Not every person in Milton knows there is a hospital in town. Dr. James A. And R. B. Hopkins have, for some time, head of the move of this kind in contemplation, and now it has materialized. They have utilized one of their buildings on Chestnut Street above Wharton for the purpose, and now the afflicted can have the advantage of the advanced surgery combined with the comforts of a home at moderate costs, and without the tedious travel, and scary days of watching and waiting during convalescence. The experiment is yet in its incipiency but must enlarge as it deserves to do. There is now one patient in the hospital, a lady from Slaughter Neck, who has undergone an operation for tumor of the breast, and is now convalescing. The location of Milton, its sanitary conditions, together with many other advantages combined, make it a desirable place for an institution of this kind. This item is not intended as an advertisement, but, simply as a matter of local news; of interest to all, and, more particularly, to the afflicted.
Mrs. Lizzie Smith, nee Rooms, wife of Captain Wallace Smith, who recently removed from Mt. Ararat to West Point, Va., was recently burned badly on trying to extinguish the clothing of a lady 89 years of age, who lived in a part of the same house with her.
John Lofland, as administrator of Samuel M. Lofland, will sell the personal property of the deceased, at his late home in this town, on Saturday the 7th inst.
On Tuesday evening of last week, Town Council granted to “promoter of trolley lines,” Glick, the privilege of running a line through the town, with the proviso that the line shall be completed within two years, or the franchise is forfeited.
The carpenters and caulkers have completed their work on the schooner William C. Simpson. Ike bailey and William Lofland have repaired her sails; and she will soon be ready for work.
On Tuesday evening the 27th last, Miss Bertha Lofland, youngest daughter of the late Samuel M. Lofland, and Irvin C. King were quietly married, at the M. E. Parsonage by Rev. Coursey.
Rev. R. T. Coursey preached at Beaver Dam M. P. Church, on Wednesday evening; $30 was raised towards liquidating the minister’s salary.
John Warrington has removed from near the Ponder House into one of the buildings belonging to Captain Scull, at Mt. Ararat. The justice of the peace’s office will soon be removed into the building vacated by Mr. Warrington.
On Friday, a Milton man bought a ticket at Lewes for Broadkiln station, and boarded the train. He went to sleep and when he awoke the train was beyond Gravelly Hill. He told the conductor he wanted to get off at Broadkiln; but the train was well beyond that place. However, the conductor stopped the train and he alighted and walked back to Broadkiln, through the rain, where he hired a man to bring him to Milton. Now the natural inference will be the man was drunk. But, we can clear him from that accusation; for we know him to be a man of sobriety, and a prominent member of one of the Milton churches.
The intellect of Milton was much in evidence at the local Teachers Institute held at Lincoln City Saturday last.
George W. Atkins wants the loungers to stop caring away the empty boxes, from the shirt emporium. He has no objection that they sit on them, on Sunday or lounge on them at night, but he wants them to leave the boxes when they leave.
Two street lamps broken; one on the corner of Chestnut Street and Coulter Avenue, the other on the corner of Chestnut Street and Hazzard avenue, was a result of last Sunday’s night debauch. There are some young men, from the country, who are in the habit of coming to town, notably, on Sunday evenings, and getting a woman of some kind, and enjoy theirself [sic] by fast driving around town, and other questionable maneuvers. These are the men who, it is supposed, broke the lamps, and kicked up other deviltry on Sunday night. One man said on Monday morning, that he never heard such swearing, as was done near his house, on Sunday night; and other reports are heard to the same effect. It is the duty of the Town Council to put a stop to this.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Warren, of Ellendale, were the guests of their daughter Mrs. Virgie Conner, on Sunday.
Invitations have been issued for the marriage of Miss Avarilla King to the Rev. Charles A. Behringer, at the Church of St. John Baptist, on Wednesday afternoon, April 18, at 4:00 p. m. Admission to the ceremony will be by invitation only. The rector and his bride will reside in the “Governor Hazzard homestead” after a trip to New York City, and other places.
The regular morning service at the church of St. John Baptist will be omitted next Sunday, as the rector will go to St. George’s Chapel, where the sacrament of Holy Communion will be at administered. Services in the evening will be held as usual.
Dr. David Wolf died at his residence near town on Monday evening. No date for the funeral has yet been announced, and will not be until the arrival of his relative. Further particulars will be given next week.