For the past fortnight snow has covered almost everything and life has been monotonous except to those who have been riding behind fast teams and listening to the merry jingle of the bells. A sight that relieved the monotony for a few seconds occurred on Sunday afternoon when a “red-headed” girl appeared riding a white horse on a gallop through the streets. A little thing will amuse many when time hangs heavy.
Stephen H. Cooper died in Camden, N. J., last week, aged […] years. He was a former Miltonian.
Jacob Coffin is ill with a complication of diseases.
Rumor has it that Captain William H. Megee is in consultation with C. C. Davidson regarding the building of a coasting schooner. We hope the rumor will prove a fact.
The suit of Wiltbank vs Campbell, school clerk and collector, was decided in favor of the collector. AS we do not know all the points of the case little will be said about it.
The ice houses were filled before the rain spoiled the ice on the pond last Sunday.
Captain Theodore R. Megee died at his home in Harbeson last Tuesday after a long illness. He was 50 years, 2 months and 10 days old. Funeral services were held at the Milton M. E. Church on Sunday afternoon and interment made in that cemetery. He was a member of the Jr. O. U. A. M. and the Odd Fellows of Milton. Both lodges attended the funeral. Rev. Stevens officiated and S. J. Wilson & Son funeral directors.
Rev. L. P. Corkran was notified on Friday of the death of his father at Seaford, consequently there was no preaching at the M. E. Church Sunday morning. Captain W. H. Megee, of Philadelphia, conducted service that evening.
Miss Hattie Conner has been confined to her home with erysipelas[i], but while that disease has become better, pneumonia has developed. Her sister, Mrs. Edwin P. Johnson, is also confined in the same home with the same disease. Dr. James Hopkins is the attending physician.
The weather is prolific of disease.
William Maull and wife are suffering with la grippe.
Several falls have been taken recently, but not for fun; simply inevitable.
[i] Erysipelas is an acute, sometimes recurrent disease caused by a bacterial infection. It is characterized by large, raised red patches on the skin, especially that of the face and legs, with fever and severe general illness. It is treated today with antibiotics, but there was no treatment available in 1905. In severe cases where the disease spreads to deeper tissue, the result can include septicemia, nerve and lymphatic damage, and death.