On Saturday the Rev. G. J. Hooker, of Kennedyville, Md., arrived in town and became the guest of Mr. S. L. Black. On Sunday he preached in the M. E. Church both morning and evening. On account of the continued illness of a Rev. McCready, the M. P. Minister, the Rev. Frank Cain, of Warwick, Md., who is here on his vacation, preached at that church on Sunday; and though the “Sunday trains” were running, both churches had fair congregations.
The steamer and sail barge of the Captain George E. Megee Co. was launched on Saturday afternoon. She is three mast rigged and presents a better appearance since launched, than it was thought she would. She was named Marie Thomas.
Captain W. H. Megee and wife are the guests of their Milton relatives.
Mr. Julius Primrose and wife, of Philadelphia, are visiting their parents.
Mrs. Martha A. T. Jones, wife of captain john Jones, died at her residence on Atlantic Street on Friday after a lingering illness of several months, aged 49 years, 10 months and 22 days. Funeral services were held on Sunday afternoon at Zion M. P. Church by the Rev. G. J. Hooker, of Kennedyville, Md., and Virtue Council, No. 2, Daughters of America, of which order the deceased was a member. Miss Hattie J. Conner, Chaplain of the Council, read the burial services of the order at the grave. The remains were inhumed in the adjoining cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.
W. C. Sipple & Son, of Milford, have put in the M. E. Cemetery a fine monument to the memory of Mrs. Elizabeth L. Primrose, wife of Theodore E. Primrose. It is a fine granite, and without doubt, one of the nicest pieces of architecture in this cemetery of fine monuments. As we are unacquainted with the nomenclature of the trade, we cannot do justice in the description of this piece of mechanism. In needs to be seen to be admired.
William H. Welch, formerly of this town, and now purser on the steamer Major Reybold plying between Philadelphia and Millville, N. J., paid Milton a flying visit on Saturday. He left on Sunday via Redden and the D. M. & V. Railroad.
The colored camp meeting at Lavinia woods. It is estimated by some who were present on Sunday night, there were 1500 people on the ground. They came from Georgetown, Milford, Frederica and anywhere else within a radius of 20 miles. The camp will continue indefinitely, or as long as it pays.
J. B. Welch, one of the executive committee of the Sussex County Sunday School Association, met with the others at Greenwood on Wednesday, to formulate a program for the coming Sunday school convention, which will be held in October.
Rev. William Wells Wolfe Wilson returned to his charge at New Haven, Conn., on Saturday.
The Misses Lottie and May Welch are visiting at Bridgeville.
Rev. G. J. Hooker returned to Kennedyville on Monday.
Rev. Frank Cain and wife, after spending a pleasant time in and near Milton, are now at the scene of their labor in Warwick, Md.
Rev. Stimmell, of Wilmington, will occupy the M. E. Pulpit next Sunday.
The people of Milton, after enjoying the pleasant association of so many good people during the past few weeks, naturally feel sad at their departure. Yes sad! But it is but the inevitable result of a reaction from overstimuli. However something else will turn up in a few days to relieve the monotony.
Fodder saving is well underway. The crop is said to be good, but the weather is bad for the harvesting.
The shirt factory opened again on Monday after a two week’s vacation.
Grant Collins, wife and child, of Philadelphia, are visiting the former’s parents.
Edward sharp, of Philadelphia, is the guest of his mother.
The widow of the late Captain Laban Lyons, formerly of Lewes, but now of Philadelphia, is a guest at the Hart House.
People are complaining of so much humid weather. It is indeed bad. On Monday it rained at intervals nearly all day and citizens were going around with their umbrellas under their arms, even when the sun was shining. Queer world!
Tomatoes are plentiful. The canneries are full, and many are being shipped. The price is 10 cents a basket.
Frank Moranke, a Polish child of five months, died at Harbeson on Thursday and was buried at Beaver Dam Cemetery on Friday by S. J. Wilson & Son. This is the second foreign child that has been interred in this cemetery since the opening of the Harbeson cannery this season.
Wm. Warren, the enterprise genius of Milton, has cut the weeds and grass to the north of his Union Street place of business and near the river, to the west of the bridge, in preparation for making a shad haul for next season.
At the present writing the Rev. McCready is convalescing and able to be out.
Detective […] and john Robinson, Clarence Johnson and Truitt Pepper arraigned before Squire Collins on Tuesday for shooting ducks on the Marches of the Broadkiln. The charge was admitted and each party was fined five dollars.
Mrs. Avarilla Behringer, nee King, and sister, Elsie, of Tuckahoe, N. Y., are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. S. King.
A street preacher arrived in town on Tuesday afternoon, and standing near a street corner bareheaded and in a drizzling rain, harangued a very small crowd of people.