By common consent the peach crop has been almost completely destroyed; but in some cases a few appear to have escaped the general; destruction by the freeze of last week. Keiffer pears are not materially injured, but reports vary as to them also.
Mr. Spencer is planting a large acreage of watermelons and cantaloupes, which he hopes will in a manner replace the peach crop.
Not long ago the Town Authorities invited the public to dump ashes and rubbish at the side of the causeway and now there are posted notices prohibiting the dumping of rubbish at that point; evidently the officials do not know what they want.
On Monday evening at the residence of Mrs. Fred Pepper, on Mulberry Street, Miss Alice Calhoun and Mr. William Richards were joined in matrimony.
While driving into tow last week, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pepper were thrown from their carriage, and he had his collar bone broken; but she was only slightly injured.
Rev. Charles A. Behringer is visiting in New York.
The Sand Hill Camp Meeting will commence on June 28th.
Wm. Wilson, who purchased the Warrington property and store, has moved to Milton and opened the hardware business.
The colored minister in charge of this station is not afraid to work, and he is tilling a field near the camp ground.
James Ellingsworth is getting better from an attack of paralysis.
Trout has come into market, and at last we have confidence to believe that spring has opened in real earnest. They sell at ten cents for a bunch of four fine specimens.
Elza Hazzard, a colored man of respectability, died this week and was interred in A. M. E. Cemetery.
The commencement exercises of the Harbeson public schools were held last Friday evening.
David Dickerson has been appointed Supervisor of streets, Bailiff, lamplighter, etc. for Milton, at an annual salary of $255 per year. He has served in the same position for two years past with satisfaction to all.