“Can any good come out of Nazareth[i]?” Certainly, if we expect any good, it should in the main, be expected from the church, or from the professed followers of He who was called the Nazarene. But what shall we think when we see these persons from whom the world expect so much, derelict in what from our standpoint, we consider it the duty? This subject has been suggested by the paucity of numbers present at one or more funerals of late, and this paucity was reducible to zero on the part of church members. Why was this? Simply because he was not of our “household of faith.” Not all together, we think. Yet that was a part of the cause. Had the deceased been up in the financial world would not the attendance have been larger? We are persuaded it would have been. Yet, today, the poor man–poor man! that phrase is a misnomer in this connection–yet today the rich man is worth more than we all! The world takes notice of the actions of them to whom it is expected it should look for example. And what does the world think when it sees a lethargic laity oblivious to the calls of humanity? And what does God think? And what does Christ think? “Inasmuch as ye did it not unto one of these the least of my little ones ye did it not unto me.”[ii] “I will spew you out of my mouth!”[iii] The above is respectfully submitted to whom it may concern.
Last Thursday witness a decided full and temperature. Some citizens, wiser than the rest of us, donned their overcoats were comfortable.
On Thursday evening beneath the moonlight the smoke from many chimneys could be seen ascending in spiral columns heavenward, mute witnesses that the inhabitants within these dwellings were comfortable and enjoying life.
William Richards house on the corner of Mulberry and Lavinia Streets is ready for its stucco.
Robert B. Veasey, of Harbeson, has been paid $250.00 by Virtue Council No. 2, Daughters of America of Milton, the amount paid by this order on the death of a member. The deceased was Mr. Veasey’s wife.
Town Council by the action of Supervisor Dickerson is guttering Front Street east of Chestnut.
In certain localities in the suburbs of town, a heavy frost was visible on Friday morning.
The “Singing Tree on Lavinia’s Road” as mentioned in the “Milton Times,” is something of a hoax. The editor has been misled we think. This tree was called to my observation last summer by Milton’s poet, and I investigated. I went to the tree, put my ear to the trunk, and heard a musical sound. I stepped away and looked up the tree, and every branch was alive with a peculiar insect of the genus “I don’t know what.” Last Thursday in company with the discoverer, I visited the tree but the day was cool and there was no music. Said I, “John they are not out today.” He thinks we need to go no farther on this remarkable tree.
Edward Hall Ewing, aged 15 months and 10 days, died at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pepper, near Coolspring Station, on Wednesday. Funeral at Coolspring Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Mr. Henderson, on Friday, and interment in that cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.
The condition of the platform of the Queen Anne’s station is dangerous. “Bine by” some small foot lady or gentleman will go through, and there will be another suit for damages.
Dr. Edward Vaughn has been visiting his mother, sister, and other friends. He returned to his studies on Saturday.
Dr. Sheridan Manship, of Denton, Md., and father, attended the funeral of his uncle, A. H. Manship, on Sunday.
Alfred H. Manship died at his home on Chestnut Street at 7 o’clock on Thursday morning. The funeral service was held at his late home on Sunday afternoon and the remains deposited in the M. E. Cemetery. Mr. Manship was a veteran of the Civil War and had held the position of postmaster of Milton for many years. He had been suffering from nervous troubles for some time. It is believed his supercession by another in the post office, hastened his death. HE was 67 years, five months and 13 days old, and leaves to survive him a splendid representation of two daughters and three sons; Misses Annie and Helen, and Messrs. Harry, Frank and Edward. The funeral and burial services of the M. E. Church were conducted by the Rev. L. P. Corkran. The I. O. of O. F., of which body he was a member, attended this funeral in a body, and performed its interesting service. J. B. Atkins conducted the funeral.
At the “Union Republican” primary–so printed at the head of the ticket–held on Saturday, the following gentlemen were chosen to represent the Tenth Representative District at the Georgetown convention: delegates John M. Robbins, J. Clarence Lank, Ebe T. Lynch, Martin G. Short, William D. Messick. Alternates B. F. Walls, Charles. H. Atkins, Eli R. Sharp, James E. Warrington, William J. Wescott. Assessor—Nathan H. Williams; Inspector—Wm. W. Reed. There were 55 votes polled, and with but three exceptions each candidate received the full strength of the poll. There was but one ticket.
Harry L. Robinson is now leading as wholesale dealer in grain, flour, feed etc. in this town.
The wharf at the foot of Chestnut Street is being repaired. The work is in charge of Stephen Sockum, and a good job may be expected.
The Anderson cannery at the river will close this week.
Steamer Mary M. Vinyard, heavy laden with freight, and neap tides prevailing, was grounded last week and detained. The steam yacht, Ralph Welch, Captain E. N. Lofland, towed the schooner John E. Lingo down to the steamer, and lightened her cargo. The steamer being relieved from a part of her cargo arrived at Milton dock at 9 a. m., on Monday with her lighter in tow.
Buzzards are infesting Milton at present. Their headquarters appear to be the roof of the M. E. Church.
Joseph M. Lank, trust officer of the S. S. T. T. & S. Co., has had two cedar posts all completed with necessary attachments for hitching, put in front of the bank for the accommodation of its patrons. The public will recognize this facility.
R. Davis Carey, of Philadelphia, is having the Carey property in Milton—the summer residence of himself, brothers and sisters—repainted. Wesley Coverdale and Frank Outten are doing the job.
[i] Quotation from New Testament, John 1:46.
[ii] Quotation from New Testament, Matthew 25:40
[iii] Quotation from New Testament, Revelation 3:16 – a reference to “lukewarm Christians’