A game of baseball was played on the athletic baseball ground on Friday, between the Milton and Milford teams. Score in favor of the Milton Boys.
Another game was played on Saturday between the Milton in Georgetown teams, on the same ground, the Milton Boys winning. Score, 4 to 2.
Thomas Douglass is having an annex built to his property on Union Street, now in tenure of john Megee, and making repairs to the old building.
John H. Davidson has the new building of Josiah culver on Union Street, north, sheathed; and the foundation has been put down for that of S. L. Black on the same street.
An effort is being made to raise money to buy a pipe organ for the M. E. Church. Professor Robinson is here trying to sell the organ.
Dr. John Carry and wife, of Cheyenne, Wyoming, are visiting Milton, where Mr. Carey played in the days of his boyhood.
William Chandler, of Scranton, Pennsylvania, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chandler.
An old building has been disgracing Walnut Street for some time, has been removed to Mulberry Street and will be used as a stable.
On Saturday, while it may seem was hulling scarlet clover at Harbeson, sparks from the engine said the clover on fire destroyed the whole of it. The engine and huller was saved by being hauled from the ground.
Harbeson contains between 50 and 75 population. We understand the people will work, but devote their time to playing marbles; and at this they are engaged from blushing morn until two week eve, and if the Moon shines, after enough. Harbeson contains two ice cream saloons, one barber shop, and one large cannery. The cannery will be operated this year as formerly; and bohemians from Baltimore will do the work. It is said that people will pick berries!
The race association of the Milton Driving Park, having been reorganized under a new management, racing will be made on Thursday, the 29th inst. Horses from Maryland, Delaware and other points will be engaged, and it is expected some splendid trotting will be done.
After much delay the steamer has been finished, and arrived at Milton dock on Thursday night of last week, leaving again early on Friday morning with freight and passengers for Philadelphia.
Children’s day was observed at Zion M. E. Church on Sunday evening; and will be celebrated at Reynolds M. P. Church on next Sunday morning.
Professor W. G. Fearing will receive bids for the privileges of Lavinia as camp ground, up to noon on June 24.
The W. C. T. U. will hold a lawn social at the home of Dr. Wilson on Tuesday evening.
Bishop Coleman, of the diocese of Delaware, preached at the church of Saint John the Baptist’s, on Thursday evening. Three ladies were confirmed.
The festival of Holy Trinity was held with proper ceremonies at the above named church on Sunday evening.
Elizabeth Donovan died at the home of Avery Clendaniel on Thursday of general debility, aged 70 years, 10 months and 17 days. Funeral services were held at her late home on Monday by the Rev. Truitt, and interment made in Avery Clendaniel Cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.
James Palmer is widening his sidewalk in front of the Ponder House, on Federal Street, and running a brick wall in front of it. Curtis Reed is having his business house, adjoining the Times office on Front Street, re-roofed.
The brother of the wife of the Rev. R. T. Coursey, was instantly killed on Saturday. The deceased was engineer on the Westminster passenger train, and while turning a curve his train collided with a freight coming to Baltimore. Eighteen others were killed. Mr. Coursey, with his family, left on Sunday afternoon excursion train for Baltimore. He was so much engaged in making preparations for this sudden and unexpected visit, that he did not preach on Sunday morning. J. B. Welch filled the position on Sunday morning, and there were no services on Sunday evening—preaching services.