August 4, 1905

Now Commodore Peary has started on his expedition to find the North Pole, some impertinent fellows are asking what he is going to do with it after finding it? “Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” It will be time enough after it is found to speculate on its disposition. But, possibly, he will take a piece of it to New York, and place a piece on the “Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World.” Faneuil Hall will take a piece and Chicago will not be overlooked. Quite a hunk will be necessary to manufacture into toothpicks, besides what the street gamins vend—they’ll furnish their own wood. It will not do to take it all, nor to cut it off too low, it will be necessary to be leave enough for Commodore Peary to hang a Panama hat on; thus wedding the torrid zones with the Arctic climate. It is almost certain that none of this pole will be distributed south of the equator. If that portion of the world south of the dividing line wanted the pole, let those interested discover the South Pole and distribute it around. And if the daring navigator who shall discover the South Pole, shall act in a manner similar to that which Commodore Peary is supposed will act, and put a Panama hat on his pole, then will the blending of communications with the keystone at equator be accomplished. Then can a telephone line be established from each pole via the equator longitudinally around the world. This statement may appear somewhat chimerical; but there’s no drawback to American ingenuity and American capital; and the limits to his discoveries and inventions have not yet been reached. It may be no mad freak of idealism to suppose that by the time the Panama Canal is finished–it is estimated it will take eight years to complete the job–both the North and the South poles will have been discovered, and a telephonic communication that we have hinted at, be not an absurdity but in reality.

Maggie E. Hudson died at her home near Milton, on Wednesday morning, aged 25 years and 16 days. Funeral services were held at her late home on Friday afternoon, by the Rev. J. W. Prettyman, and interment made in the Betts cemetery, near town, by S. J. .Wilson & Son, funeral directors.

On Tuesday of last week on excursion train of the B. C. & A. R. R.[i], in two sections passed over the M. D. & V. R. R., to Rehoboth. Train contained 25 cars, loaded to the pack, with 2000 people. This is the longest train that has ever passed over this road. The company used its own engines and cars, coming from Ocean City of the Delaware Division, and were transferred to the M. D. & V. at Greenwood, and proceeded to Rehoboth.

The new freight house at the Milton station is completed, and a new platform will be laid directly.

Isaac W. Nailor, contractor, who has been engaged for the last nine months on a government contract, at the Charleston, S. C., Navy Yard, has completed his job and returned to Milton.

P. J. Hart, who is always a devotee of novelty, is repainting the Hart House in pretty colors.

Town Council has put another gutter on Union Street, north.

The camp meeting at Lavinia as will begin on the 11th inst., and continue over three Sundays.

Oliver Hazzard’s new storehouse is enclosed, and the inside work underway.

Sheriff Lynch and Deputy Sheriff Purnell were in town on Friday, intent on civil business.

J. Polk Davidson has the ceiling in his yacht, and is now planking her. Planks are of first quality cedar; as is also all the material of a superior kind.

J. H. Davidson has the frame of S. L. Black’s dwelling up; and Josiah Culver’s house ready for the mason’s.

Many people from the country were in town on Saturday, and much business was done.

A superabundance of rain, and its consequent humidity of atmosphere, has prevailed during the past week high.

The Sand Hill Camp Meeting was well represented on Sunday afternoon and evening, from Milton and vicinity.

We are officially informed there was a notable absence of chewing gum at the Sabbath school on Sunday last.

Edgar Lank, Attorney-At-Law of Philadelphia, and wife, are at Broadkiln Beach occupying the cottage of Mrs. Emma Johnson.

J. M. Lank, trust officer of the S. S. F. T. & D. Co., of Milton, paid Wilmington a business visit on Monday.

The Second Quarterly Conference of this Conference year, will be held in the M. E. Church on Saturday morning.

Mrs. Estella Darby and child, of Camden, N. J., is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Atkins.

Last week some needed work was done in the M. E. Cemetery. That part of the ground lying on Federal and Mill Streets, was denuded of the wild ivy and weds that have so long made it unsightly in appearance, and a barrier to travel.

A new church about one mile from town, on the road to Waple’s Mill, and to be known as the “St. John Union American A. M. E. Church,” will lay the corner stone on the 20th inst.

A new platform has been put down at the railroad station.

Sallie Davidson, the hello girl at the exchange, who has been ill for some time, is improving.

While near the corner of Federal and Front Streets, on Monday, the bolt came out of the shaft of the dearborn of John Sockum, and the horse started for a run, but was caught by a looker-on before any damage was done.

Mrs. Robert Morris, of North Milton, is quite ill with gastritis.

Joseph Carey has purchased all the privileges of Lavinia’s Camp.

James Leonard has been appointed lamp lighter and supervisor of fire stands at the coming camp meeting at Lavinia’s Woods.


[i] Baltimore, Chesapeake, and Atlantic Railroad