“The melancholy days are come, the saddest of the year.”[i]
So the poet wrote. But if the poet had been around Milton during the past few weeks, he would have changed his mind Hattie been in viewed with any spirit of his status is some, were sensuous feeling. The best A’s have been anything but melancholy; they have been inspiring. The scenery is gray and that this time and its beauty beyond description. The leaves of the dogwood are changing their summer dress and green into car might; those of the hickory are putting on their golden hue, poplars sap from shade attracts the eye. The maples and shrubbery of along the water courses, and branches, are pretty in their variegated shins of color, while the shade trees of the town yet hold on tenaciously to their hot weather garb. A few frosts are needed to draw out in full relief the grandeur of autumnal beauty. A few weeks, or perhaps days hence, and the kaleidoscope will be ever changing; and the nature scenery in and around town will be like some rich maiden dressing herself perfunctorily many times a day, or whenever a freak or fancy crosses her mind. It is said, and truly, “God made the country, man made the town.” And who would not rather live in the country, than stay in the city? The country life is beautiful at all seasons, and particularly in the autumn. Nature’s faces are ever changing, and there will be but a short time when we shall realize with the poet, that
“The melancholy days are come.”
Miss Susie B. Davidson, after spending two months with her brother and sisters, returned to Philadelphia last week.
Rev. C. A. Behringer has removed into the W. A. Hazzard property on Union Street, north, and gone to keeping “bachelor’s hall.”
Nathaniel H. Welch died suddenly at his home in Lincoln on Friday, aged 74 years, seven months and 28 days. Funeral services were held at his late residence on Sunday afternoon, and interment made in Lincoln cemetery by S. J. .Wilson & son.
J. Coard Hazzard has enlarged the dining room to his property on Federal Street, in tenure of James Jester, by building a small addition in front of the annex.
At the commencement of the New Year Dr. Joseph McFerran, of Philadelphia, will return to Milton, and occupy the property now in tenure of Harry Robinson. This is the property that Dr. McFerran occupied many years ago, when he first commenced a practice of medicine. There are times when business changes can cause men to settle elsewhere than their native home; there are other times when the heart’s desire eventuates to its “native heath.”
The town supervisor was again engaged last week in hauling dirt off the streets; and from one street where dirt ought to be hauled on. This is done, ostensibly, to clean the gutters but there’s a great deal more dirt and filth taken from the streets by this perfunctory clearing.
The Poles, who have been working in the cannery at Harbeson, were brought to Milton station on Thursday and shipped to Baltimore on the afternoon train. There were forty-four grown people and any quantity of children; from the nursing babe to the bouncing red haired maiden. Harbeson Cannery will continue operation the present week, and as long as they can get tomatoes–operating with local help.
William Smith & Son are painting the hall belonging to the Jr. O. U. A. M.
The Junior Leaguers of Wesley M. E. Church, of Georgetown, picnicked at Hart’s Park on Saturday.
Thomas Spencer is shipping his Keiffer pears to his land lord at Scranton, Pa.,–Mr. W. R. Chandler.
Extra meetings began at Zion M. E. Church on Sunday evening, under charge of the Rev. R. T. Coursey.
S. L. Black is building a large barn and stable in the rear of his new residence on Union Street.
The First Annual Convention of the Broadkiln Hundred Sunday School Association was held in the Milton M. P. Church on Thursday, October 5th. The following program was rendered:
“Devotional service,” led by the Rev. W. W. Sites
“Things a Teacher Esteems in a Superintendent”
“Things a Superintendent Esteems in a Teacher,” By J. B. Welch.
“Report of Hundred Secretary”
“Teacher Training Lesson,” By Miss Maggie S. Wilson, Secretary of State Association.
“The Home Department,” By T. P. Scott, of Lewes.
Evening session held at M. E. Church.
“Praise Service,” Led by Rev. G. J. Hooker.
“Address,” By John P. Holland, of Milford.
“Echoes from Toronto,” Miss Maggie S. Wilson.
Miss Wilson is a pretty speaker, and appears to be at home on the platform. She has a pleasant voice, an attractive eye, and a witching smile plays over her countenance as she “says her piece” without ostentation or affection.
Captain J. Carey Palmer is shipping cedar posts from the Milton station to a northern market.
Mrs. Peter Welch, after spending many months in New Jersey, has returned to Milton.
A brick wall has been put in front of the property owned by William Ott, on Chestnut Street.
George Krebs, formerly of Atlantic City, but now of Milton, is building a hennery near the house he will occupy the coming year, on the corner of Mulberry and Magnolia Streets. Size of building 20×70 feet.
Mrs. Elizabeth J. Conwell has gone to Philadelphia to spend the remainder of the autumn and the coming winter with her son.
Mrs. Carrie Fisher, nee Morgan, of Philadelphia, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Morgan.
The town bailiff has cut down the telephone poles on the old Queen Anne line, from the National Bank to the depot.
Dr. R. B. Hopkins is spending a few days this week in Delaware City and in Wilmington.
Some repairs have been done of late on Mulberry Street, South.
Schooner James M. Carey is now being pulled up on Milton dry dock at Scull’s wharf.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wagamon gave a party on Monday evening to the young misses and lads of the town, in honor of their son Daniel’s 13th birthday.
The thirty buoys that workmen have been making for S. W. Darby, of Frederica, government contractor, are completed, and were loaded this week on the schooner Lydia and Mary, for Edgemoor.
Charles Waples has put down scales at the depot for weighing coal, which he will serve to his patrons in a short time.
Joseph Walls has removed his store goods from the corner of Mulberry and Federal Streets, into his new storehouse on Union Street, south.
David Argo caught 1900 fat backs at Broadkiln Beach on Monday night.
[i] Quotation from the poem “The Death of the Flowers,” by William Cullen Bryant (1794 – 1878), an American romantic poet, journalist, and long-time editor of the New York Evening Post.