon, Rev. Well officiating, and S. J. Wilson & Son funeral directors.
Mr. Fields, President of the Christian Endeavor Society from Felton, addressed the society in Milton last Monday evening.
Lavinas Camp Meeting will begin on August 5, and continue for two weeks.
It is announced that a new physician will settle in Milton in the person of Dr. Walter Hunter, who was graduated in Philadelphia this week.
Mrs. Anna Polk is reported quite ill at this writing.
William Lank, of Philadelphia, arrived in town last Monday. Edgar Lank, Esq., and John Lank, also of that city, are expected to arrive here on Saturday, and all will be guests of their brother who is in charge of the Milton Trust Company.