We are informed by one who is supposed to know, that according to all signs there are but few squirrels this season. There’s no show under the hickory trees–or but little–where they have cut nuts or bitten the tender shoots. Is this on account of the recent legislative law enacted for their protection? We all know the squirrel was a frisky little fellow and looks fun. He is, also, of a migratory nature. Perhaps he thinks something like this: “If I can’t get to be shot at, in a good season when the green leaves are on the trees and I can play hide and seek amongst them with my tormentors, I won’t be shot at when the cold winds of November are blowing, and the seared and winter leaves afford no hiding place for me; and I must stay at home and my hollow tree, or be shot and without any protection as soon as I poke my nose out of my home. I’ll leave such a country and go West.” Indications point that he is gone. Apropos of the squirrel laws: Does not constitution and laws of our land guarantee to persons the right to protect themselves and their property? Is not the squirrel as well as a frisky little fellow, also a predatory animal? There are many farmers who have had corn planted near a woods, and that corn partly destroyed by squirrels. And this, when persons were allowed to shoot them at any time. If such was the case, then what may yet be in a few years under the present enactment? It will be almost impossible to raise corn near a wood. The squirrel increases rapidly, and as the present law which the bars a man from his constitutional right to protect his property stands, and the squirrel should not emigrate, in a few years the condition will be serious to many farmers. Is a law that takes from a person their right to protect his own constitutional? (We know we cannot go to law with the squirrel and make him pay damages). Therefore, is the squirrel on constitutional?
Since writing the above a few weeks ago, we have seen a copy of the act passed by the last general assembly relating to squirrels, and find it applies to New Castle and Kent Counties only.
S. W. Darby, of Frederica, was in town last week. Mr. Darby is having cut from Dr. David Wolfe’s premises, 30 cypress sticks of timber 45 feet long for buoys. The stakes are being hauled on Scull’s Landing, and will be worked into proper shape by W. H. Workman.
P. J. Hart, after a stoppage of several weeks on account of lumber, has resumed work on his annex to the hart house.
Thomas Atkins has repaired the roof of the dwelling occupied by D. T. .Atkins, which was burned two years ago.
John eight. Nixon, a former resident and practicing dentist a Broadkiln, but now a mail route agent between New York and Washington, has in company with Mrs. Nixon been visiting Broadkiln friends.
A new felt roof has been put on the river cannery.
It is rumored that Dr. Joseph McFerran of Philadelphia, contemplates retiring from the practice of his profession and removing to Milton.
Joseph H. Walls has leased a piece of ground adjoining the storehouse of Betts & Collins, of Mrs. Sallie Ponder and will build there on a store house 18 feet front and 36 feet back.
On next Sunday afternoon the Rev. T. T. Coursey will preach at Indian Mission, in place of the Rev. J. Maloy, and Rev. G. W. Hooker will preach at Zion in place of Rev. Coursey.
Willie W. Conner is again convalescing.
Hattie J. Reed, wife of C. C. Reed, died at her home near Reynolds church on Thursday, age 71 years, seven months and five days. Funeral services were held on Saturday, and the remains deposited in Reynolds cemetery. J. B. Atkins undertaker.
The executive committee of the Sussex County Sunday school association met in the M. E. Church on Thursday afternoon for the purpose of formulating a program for the Sussex County Sunday school convention to be held in the Milton M. E. Church on October 24. The following were elected a committee of entertainment: J. B. .Welch, T. H. Douglas and N. W. White, with power to appoint a committee on credentials.
William H. Collins, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Collins, of near Break Granary, died of cholera infantum on Sunday age 1 year and 19 days. Funeral at Cedar Neck on Tuesday afternoon by the Rev. J. W. Prettyman, and interment in the cemetery of that church.
Walter Crouch, editor of the Milton Times, left on Saturday on a gunning tour. During his absence the Rev. Charles Behringer has assumed the duties of typo. Mr. Behringer is a former printing man and editor of a northern paper.
The colored camp closed on Sunday night.
Charles Ewing, after an absence of 11 years, is visiting Milton. He is the guest of Mrs. Annie Carey.
There are 4 feet in houses in town. And when we speak of vacant houses we don’t mean huts.
David Dorman, after a visit of 10 days to Broadkiln friends, has returned to West Philadelphia.
Mrs. Elizabeth and Laura Conner spent Wednesday at Rehoboth.