Merritt & Son, canners, sued James Ponder for $150 damages for violating tomato contract. The case came before Squire Collins on Saturday, and was tried by referee. R. C. White, esq., of Georgetown, appeared for the plaintiff, and Donnel Marshall, esq., of Milford, represented the defendant. The defendant admitted he had signed a contract to deliver tomatoes to the plaintiff at 10¢ a basket. He proved by a witness that he had carried tomatoes to the cannery, and the aging had refused to take them. He also admitted he had sold 105 baskets to other parties are 24 cents a basket. Counsel for both sides made an elaborate argument, when the case was given to the referees. After 3 hours deliberation the referees reported. In their report said referees allowed the plaintiffs judgment for $17.40, being the amount of 105 baskets of tomatoes at 14 cents a basket; the difference between the contract price of 10 cents a basket and the selling price is 24 cents a basket.
Cornelius M. Waples started on Tuesday on a visit to Western Iowa. Mr. Waples is a native of Sussex County. He removed to Iowa several years ago, and return to Sussex in 1904. He goes west at this time to visit his sister, Mrs. Johanna Robbins and family.
Two boats loaded with oysters, said to have been caught in the bay of the Mispillion River, were at Milton dock and sold on Milton streets on Friday and Saturday.
W. E. Manship, of Lehigh Avenue, Philadelphia, has been in town looking after his property interests.
Mr. Welch, of Philadelphia, has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. Frederics.
H. J. Wagamon has the frame of his building up, on the corner of Mulberry and Magnolia Streets.
Fred Welch has sold his stock of store goods and will remove with his family to Philadelphia this week.
Mrs. Hannah Carey has torn down the back building to a property on Federal Street, and will erect and that’s placed under annex 16 acts 24 feet, and two stories in height. Isaac W. Naylor is the contractor.
Miss Mary Megee is employed as one of the teachers in the public schools of Ellendale.
New wharf logs have been put down at Tomlinson’s dock on the river line.
Mrs. Nemiah Walls received an anonymous letter some time ago containing five dollars. The writer stated he had had some dealings with her husband during his lifetime, and the amount enclosed was the amount due him, with interest. (Mr. Walls has been dead over 15 years). Mrs. Walls of course knows nothing of the circumstance, and does not now know from home the money came.
A bazaar and supper will be held in the lower room of the Masonic hall, on the evenings of October 12, 13 and 14, under the auspices of the M. P. Church.
The 14th annual convention of the Sussex County Sunday school association will be held in Milton on October 24.
A committee has been appointed to draw up plans for remodeling the M. P. Church. These plans, or the plan, will be submitted at a “membership meeting” called for Wednesday evening.[i]
If the painting of whom appears to have struck Milton. Besides those mentioned in the former issue of this paper, Messrs. Coverdale & Outten are painting Captain James Conwell’s residence on Federal Street; William Smith & Son have contracted to paint the lodge building of enterprise council number 16, Jr. O. U. A. M., and professor W. G. fearing will decorate the interior. This building is on Front Street. The M. D. & V. R. R. Co, are paving the station house and other buildings at the Milton depot, repainted by a company workman. The M. E. parsonage has been repainted during the last two weeks.
S. J. Wilson and Mrs. Wilson have returned from a trip to Niagara Falls.
A carload of Bohemians passed through Milton on Friday morning. They had been working in the cannery at Overbrook and were en route for their homes.
Nathan Williams has completed the interior finish of his new residence at Stevensonville.
It is Captain Coursey now! I’ll tell the reader how it happened. On Friday afternoon, the Rev. R. T. Coursey, Dr. R. B. Hopkins, Prof. J. A. Collins, and D. A. C. took a ride down the Broadkiln, on Dr. Hopkins’ steam yacht “Cornelius.” Rev. Coursey was made captain de jure[ii], and took the wheel. Dr. Hopkins was engineer. Professor Collins and D. A. C. were the crew. The yacht being under steam, the crew had nothing to do but take in the delights of the situation and talk. Well, it was a splendid trip to Drawbridge, a distance of 6 miles each way. The afternoon was beautiful, a slight breeze from the eastward cooling the atmosphere, and as we glided along near the stately oaks, whose forms were silhouetted in the waters of the Broadkiln, the scenery was picturesque and grand. No accident occurred to mar our outing, and we returned to Milton in good spirits.
The public schools at Harbeson opened on Monday, the 25th ult., with Prof. H. E. Clendaniel, of Lincoln, principal, and Miss Mary Lord, of Dover, assistant.
Following schools opened last Monday: graham’s mail, Miss Mary Johnson, of Broadkiln, teacher; Cave Neck, Miss Florence Housman, of Milford, teacher; Coolspring, Mrs. Goldie Warrington, of Milton, teacher; Williams has no teacher; Donovan’s, Miss Bertha Gray, of Georgetown, teacher; District Number […], Broadkiln, Miss Mustard, of Lewes; Lower Broadkiln has no teacher at the present writing.
The colored school opened on Monday under the tuition of Miss Adele C. Neal, a graduate of Hampton University, Virginia. Miss Neal has taught the school for two terms, and proved herself efficient in every respect.
A phosphate factory is to be operated in Milton under the firm name of the “Steward Jones Phosphate Company.” The foundation is now laid for a building 75 annex 140 half feet on Tomlinson’s Wharf, and the extreme end of Milton dock.
Miss Fannie hart is quite ill at the residence of her mother, Mrs. Lida Lofland, on Union Street, north.
S. J. Wilson has suffered much from a carbuncle on his right hand.
State Senator Jefferson is on the sick list.
The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was administered at the M. E. Church on Sunday morning.
[i] This is the first indication in the Milton News letter since 1901 that a remodeling of the M. P. Church was in the works. The stained glass windows were reportedly delivered that year but never installed.
[ii] The use of the legal term de jure may be another case of misunderstood French, either on Conner’s part or that of his editor/proofreader; since Rev. Coursey was not legally entitled or had the right to be Captain, the only possibility here was du jour, or captain for the day.