The hill on Lavinia Street that has in part furnished the sand, clay, gravel, and stratified earth for the repair of the streets of Milton, presents many of the stages of the world’s alloys. Here one may see the depth to which the water covered the earth at certain periods. The stratifications denote this, and impress one geologically inclined with Hugh Miller’s reconciliation of “geology and Genesis.” Our object in writing this item is to warn parties, more particularly those who come here to study Nature’s formation. The workmen, in digging, generally undermine the hill, which is liable to cave, or landslide at any time. Hence, the necessity of precaution. There are young children also who are wont to play under the hill. Should it cave while workmen are at work, while the little children are playing around, their lives would be crushed out. I am more particularly led to note this from the fact, that a cave-in occurred in West Virginia, on the railroad on which one of my sons-in-law[i] is helping to build, and where he but narrowly escape being killed. The hill at Lavinia’s has had several cave-ins, but they fortunately appear to have happened when no one was around.
Mr. Jones, of Dover is again catching sunfish in Broadkiln’s historic waters.
The presence of a late of so many strangers, has had the effect to arouse inquiry, “Are they bank robbers? Or are they simply come to spy out the land?” However, the bulldogs are kept chained, and an extra watchmen is on duty at the banks.
Perhaps there are more boats, launches and other sailing craft around the Broadkiln than ever before. The latest was a pretty naphtha launch from Cienfuegos, the early part of the week. She carried a crew of two–a man and a woman.
On Wednesday Thomas Atkins had a mule to jump into his wagon, disturbing the equilibrium of that aged gentlemen. On the evening of the same day, a team ran into the lamp post at the “Big Store,” demolishing the lamp but leaving the post.
The mosquito season has had its effect, particularly on cattle. Jim Palmer has a cow with no tail. D. C. Armstrong, of the upper hostelry, has a horse in about the same condition. But for the cow and the horse during mosquito time, Ike Bailey, the ever prolific genius of the river bank, conceived the idea of a false tail for the poor cattle. Acting on his genius the ever-inventive, he has a tail in operation. It is said to work like a charm. Patent applied for. Any infringement will be prosecuted according to law, or any other nuisance.
On account of sickness in the family, William Warren cannot attend the Dover convention.
Eliza Lingo died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Joseph J. Collins, in Long Neck, on Thursday, aged 80 years and 16 days. Funeral at her daughter’s residence on Monday afternoon, and interment in Lingo Cemetery, in Long Neck. Rev. Jones, of Millsboro, officiated, and S. J. Wilson & Son conducted the interment.
A cow belonging to Cap. Scull, of Mount Ararat, died suddenly on Friday morning. The animal was milked the previous evening, but when the morning came she was found to be sick and before a veterinary could be summoned, died. Samuel Smith buried the beast with appropriate ceremonies. The animal is supposed to have been a victim of anthrax.
Miss Ida Barker, the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Barker[ii], was wedded on Wednesday evening to Mr. Wm. Johnson, son of Captain Henry Johnson, of navigation fame. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride’s parents, on Mill Street. Rev. F. L. Stephens, of Harbeson, tied the nuptial knot. Our congratulations are offered.
The eggery of Messrs. White & Johnson has collapsed. The last batch of hens was shipped last week. The firm have lost money on this venture; and it is a pity; as there are so few enterprising men who are willing to risk a few dollars experimentally. We’re sorry that enterprise and industry should, at any time, be confronted with a failure, and more particularly so, when those who are engaged in an enterprise are of our own immediate acquaintance.
Elmo May Hudson died at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hudson, in Coolspring, on Friday, aged one year and 10 days. Funeral at Springfield X-Roads on Sunday afternoon, by Rev. Strickland, and interment in adjoining cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.
George H. Dick, of Smyrna, who has been a Milton visitor for 10 days, left for his home on Saturday.
Fodder season is now on.
Captain S. R. Bennett will engage in the oyster tray during the coming fall months.
Those interested in the Milton races practice of season met on Friday evening at Fireman’s Hall and perfected an organization, by electing the following officers: president, D. C. Armstrong; general manager, John T. Wilson; secretary, Oscar Betts; treasurer, J. C. Lank. A committee was appointed to lay out a track 40 feet wide and a half mile in circumference; also to build a grandstand suitable to staples, and enclose the enclosed the hole with a board fence five feet high. The location of the track has not yet been determined.
Sarah A. Willis died near Lincoln on Sunday, aged 72 years. Funeral at Lincoln on Tuesday afternoon. Interment in cemetery. S. J. Wilson & Son funeral directors.
After a closure of a few weeks on account of camp meeting, and to give the employees a much needed rest, the shirt and overall factory of Messrs. Douglass & White resumed work on Monday.
The yacht Ralph Welch, Captain E. N. Lofland, having completed her mechanical work, left Milton on her maiden trip on Friday, with a full complement of men, and a gallon of crude material. We understand the voyage to Broadkiln Beach and back was a most enjoyable affair; but on account of the pleasure loving company was somewhat protracted. These trips will be continued indefinitely.
William Fowler, of Ocean View, formerly of this town, is here to consult the Doctors Hopkins for eczema. Mr. Fowler is an old and tried friend.
Joe lank, trust officer of the Milton department of the S. S. T. T. & D. Co., went to Lewes on Saturday, and among the many other curiosities he brought home was a new cap. On Monday Joe and the writer went out to Spencer’s peach orchard to get some peaches and show off Joe’s new cap. Joe wanted his “best girl” to see it. By the munificence of Mr. Spencer we were supplied with peaches. Joe’s girl got to see his new cap; both happy, and the reader will note how we have abridged the items under one.
Peaches 50 cents a basket on Monday at Milton dock.
Hettie R. Joseph died at the home of her son, [at] Springfield X-Roads, on Tuesday, from general debility, aged 74 years, 11 months and 13 days. Funeral at St. Jones Thursday afternoon, interment in cemetery. S. J. Wilson and son directors.
[i] That son-in-law was Edwin P. Johnson, a native of Sweden who married Sarah Emma Conner in 1899. Sarah was the oldest of David A. Conner’s children, born in 1866.
[ii] John B. Barker was a trustee of the Milton M. P. Church and presented the large of the two windows in the vestibule. His daughter Lizzie Barker was one of the Sunday school girls’ class who presented their own window on the East Wall.