George Atkins, who has been painting at the Charleston, S. C., Navy Yard for some time, arrived home last week; Isaac W. Nailor, the contractor, is expected soon.
Willey W. Conner has a severe bone […] on the middle finger of his right hand.
Josiah Culver’s new building on Union Street is enclosed.
There are many cedar berries the present season, which is said to indicate a severe winter.
It is said some of the superstitious lee inclined our much exercised over the old stable we wrote about last week, and are frayed and we’ll go smeared here. Be not afraid, ye timid ones. There are no ghosts, what seems so is delusion; and delusion only.
Town council began on Monday to haul crushed stone on the street near the station.
On Saturday, N. J. Messick, of near Waples, had a cow to jump on one of his feet, hurting him badly. He was in town Monday, making a pretty bad out walking with a cane.
Rev. B. T. Coursey returned from his visit to Mountain Lake Park on Saturday, and on Sunday was on time in his pulpit.
Miss Lizzie Davidson, the “hello” girl at the exchange, is sick. Mrs. Maggie Davidson is temporarily performing the duties of the office.
John M. Hodges, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Hodges, died at the home of his grandfather, John Millman, near Ellendale, on Friday, aged 6 months and 18 days. Funeral services were held at the home on Saturday morning by the Rev. S. E. Truitt, and the remains interred in Millman burial ground by S. J. Wilson & Son.
Clara Delema Wilson died at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wilson, near Georgetown on Monday, age 13 years, 10 months and 17 days. Funeral services and interment were held at Springfield cross roads on Wednesday afternoon. The Rev. Henry Taylor officiated. S. J. Wilson & son funeral director.
Miss Craige, of Georgetown, having declined a position to which she was selected in Milton schools, Miss Clara Bennett, of Slaughter Neck, has been chosen to fill this vacancy.
Contractor William Workman has removed the stable of Mrs. Hazzard to within 8 feet of the sidewalk on Union Street, south, and near her dwelling. He has also raised it higher from the ground, and will build an addition of 15 feet to it, weatherboard it, put a glass front in, and ceil it inside. And his contract will end for the present.
The shoe establishment of John Crouch was burglarized on Saturday night. A quantity of leather and shoe bindings were taken to the amount of about $3.00. This is the second time Mr. Crouch’s store has been surreptitiously entered since his residence in Milton. Someone wanted leather.
The porch at the Palmer house is nearing completion; and is not only a beauty to the house, but an adornment to the lower part of Federal Street.
Schooner Lydia and Mary left last week with a load of piling for a northern port.
Thomas Spencer, who was hurt with a baseball on the Fourth of July at Lewes, is improving and able to work.
A local race will take place on the Broadkiln Driving and Trotting Association’s track on the 22nd inst., and is, perhaps, the last.
Thirty two tents are now erected on Lavinia’s Camp Ground. The camp commences on the 11th proximo.
J. M. Lank, of the S. S. T. T. & D. Company, made a business trip to Millville, Delaware, on Tuesday.
P. J. Hart is repainting a part of his hotel property.
J. P. Ellingsworth is slowly convalescing from an attack of paralysis.
For obtaining meat from Abel Pettyjohn on the credit of his mother, who had not ordered him to do so, William Mosley was arraigned before Squire Collins on Tuesday, and in default of bail committed to Georgetown jail; but on arriving at Georgetown bail was secured, and William returned home with the constable.