The “summer girl” has gone to her home. Her captivating smile no longer entrances to lovelorn country youth. She is remembered as one of the “has beens,” and her ruddy countenance is dimly portrayed in the idealism of those she has left behind.
The equinoxial season was a very tame affair, the weather was delightful; no squalls, but mild Floridian weather. And we are not sure that the sun got across the line. Indeed, the weather of last week was so balmy and beautiful, that it created a desire within one’s heart to live always.
The following W. C. T. U. officers have been elected: President, Mrs. Josiah Culver; first vice president, Mrs. Mamie Brockington; second vice president, Mrs. Ellegood; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Annie Ellingsworth; recording secretary, Mrs. Annie Hopkins; treasurer, Mrs. Jesse Megee. Mrs. Mamie Brockingtonn was elected delegate, and Mrs. Jennie Lynch alternate to the state W. C. T. U. convention, to be held at Milford October 11th, 12th and 13th.
Mrs. Cora Steelman, wife of john Steelman, died at her home near Milton on Wednesday evening, aged 30 years two months and seven days. Funeral services at Reynold’s Church on Saturday morning, by the Rev. R. T. Coursey, and interment in adjacent cemetery by S J. Wilson & Son.
Mrs. L. B. Chandler has sold to Collins & Palmer the wood leaf of Hazzard’s Woods, to the north of town. There are 60 acres in the tract, and the consideration is said to be $1500.
There are several families in town contemplating removing to Philadelphia or Camden, N. J. It is always laudable for anyone to better his condition if possible. But it is well to look “before you leap.” There have been families who have removed from hereabouts to the city, and came back with sorrow. Remember, in regard to living, one dollar in Milton is worth two dollars in the city. Remember this and be guided thereby. For one who has opportunities offered, or living assured, removal is all right; but for one to leave where he already has a home, to establish a business in another place, it is uphill work. Have a care, you who think of leaving your native home, or you may come back brokenhearted.
We have seen a 75 pound watermelon, was expressed to G. W. Atkins by John R. Jacobs, of near Felton. Kent County. It is a whopper. Mr. Jacobs is not only a great trucker and watermelon grower, but a genius along other lines. We have known him since boyhood.
On Thursday evening, the 14th inst., at the prayer meeting, the Rev. R. T. Coursey offered to present to a bible to anyone who would commit to memory the poem, “The Present Crisis,” by James Russell Lowell[i], by the next Thursday evening. On that evening, the 21st inst., Miss Sarah Atkins, daughter of J. Roland Atkins, had memorized the verses and received the book.
On Sunday morning the Rev. Arthur Mr. Sherman, a former missionary to China, preached at the church of St. John the Baptist, and celebrated the Holy Communion. The rector, the Rev. C. A. Behringer, preached in the evening.
Miss Maria Ennis, of West Chester, Pa., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Atkins
At 3:00 o’clock p. m. on Sunday, October 1st, the Rev. C. A. Behringer will deliver a special address to the Jr. O. U. A. M, at St. George’s P. E. Church, in Indian River Hundred.
Miss Katie Burton, of Angola, visited friends in Milton this week.
Jester’s ‘bus No. 2, has been thoroughly repaired, new floor, new curtains, new by painting, new everything. “Look at me now!”
Colonel Theo. Townsend, editor of the Milford Chronicle, and Mr. Harrison fifth Davis, of Milford, were Milton visitors on Friday.
J. H. Markel, of Shrewsboro, Pa., senior partner in the “big store,” has been in town this week.
S. J. Wilson left on Thursday on a visit to Buffalo and Niagara Falls. He will be absent two weeks.
Schooner James M. Carey that was on Broadkiln bar, has been floated and is at Milton dock. The leak has been partly stopped, but it will be necessary for her to undergo some repairs.
The tomato season is about over, and the canneries have closed. The station cannery, run by Merritt & Son, closed on Saturday; the river cannery, operated by Andersen & Co., ceased operation on Wednesday. The pack has approximated 6000 cases to each cannery. The Bohemians, who came from Baltimore, and have worked in the river cannery, returned to their homes on Saturday.
Mrs. Carrie Johnson is having her residence repainted on Federal Street.
Captain Frank Lacey is home with his family.
Prof. W. H. Welch left Milton on Monday to commence school at Lincoln.
Will Thoroughgood, with a coterie of Georgetown gentlemen, came to Milton in an automobile on Sunday.
H. K. Wagamon has the foundation for a dwelling laid at the corner of Magnolia and Mulberry Streets. The main building will be 16×22 feet, and the back building 14×16 feet. Burton Johnson and Charles Sharp are the builders.
George W. Atkins, the hustler, received so many orders last week that he is compelled to stay at home this week to see to shipping them.
Professor W. G. Fearing had one of his sty hogs to break a leg on Saturday. To save the meat he was compelled to have it killed and cleaned on Saturday night.
Work on Mrs. Hazzard’s storehouse has been resumed.
On Monday morning the Milton public schools opened with the following corps of teachers and enrollment: Principal, Prof. Warren C. Weaver, of Terrehill, Pa., enrollment 20; assistant principal, E. Wise Warren, of Milton, enrollment 21; first assistant, L. J. Coverdale, of Milton, enrollment 29; second assistant, Miss Ethel Hugg, of Milford, enrollment 22; primary, Miss Cora Bennett, of Prime Hook, enrollment 31. Total enrollment, 123 pupils.
Prof. Warren C. Weaver is boarding with Mrs. L. M. Fearing on Union Street, north; Miss Ethel Hunt is stopping with Mrs. James Jester on Federal Street; Miss Cora Bennett is with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli L. Collins, on Union Street, north; Prof. Warren resides at the corner of Broad and Mulberry Streets, and L. J. Coverdale’s home is on Mill Street, east.
Sallie E. Jones died on Tuesday morning at the residence of Robert Warren, near Ellendale, aged 28 years, eight months, and four days. Funeral services were held on Wednesday afternoon at Ellendale, by the Rev. H. E. Truitt, and interment made in that cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.
The colored school will open next Monday.
[i] James Russell Lowell (1819–1891) was an American Romantic poet, critic, editor, diplomat and abolitionist. He is associated with the Fireside Poets, a group of New England writers who were among the first American poets who rivaled the popularity of British poets. “The Present Crisis” was an anti-slavery poem written in 1845, 90 lines long; it would have been a significant task to memorize it all in one week, as Sarah Atkins did.