The shirt factory seems to be an emporium for brides. Messrs. Douglass, White and Culver appear to have a hard time to keep their employees; for as soon as they become proficient in their work, some man recognizes the superiority of their attainments, and wants one of them; and gets her. The last case occurred on Wednesday evening, when Miss Fannie Rust, of this town, was united in marriage with Mr. Elmer Short, of Ellendale. The ceremony was performed at the M. E. parsonage in Georgetown, by the Rev. H. T. Quigg, and witnessed by a few friends from Milton together with others from Georgetown. The shirt factory wants operatives, and those girls who are inclined to a wedded life had better enter, and while learning to make shirts and drawers, enjoy the prospect of becoming the partner with one of a different gender. It must not be supposed that all who enter the factory will be graduated to matrimony; but, as in the case of every other grade, the best always win. The proprietors do not like to lose their employees, yet for the sake of getting more, they will most likely be prevailed upon to put out the following signboard: “Gentlemen who are matrimonially inclined, will do well to call at the shirt factory.”
Edward Vaughan, a medical graduate, is visiting his mother, sister and other friends.
J. H. Markel, senior partner in the “Big Store,” has been the guest of his partner. Mr. Markel is from Shrewsboro, Pa.
Captain Eli Burris, contractor for carrying Star route mail from Milton to Ellendale, has employed Wm. Johnson to drive the route. The service commenced last Saturday.
William Mears has made a pretty little parterre at the right front of his dwelling on Federal Street, by raising the earth and walling it up.
The dwelling of Edward Martin, near Harbeson, was entirely consumed by fire near noon on Wednesday. The fire was caused by sparks from the chimney catching to the roof of the house. The family lost nearly everything–including wearing apparel–except their meat and lard.
Schooner Ella Call has deliver a cargo of crushed stone on Milton dock, for the use of Milton streets.

James Palmer is making considerable repairs and alterations to his hotel property. Besides laying a first class pavement, he has trimmed the trees in front of the building, and laid a cement foundation for the porch to extend the whole length of the building. The porch is in progress of construction.
Schooner William J. Simpson has been repainted.
Mrs. George Fowler, from Frederica, is boarding with Mrs. G. W. Fearing.
David Wiltbank is making some repairs to his property at the end of Milton Lane.
A new schedule went into effect on Saturday, July 1, on the M. D. & V. R. R., whereby the morning train leaves Milton at 8.07 a. m., twelve minutes sooner than formerly, and makes connection with the D. M. & V. R. R. at Ellendale, going north.
Carlisle Conner, of Frederica, was in Milton on Thursday and Friday of last week.
Many people from different parts of the peninsula attended the races on the Broadkiln Driving and Trotting Association track on Thursday. The trotting was good, whiskey was plenty, and $40 was the gate money. It was said by one man was present, “There was more rum than racing.”
Jane Heavelo is putting an addition to her property on Green Street.
Mr. William Morris and wife, of Wilmington, are the guests of Mrs. Morris’ parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Davidson.
On Thursday night Sheriff Lunch with a posse of men, came to town to hunt for James Morris, alias “Spot,” who is one of the number that escaped from Georgetown jail on that day. They searched several houses on their route to Milton, and Mrs. Morris’ house, and W. G. Fearing’s stable, in town but failed to find “Spot.” Possibly “Spot” may have been a little premature in getting out of jail, as his father has been circulating a petition to present to the Board of Pardons for his reprieve.
W. H. Chandler’s pear orchard of 800 trees has plenty of fruit; as much as the trees ought to bear.
Someone committed a mean contemptible act in cutting a tree in front of N. W. White’s residence, so that it became broken off.
The Misses Mayme and Laura Conner spent Sunday, Monday and the Fourth at Greenwood.
Rev. Mr. Sykes, of Harbeson, preached at the M. P. Church on Sunday morning; and the Rev. Charles Behringer preached a special sermon to the Jr. O. U. A. M. at the P. E. Church on Sunday evening.
The camp meeting at Lavinia’s Woods will commence on August 11th. All who wish sites to erect tents had better apply early.
The steamer arrived at ten o’clock on Saturday evening. There was much freight to unload and the deck was crowded with people. Almost in total darkness, save one small lantern. There should be one or more lamps put at the dock, either by the town or steamboat company; as under present conditions there is danger of horses trampling on the people, or someone falling into the dock.
Rev. B. T. Coursey lefty on Monday for Mountain Lake Park Camp meeting. He will be gone over next Sunday. Rev. W. P. Crompton, of Nassau, will preach in Mr. Coursey’s pulpit at the M. E. Church on Sunday morning, next, and the Rev. H. E. Truitt, of Ellendale, in the evening. Mrs. Coursey is in attendance on her sick mother at Centreville, Md.
Mary Clendaniel, infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Clendaniel, died near Robbins, on Friday, aged five weeks. Funeral at McColley’s Chapel on Saturday, and interment in adjacent cemetery. S. J. Wilson & Son, undertakers.
Anna Eliza Murphy died at her home near Fleatown on Sunday, of cancer of the stomach, aged 58 years, 5 months and 27 days. Funeral at Union M. E. Church, near Ellendale, by the Rev. H. E. Truitt, on Tuesday afternoon, and interment in the adjacent cemetery. S. J. Wilson, funeral directors.
Steamer Mary M. Vinyard left on Monday with a party of excursionists for Washington Park. They passed the 4th there and returned on Wednesday.
The 4th was a dull day in Milton. The banks were closed and a part of the stores. Some of the people went to Rehoboth, others to Broadkiln Beach. The boys had some fun with fireworks, and a plenty of bunting was spread to the breeze from the windows of private residences. And thus the day passed.