From spring weather of two weeks ago, the thermometer sank to the freezing point on Saturday night, and ice in plenty was formed. On Tuesday morning there was frost. Monday was a most disagreeable day; the wind, at times, blowing a blizzard, and the sand and dust blockading almost everything, even covering the recently sprouted vegetation. Workmen on the outside of enclosures suspended operation for the time. Overcoats were again brought out and worn for comfort. The weather has again moderated, and although farmers and truckers are much behind in their work, they are now going at it with a vim engendered by despair.
The steamer Mary M. Vinyard, that is much behind with her joiner work, will probably leave about the middle of the coming month to complete her repair in Philadelphia.
There was a very heavy frost on Tuesday morning; which likely killed the peach crop; but we will await the news from the Philadelphia papers.
Joseph Fields, who has been quite sick, is improving.
Miss Lucille Mustard is much better.
Rev. G. W. Hines left on Monday for his new appointment; and the Rev. G. J. Hooker will arrive in Milton on Friday to take the place of Mr. Hines.
William H. Warren gave a reception to his many friends in commemoration of the first anniversary of his marriage.
The Wagamon Brothers are erecting a fence on the east side of the dam that includes the Lake Fanganzyki.
Several members of Enterprise Council No. 16, Jr. O. U. A. M., visited Overbrook Council, No. 38, on Tuesday evening. The entertainment was royal, and speeches were made by nearly all present. J. Milton Lank, State Vice Councilor, made his first official address; it did credit to himself, to the Order, and to the town which he represents. On returning home, the wagon broke down during a heavy rain and wind storm.
Last week Mr. John F. Wilson bought of Leonard R. Hooper, of Easton, Md., his thoroughbred trotter, “Messenger Boy.” This horse is five years old and without a mark; and steps very fast. Mr. S. J. Wilson, father of the above named gentleman, is ab adept on horse, and Mr. John heirs the proclivity.
On Friday evening Mrs. Clara Pettyjohn brought suit against John Ellingsworth, of Waples saw mill at the railroad depot, for assault and battery between children. Esquire Collins dismissed the case; then each party bound the other over for good behavior.
After delays innumerable, Milton has a council as follows: to wit: viz: etc.: Mayor, William Fosque; secretary of board, George Sharp; treasurer, J. H. Davidson; assessor, Thomas Jefferson; bailiff to be elected.
The Maryland Annual Conference at its recent session appointed the Rev. George J. Hooker[i] as minister to the M. P. Church of this town. Mr. Hines has had a pastorate of only one year.
[i] For a more complete bio sketch of Rev. Hooker, refer to his bio page.