July 28, 1905

The Shirt and Overall Company, of Milton, known as the “Douglass, White Co.” and working with an incorporated capital of $10,000, must be a source of some revenue to its incorporators and members. The officers of the company F. H. Douglass, president; Josiah Culver, secretary; N. W. White, treasurer. During the past fiscal year, ending June 30, this company has used 800,000 yards of material; employ 70 hands, and paid to them $14,800; besides paying for incidental expenses, $2,720. It has made, sold and shipped to almost every state in the union, except the far West, 9200 dozens of shirts and overalls. It has been instrumental in binding together in matrimonial bonds three happy pairs of loving hearts, with the prospect of another pair sharing the same fate. And this work has been done almost exclusively by females in the town of Milton. Reader, is this not a good showing for a little town of 1200 inhabitants? Milton girls–ladies, nearly all of them–dress as well as those of any other town on the peninsula. They are as well educated also. They can work in the factory all of the week, go to church on Sunday dressed in their best “fixin’s,” and if the regular organist is not in her place, almost any of these “factory girls” over 12 years of age can take her place. This cannot be said of the “girls” of every town. Many of them support their parents, and their parents’ houses. But this is all due to “The Douglass, White company” the only business enterprise in that town, except the canneries in their season. Let this factory collapse, or go down under any fortuitous circumstances, then this town would be as dead–after the booming this factory has given it–in a business way, as were Pompeii and her Herculaneum, after the terrible eruption of Vesuvius in the year 79. We close these lines by saying, this factory has made Milton. It has made of Milton’s “girls,” ladies; socially and financially, and we may almost add, mentally. Of course, we do not ignore the schools. And we may add that all the money this factory pays out, comes from other places, and nearly all of this spent in the town, thus increasing its business and financial worth.

Raymond Dodd, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Dodd, died in cave neck on Thursday morning of brain fever, aged two months and 15 days. Funeral services were held at the late home on Friday afternoon by the Rev. G. J. Hooker, and sepulture made in White’s chapel churchyard, by S. J. .Wilson & Son, undertakers and embalmers.

The honesty of the Milton people is becoming proverbial. It is no uncommon thing for a merchant to go off somewhere and leave his store open. We passed by a store some mornings since, when a man standing on the inside behind a screen door hallooed: “Say! You know where the proprietor is?” “No; is isn’t he in?” “No sir.” “O, well, that don’t matter; get what you want, and pay Mr.____ when you see him; that’s the way he does business.” “Doggoned if I do; I’ll leave.” And he did leave.

S. W. Darby, of Frederica, was in town last week, and bought of Dr. Wolfe thirty cypress trees suitable for making spar buoys. It will be hauled to Milton, and William workman will get them into the proper form for use.

The genius of the M. P. Church held a long set on Thursday evening. A grand time was had, eating ice cream and confectionery beneath the soft light of Chinese lanterns, and listening to the pretty songs of the sweet “singers of Israel.”

A man 86 years of age, on a hot Tuesday of last week, robbed his bees while a gang of carpenters were at work on the house across the street. The bees came over to them and in force and became entangled in their hair and clothing. Just in the action the proprietor of the work came around when one split him on the head, and he left in a hurry; while the men decided to quit, and did.

The shirt factory closed on Wednesday to make repairs on machinery. The operatives were laid off for one day only, returning to work on Thursday morning.

Samuel Conner, a professor in the Dover colored academy, is staying for a while at his old home in Prime Hook Neck.

Robert Morris, of Dover, is spending a few days with his parents.

While repairing Chestnut Street, near the depot, town council would do great good to see that the sidewalk thereby is fixed up some way. This sidewalk leading to the station, is a particular nuisance. It is used by many people, and morsel on Sunday that at other times, because of excursions.

The foundation for the house of S. L. Black on Union Street, north, is completed.

The boarding tent at Lavinia’s Camp is nearly completed; a pump has been driven on the grounds that affords splendid water, and other necessary work is being done toward the great coming event.

William H. Conner’s sickness developed into blood poisoning last week. He has been in comparatively helpless condition, yet Dr. Hopkins will doubtless bring him all right again.

There are some merchants who would scorn to sell goods on Sunday, yet the [….] pennies. Some of these churches, and if we are not mistaken members of the official board. Shame to thus “beat the devil around the stout!”

Mrs. Alena Richardson, of Dover, is the guest of her parents, C. H. Atkins and wife.

Captain Charles Cannon, wife and daughter, Ethel, of Camden, N. J., Mr. Rice and wife, also Mr. Charles Virden and wife, of Philadelphia, are the guests of Mrs. James Sharp.

Mrs. Fannie Davidson and baby are visiting J. H. Davidson and family.

Mary C. Robinson, colored, aged 25 years and nine months, died at her home near Whitesboro on Friday, of consumption. Funeral services were held on Monday afternoon at the South Milton A. M. E. Church, and interment made at Union Cemetery, near town. Mrs. Robertson was formerly Mary C. Prettyman, of this town, and respected by all who knew her, both white and colored.

Miss Fannie Leonard, saleslady at C. H. Atkins’ store, had an attack of neuralgia of the heart about 10 o’clock on Monday morning.[i] Dr. J. H. Hopkins was summoned and rendered relief. The lady lay in a state of semi unconsciousness until late in the afternoon, when she was removed to her home. On Tuesday morning she was much improved, and able to attend to her duties.


[i] An attack of neuralgia of the heart is also called angina pectoris, and can be excruciatingly painful when it is severe.