April 14, 1905

Perhaps the prettiest grass plots in Milton are those of R. Davis Carey’s home residence and that of D. M. Conwell’s on Union Street, north. The Carey property has recently been remodeled and is an up to date building; and used by the Carey brothers and sisters when they visit Milton.

It is no uncommon thing to see young men at this season playing marbles along the sidewalk. They forget that life is real, “life is Earnest,”[i] or they do not care. They have no thought for the future–perhaps they have no mind to thank.

J. Polk Davidson is building a launch 32 ft. long 9 ft. beam and 4 ft. depth of hold. Steam launches are the fad now on the Broadkiln.

E. N. Lofland is fast becoming “locomotor ataxia.” Mr. Lofland has always been an active man; and his affliction falls the more heavy on him for this reason.

L. B. Chandler and Mrs. Chandler, who have been visiting their son nearly all the past winter, returned home on Wednesday evening. Mr. Chandler, while visiting the United States Court at Scranton, about eight weeks since, by some mishap in getting out of the elevator, had one of his legs broken. William Chandler, his son, accompanied his parents home.

When the Queen Anne’s railroad was sold, people in and around Milton were afraid it’s the P. W. & B.[ii] bought it, they would take up the track from Ellendale to Lewes. It does not look like it thus far, as the section gang is putting in new ties by the hundreds.

David Postles, living near town, while trimming trees had the ax to rebound striking him on the nose with the edge and inflicting a painful wound.

Mr. Merritt M. Willitts, State Councilor, Jr. O. U. A. M., made his annual visit to Enterprise Council, No. 16, of Milton, on Thursday evening. Refreshments and the bonbons of the season were in evidence, and a pleasant time was had.

A draw well has been dug for the use of the little tenant house near Lavinia’s.

Mrs. Ruth, dressmaker, has removed from Milton to Georgetown.

The 800 pear trees of William Chandler–farm in tenure of Thomas Spencer–are now budding; and in another week will be in a beautiful state a florescence. In front of the building occupied by Mr. Spencer is a beautiful grove, which formally gave a delightful shade. These have been trimmed to their trunks in order to sprout again.

S. J. Wilson has a lot of six acres of as pretty wheat as can be found in this locality. It is situated at the eastern part of the town, near Mount Ararat.

Irvin King is repairing the property he recently purchased on the corner Chestnut and Wharton Streets.

James Ponder, attorney-at-law of Wilmington, has been spending a few days with his mother and sister.

Prof. Fearing is papering the new building of Nathan Williams, at Stevensonville.

Miss Lucille Mustard is very ill at the residence of her sister, Mrs. Fred Welch.

On Sunday Josiah culver was elected delegate to represent the M. E. Sunday school at the Sunday School Convention, to be held at Newark on the 20th and 21st Inst.

T. D. Conner and son, Carlisle, of Frederica, visited his brother D. A. Conner on Sunday.

Miss Lizzie Stockley and brother, of Philadelphia, are visiting their mother and other friends in town.

Miss Stella M. Vincent, died in Philadelphia, aged 25 years. The remains were forwarded to Nassau on the noon train on Wednesday, and from thence transmitted to White’s Chapel, by S. J. Wilson and son, where funeral rites were performed by the Rev. W D. Compton, of Nassau, and interment made in the adjacent cemetery. Deceased was a daughter of Mrs. Vincent, of this town.

Samuel D. Holland died at his home in Coolspring on Monday, age 63 years. Funeral was held at Burton Chapel on Wednesday morning, and interment in that cemetery. S. J. Wilson & son funeral directors.

At the monthly meeting on Monday evening, the school board decided to continue the schools open for 7 and one-half months from date of beginning.


[i] Quotation from A Psalm of Life by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1907 – 1882); the poem was popular and widely anthologized

[ii] The railroad company that actually bought the Q. A. R. R. was the Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad (P. B. & W. RR). The old Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore RR (P. W. & B. RR) was merged in 1902 with the P. B. & W. by the parent company, the Pennsylvania Railroad.