The Second Quarterly Conference of this Conference year, was held in the M. E. Church on Saturday morning. The meeting of the Quarterly Conference used to be coincident with the holding of the Quarterly Meeting. That those days are gone. Quarterly Meetings are no more now than the ordinary service, except a special time to collect the Presiding Elders salary. In the good old days of long ago when Quarterly Meetings were held at Barratt’s Chapel, they were times scarcely ever forgot. The event was look for weeks ahead, and preparations made for accommodating a multitude. The one hotel in Frederica laid in extra provision for that day, and engaged one or two extra bartenders for the occasion; it was as common then to sell rum on Sunday as on any other day. From Dover, Camden, Milford and other places, the people flocked to Barratt’s Chapel in omnibuses and all imaginary kind of vehicles. The scene in the grove surrounding that old church resembled a camp meeting more than a Quarterly Meeting. At the time for service, all who could get into the church went in, and the rest stayed out. After listening to a sermon of ninety minutes to two hours duration, the meeting was dismissed, and most of people went to Frederica for dinner and other purposes. It may not be too much to say, that in those days at Quarterly Meetings, people had a good time generally. During the spring and fall, the causeway between Frederica and the chapel–which was that lower than it is now–was often overflowed, and on the Sunday of the Quarterly Meeting we boys ran a ferry carrying people from one end of the causeway to the other, two cents a passage; and we boys were always hoping the causeway would be covered with water on these particular occasions. But the latter days of the 19th century saw the end of their primitive times, and inaugurated another regime, which the advanced age of the 20th century will keep moving along until it is superseded by another and more advanced aeon.
On Thursday afternoon while feeding a clover baler near Holland’s Mill, Harry Rust, son of Robert Rust, of near Harbeson, had his left hand so badly lacerated as to render amputation necessary. He was brought to Milton, and doctors James A. and Robert Hopkins took off the mangled hand above the wrist. It appears the young man was feeding the machine with gloves on his hands. The glove on his left hand caught the machinery and drew his hand into it. The hand was literally torn to shreds; and it was necessary to stop the machine and take it apart to relieve it.
Last week in team drew a carriage in a hurry upon the outer ends of one of the bridge planks crossing a gutter. A plank “up-ended,” striking between the spokes of one of the hind wheels. But the spokes were stronger than the plank; for the plank was broken and the spokes were not.
On Wednesday, the 16th, the Rev. F. H. Mullineaux will deliver his famous lecture on his trip to the holy land. Mr. Mullineaux was one of the number who attended “the World’s Fourth Sunday School Convention held in the city of Jerusalem, the Holy Land.” This lecture will be delivered on Lavinia’s Camp Ground on Wednesday, from 1:00 to 5:00–4 hours. It needs to be heard to be appreciated.
S. J. Wilson & Son received another carload of carriages last week. In and around Mr. Wilson and Son’s bazaar, the appearance much resembles a city mart. There are carriages of all descriptions, and farm wagons galore. And they are selling many of them.
Little Paul Bryan who was hit last week by a playmate with a piece of glass just above the right eye. The wound was very painful and bled profusely. Dr. Hopkins was obliged close the wound with stitches.
Town council has cut the grass from the sidewalk of Lavinia Street, as far out as the town limits; thus affording a nice walk to the camp ground.
Rev. Ralph T. Coursey announced on Sunday morning that on account of Lavinia’s Camp meeting, there would be no service of any kind held in the M. E. Church next Sunday; and advises members to go to the camp on that day, and help to do all the good they could. Mr. Coursey will leave on Saturday for the camp at Wye, Md., where he will preach on Sunday evening.
The property and James A. Morris, who was one of the number that recently escaped from Georgetown jail, was sold at constable sale in front of the Palmer house on Saturday. The property is on Broadkiln Beach. A cottage was purchased by S. E. Prettyman for $80.00. A lot of lumber was bought of Jerry Steelman for $4.25, and a barn and stable by the same person for $35.00.
On Wednesday evening, August 2, Miss Sallie B. Fields of this town, and Mr. John B. Massey, of Indian River, were united in matrimony. The ceremony was performed at the M. E. Parsonage at Nassau, by the Rev. W. P. Crompton.
At a meeting of the school board on Friday evening, E. W. Warren resigned his position as secretary, and J. M. Lank was elected to fill the vacancy. Miss Cora Bennett, who was recently elected second assistant teacher in the schools was, by her own request, transferred to the […] department, and L. J. Coverdale was promoted to take Miss Bennett’s place.
John Simpler, alias “Simp,” who has been in Georgetown jail several times for various causes, is now in the New Castle Workhouse.
Mrs. Susie B. Davidson, of Berwick, Pa., is visiting her father, D. A. Conner, and her sisters and brothers.
William H. Chandler and son, of Scranton, Pa., have been the guests of his parents, L. B. Chandler and wife.
The shirt factory closed on Saturday for a vacation of two weeks. This is done to give the employees a needed rest and allow them to recuperate at the camp.
The steamer left Milton three times last week. This was absolutely necessary in order to get all of our city cousins here in time for the camp.
Edwin F. Macklin died at his home in Wilmington on August 5th, aged three months. The body was shipped to Ellendale on Monday, where the funeral services were held in the M. E. Church by the Rev. J. A. Ellegood, and sepulture made in the Odd Fellow’s Cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son, funeral directors.
Steam launch Arbutus of Philadelphia, with a party of ladies who are enjoying life at Dr. W. J. Hearn’s cottage, on Broadkiln Beach, came to Milton on Monday, returning in the afternoon to the beach.