This is the season when children and others, from home meet parents and friends; and Lavinia’s camp meeting is the magnet that draws them here. They are here new, galore. It may be said the camp opened on Sunday morning with all the éclat its resident votaries could give it. Every arrangement was perfect and the elite of Milton were early on the ground, arrayed in all the pomp and circumstance of Holiday attire, and ready to welcome their guests with the [naiveté] that is so charming to the people of Milton—particularly the ladies. The day was an exception to the days of late, in that it was perfectly clear, but very hot; and while the gate keepers mopped their brows, the patrons of the meeting came in slowly; in fact the attendance during the day was not up to the expectation, by no means. This is accounted for in several ways, one of which is, the Sand Hill camp is calling many to its shrine—and yet, it is said there were not many there—beach parties, and excursions took a few away, and other amusements did the rest. On Monday morning the number had almost decreased to zero. At 7 o’clock silence reigned, and the ranks of yesterday were not visible. It does not yet appear what this camp shall be. All the elements are on the ground, and there is no possible reason why it should not be a financial success. Next Sunday is awaited with interest, as it is believed at that time, there will be a crowd far exceeding any gathering of former years; Zoar to the contrary notwithstanding. Sand Hill Camp “busted” on Monday, and it is expected a part of the debris will land on Lavinia’s on Sunday, or sooner.
John Crouch the shoemaker has been spending a few days at Rehoboth; and has become so enamored of the place that he thinks about going again, and taking his shoe bench along and sitting down along the surf, that he may hear “what the wild waves are saying.”
The railroad company is, at last, doing some work to the road at the station.
Arthur Heavelow, colored, cut his ankle, while at work in a woods near town, last week.
We understand that L. J. Coverdale has succeeded in getting a school for the fall and winter, at Robbins.
A Mr. Binns, of Camden, N. J., has purchased a cottage on Broadkiln Beach, and removed with his family therein.
George Holsten, of Fenwick Island Light Ship No. 52 was in town last week in search of two men to serve on the ship. He got them.
Loyall Lighton Coleman Marsh, aged 8 months and 11 days, son of William Marsh, of Angola, died of brain fever, on Wednesday August 1st. Funeral services were held at the Episcopal Church in Lewes, on Friday, and interment made in the Presbyterian Cemetery of that town, by S. J. Wilson & Son.
Last week P. J. Hart had one of his horses badly cut about the fetlock, of one of his forefeet, by becoming entangles in a barbed wire fence, at Sand Hill camp.
Dr. Leonard is one of the chief figures on Lavinia’s camp ground. The doctor in in charge of the fire stands, and appears to be ubiquitous. It is said, the doctor was offered one dollar a night to attend to the lights, but he would not accept it. He says seventy-five cents is as much as he can earn, and “it is enough.” The doctor is very conscientious.
Many people are taking advantage of the cheap fare offered by the steamer plying between Philadelphia and Lewes. Among the many who are here we may mention, Miss Viola Megee and Miss Edith Fisher, of Philadelphia; Mr. William Davidson and wife, also of Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Chandler and children, of Scranton, Pa., Fred Welch and family, and a host of other whom it is impossible to individualize.
And now some people are complaining because Town Council has not built a shade over Lavinia Street from Mulberry to the camp ground. People are hard to please.
On Sunday our friend J. B. Welch had an arduous day on the camp grounds, in conducting the morning class meeting and singing throughout the services. He managed to get through the day, but on Monday his physical system was in a state of collapse, as a result of overwork. He is better now, thanks to the sympathy and officiousness of his many friends.
On Tuesday morning during a thunderstorm, Handy Prettyman’s ice wagon broke down on Federal Street, and the previous evening Theodore Jarvis of Harbeson had one of the hind wheels of his buggy broken, near the camp ground.
Mrs. Estella Darby, of Camden, N. J., and child, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Atkins, and attending the camp.
There were 58 persons registered as voters, in the first election district (Milton) of the tenth representative district, on Saturday.
On Monday afternoon a coterie of preachers, chaperoned by the Rev. McCready, came into town from the camp, and after introductions, and a general handshaking on Wilson’s corner, proceeded across the way and up the street. It is seldom one sees Methodist ministers in compromising conditions.
Rev. Frank T. Little, D. D., President of the Maryland Annual Conference, will preach on Lavinia’s camp ground, next Sunday morning. (D. V.)
John Steelman, died Tuesday, at his residence in North Milton, of dropsy, aged 80 years, 1 month, 15 days. Funeral Thursday afternoon, at Reynolds by the Rev. Coursey and Sites, and interment in adjacent cemetery by S J. Wilson & Son.