On Thursday the people of Milton were given a grand treat in histrionic Art. On the evening of that day Miss Fannie Leonard’s Sunday school class gave an entertainment in the school house hall, consisting of solos, recitations, etc., which were highly appreciated by a large and intelligent audience but, according to the writer’s views, the most interesting part of the entertainment was a comedy: “The Oxford Affair,”[i] in three acts. As the rendition of this piece was so exceptionally good, and performed by amateur local talent, some personal comment is reserved. Miss Fannie Leonard personating Mrs. Jack Oxford. The widow, was perfectly at home in her role. With a majestic mien, and queenly bearing, she threw her whole personality into the paly and attracted much attention. Lizzie Barker, in the character of Miss Margaret Oxford, by her vivacity, splendid diction and oratorical gestures, won the admiration of the many. Viola Magee, as Dorothy Howe, came upon the stage dainty as a piece of Dresden [china], tuneful as a mountain brook, and made a whirlwind hit, which Stella Magee[ii] as Phillis, helped to clinch as two of the masterpieces of the evening. Mrs. Zachariah Barnstable, the woman of acquired wealth had a fine representation in Lillie Reed, whose loquacity was astonishing, and blended with the fine power of delivery commanded rapt attention. Miss Price, Mrs. Banstable’s sister, was honorably personated by Miss Olissa Wright[iii], whose demureness and naiveté were the especial topics for conversation between the acts. Edith Morris as Mrs. Barnstable’s servant was profuse with the Irish brogue and created merriment by her demeanor. Sallie Morris as May, a maid at Oceanside Hotel, acquitted herself in the character of “a woman who enjoys gossip.” The whole exercise was enjoyed, and the young ladies deserve great credit for their efficiency in the performance. The proceeds will be applied to a memorial windows, to be placed in the newly remodeled M. P. Church, on which the name of each member of Miss Leonard’s class will be embossed.
Greensbury Betts, residing at the end of Milton Lane, had a stroke of paralysis on Friday morning, and a second one on the evening of the same day. He is speechless, and unable to move. But little hopes are entertained for his recovery to health.
The double team of James H. Donovan of Harbeson took fright while he was getting out of the carriage at Harts Hotel on Saturday, and ran away without the driver, they were caught before doing any damage.
Henry Warren and wife, also, Fred Deputy and wife, of Ellendale, were the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Conner on Sunday.
John Simpler, colored, familiarly known in Milton s “Simp” has again turned up. It will be remembered that “Simp” has taken two or three courses in Georgetown jail, and but recently, a post-graduate course at the New Castle County work house. He came to Milton on Saturday night dressed to kill, with high hat, eye glasses, white vest. While he was parading the around he as usual got into trouble; during which, in trying to escape from a crowd of white boys, he ran into a store. They hauled him out, broke his glasses, mashed his hat, and beat him up badly. He was rescued from the crowd and put in the lock-up to save him from further harm. He was subsequently released. It is strange “Simp” will not find out “a prophet hath no honor in his own county,” and stay away from Milton.
The local W. C. T. U. held a memorial service in honor of Miss Frances Willard, on Tuesday evening, at the M. E. Church. Mrs. Emma Caulk, President of the state W. C. T. U. addressed the meeting.
Sunday next will be observed as Missionary Day at the M. E. Church. Rev. R. T. Coursey will preach the sermon in the morning, and the Sunday School Missionary Society will hold its anniversary in the evening.
Hazzards Woods, near the end of Milton Lane, is falling ‘neath the axe of the woodman. This woods has been used for many years by the colored people as a camp meeting resort, but this fun will now be stopped, as the trees are fast disappearing and being converted into piling, cord wood and other desirable lumber for northern markets.
William Dickerson, the liveryman has put on another bus to convey passengers to and from the railroad station. And now it is lively at the depot on arrival of trains. It makes one think of city style to hear the bus drivers calling Hack, for the Hart House! Hack, for the Palmer House! Hack, for Mrs. Jester’s boarding house! Jack, for the Young Men’s Christian Association Building! Etc.”
There are rumors of one, or more, ice plants being operated. If there is not colder weather soon. These rumors however are of an uncertain character. And yet if it be true that one man, has already, thrown fifty bushels of salt into the water of the lake, as a foundation for his, this would give some color to the report.
Silas Roach, of Prime Hook, had a stroke of paralysis last week. We are glad to hear he is much better.
Joseph M. Lank, Vice-Councillor of the Jr. O. U. A. M., left on Monday to attend the convention of that body held in Laurel this week.
A new variety of “white eyed hogs” is the latest […] in town.
[i] “The Oxford Affair” was written by Josephine H. Cobb and Jennie E. Paine; it was a three-act farce with eight female characters deemed suitable for girls to perform
[ii] This is a mis-identification of Estella Bailey
[iii] Another mis-identification: the girl’s actual name was Olivia Wright.