November 10, 1905

The interest in the extra meeting at Zion M. E. Church is unabated. The house is nightly filled with people; and the altar crowded with penitents. Rev. Coursey has received twenty-five probationers into the church; and about fifty have professed conversion. The meeting will continue this week.

Six beef stores in town! It is hardly possible that Milton can support so many at present prices! People want good beef at lower prices, and the merchant who sells the cheapest, other things considered, will sell the most beef.

A surpliced[i] choir of boys was installed at the P. E. Church on Sunday afternoon. Rev. Behringer has rearranged the choir chancel and made sundry other improvements to the interior of the church.

John Robinson is visiting his family after an absence of four years.

Dr. W. J. Hearn was a Milton visitor last week.

The lot adjoining the lodge of the A. F. & A. M., and belonging to that order, is a beauty. It is surrounded by evergreen shrubbery (California Previt[ii]), about 2 feet high, and is very attractive to the eye; showing, as it does, the ground to be under the charge of some connoisseurs in beauty.

An “echo” meeting was held at the M. E. Church on Friday evening.

We wish to keep it before the people that a quarterly conference of the M. E. Church will be held on Friday evening the 10th inst., and presiding elder Morgan will preach on Sunday evening the 12th inst.

James Ponder, proprietor of the Palmer house, has purchased in Wilmington the steam yacht Nora, and brought her to Milton dock. She will be use on the Broadkiln.

The public school board on Friday evening, passed a resolution prohibiting the occupancy of school hall by any parties until after 4 o’clock in the afternoon. This wise action was brought about by the noise made by Frank’s Concert Company, who had the hall rented for three nights, and during the days made such a racket in the room as to disturb the schools.

The personal property of Joseph Fields, deceased, was sold at administrator’s sale on Saturday afternoon.

W. W. Conwell, receiver for the steamer, Mary M. Vinyard, paid the crew on Wednesday, November 1st, and they have gone home.

The phosphate factory is assuming shape, and will soon be in readiness for operation.

H. J. Wagamon has the new building he is erecting, at the corner of Mulberry and Magnolia Streets, enclosed.

The office and press rooms of the Milton Times has been papered this week. The room is a large one, and things have been in a topsy-turvy condition during the time.

At about 11 o’clock on Tuesday morning, the roof of the old building on the corner of Federal Street and Hazzard Alley, occupied by Anton Neibert as a shoe shop, took fire; but was soon extinguished by nearby help. However, the alarm was given, and the fire engine was soon on the scene, together with many people from the lower part of town. If a fire occurs or a political meeting takes place, one can then find out where the people of Milton are.

G. W. Atkins and wife left on Wednesday for an extended visit to many places – -George on business and Mrs. Atkins for pleasure. They will be gone until the center.

Mrs. Mary Reed is quite ill with the neurasthenia.


[i] A surplice is a loose white linen vestment varying from hip-length to calf-length, worn over a cassock by clergy, acolytes, and choristers at Christian church services

[ii] This is a misspelling of the California Privet, a common ornamental shrub