Now that the game law is off, and the rabbits and the partridges are being shot by the hundreds, the relation of the incident that was related to me some years ago while in Baltimore Hundred by a resident of that locality may be pertinent. The incident goes to show how the gunners “come it” all with the farmers who have positively declared no one should gun on their land. Some years ago two gentlemen–one from Milford, the other from Georgetown–men who stood high in their profession, and were well known throughout the state, went into Baltimore Hundred on a gunning tour. They went to the house of a farmer and asked the privilege of gunning on his land. An emphatic “no,” was the answer with the accompaniment, “I have positively declared no one shall gun on my land.” “O, well,” and the gentlemen began to move off, followed by the farmer, while a desultory conversation was kept up until the barn hid them from a view of the house. Then one of the men pulled out a bottle and said: “We are going to take a drink. This is good whiskey. Will you join us?” The farmer thought he would, and he did. While this was operating, the conversation was kept up on various matters, and in the course of a reasonable amount of time another drink was proposed and taken. The conversation was resumed for a while, when one of the gentlemen said: “We had better be going, the day’s advancing, and try somewhere else.” “O, say,” said he, addressing the farmer, “You had better let us gun on you as we are now here. Let us this time and we will come more.” “Go ahead and gun all you want to, and come as often as you please!” “Thank you, take another.” Now the case with this man is the case with many others. O, there is a potentiality in whiskey that is astonishing. It mollifies anger in certain cases, causes a person to lie in others, and makes a pseudo-angel or devil out of a man in general. The rate the rabbits are being killed the sport will soon be ended. It does look like a shame to keep these birds and rabbits protected by law all the year, and fed and fattened on the farmer’s land until a certain time set by legislative enactment, at the suggestion of the Delaware Game Association, then turn loose on army of gunners and kill them all in a few days. The farmer should let no one outside of the State, to gun on this land; no, not even for the tempting offer of two drinks of whiskey. Drive them off, and you will soon break up this organization that is domineering you, under the euphonious title of the “Delaware Game Protective Association.”
J. Polk Bailey relates that in the past spring he planted his butter beans, and cut branch willow for poles; that when he went to pull the poles up they would not pull; that he was obliged to dig them. They had taken root. This story is not unlikely, for a willow branch will spread quickly underground, as we well know; and small trees are not long in the making from that.
Thomas Wilson, assistant trust officer in the Milton bank, paid a visit to Philadelphia last week.
R. Davis Carey, of Philadelphia, and sister, Miss Susie, have been at the Milton homestead for a week.
Extra meetings are being conducted at Zion M. E. Church, by the Rev. L. P. Corcoran.
To judge from the quantity of wood that is being hauled on the wharves, one would be led to think that Milton is again becoming a wood emporium.
Harry Bryan, who temporarily filled the place of Josiah culver, former station agent at the Queen Anne’s depot, has been relieved by Harry Owens, of Greenwood.
Mrs. Laura Hickman gave the writer a “setting up” on Sunday morning over the barber shop that is being builded [sic] on Union Street, north. Mrs. Hickman says: “Mr. Douglass is not building it, John is building it!” (John is Mrs. Whitman’s husband). The fact is, Mr. Thomas H. Douglass is having the house built, and Mr. John Hickman, architect, and builder, is ex-officio, the workman, boss, etc. We hope this explanation may meet with the approval of Mrs. Hickman.
We notice that the Russians and Japanese have got to fist fighting on the Shaekhe River. If the belligerents are thus near fraternizing, the war will soon and (?).[i]
While Thomas Morgan was cleaning a revolver on Sunday, the weapon was accidentally discharged, the ball entering Tom’s right thigh. Dr. Wilson dressed the wound, but failed to locate the ball. Tom has just recovered from a horse kick in the face.
Mrs. Mary J. Leech, accompanied by her husband and daughter, came to Milton on the steamer week before last, to visit relatives and friends.
While at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Edward Stephenson, on Wednesday evening, she suddenly dropped dead. Coroner Lank held an inquiry on Thursday afternoon. The remains were shipped from Ellendale on Friday morning by S. J. Wilson & Son, to No. 205 Monton Street, Philadelphia, the late residence of deceased, where funeral services were held, and the body then transported to Wilmington and inhumed in Brandywine cemetery. Deceased was 58 years old.
Daniel C. Lekites, who had been for some time in a Philadelphia hospital for treatment, returned home three weeks ago; and died on Wednesday aged 55 years, 5 months and 15 days. Funeral services were held at his late residence in Ellendale on Friday at 12.30 o’clock by the Rev. J. L. McKim, and the body interred in Odd Fellows Cemetery at Milford. S. J. Wilson & Son conducted the interment. Deceased was a member of Chippewa tribe No. 28, I. O. R. M., of Milton, and of the Sr. O. U. A. M, of the same town.
The Epworth League and Ushers’ Union of the M. E. Church, will spread the table of good things in the lower room of the Masonic hall on Thanksgiving Day. Dinner and supper will be served for 25¢ each.
In the absence of the Rev. Corcoran, conducting services at Zion, Captain W. H. Megee officiated at the M. E. Church on Sunday evening.
The accident on the Queen Anne’s railroad at Love Point, necessitated the working of the section hands from this town on Sunday. An engine and car came after them before day on Sunday morning and they did not return until Monday night.
Captain Theodore Megee is very low with consumption, at his home in Harbeson.
Thomas J. Why it died at his home in long neck on Sunday, age 48 years. Funeral services were held at White’s Chapel, by the Rev. Strickland on Tuesday afternoon, and interment made in the adjacent cemetery. S. J. Wilson & Son supervised the funeral.
Mr. John Wilson and mother, Mrs. S. J. Wilson, returned from the world’s there on Saturday. Mr. Wilson gives the charming account of his visit; and thinks the sightsee a scene, the representation of customs in foreign lands, and the actual, living people of the individuals, has more than compensated into the expenses of the journey. He says, “I would not have missed being there for one thousand dollars.”
Joshua Gray, Rural Free Mail Delivery Carrier, is very nicely fitted up for the business. He has a light wagon, with glass doors on either side, a desk inside, and is prepared for business, as well as for cold weather.
[i] The Russo-Japanese War would not actually end until September 5, 1905, with the signing of the Treaty of Portsmouth, so named for the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard at Kittery, Maine. The negotiations were mediated by President Theodore Roosevelt, who received the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts.